La Rioja Postal Codes: Argentina

Area Name Postal Code
Abra Verde 5470
Agua Blanca 5301 5471
Agua Colorada 5275 5383
Agua De La Piedra 5475
Agua De Piedra 5470
Aguada 5301
Aguadita 5385
Aguayo 5473
Aimogasta 5310
Alcazar 5385
Alcuna 5361
Algarrobo Grande 5473
Alpasinche 5325
Altillo Del Medio 5274
Alto Bayo 5470
Alto Carrizal 5361
Alto Jaguel 5359
Amana 5386
Ambil 5475
Amilgancho 5300
Aminga 5301
Amuschina 5329
Anchico 5301
Andolucas 5329
Anguinan 5363
Angulos 5361
Anillaco 5301
Anjullon 5303
Antinaco 5361
Arauco 5311
Atiles 5385
Bajo Grande 5383
Bajo Hondo 5300 5473
Bajo Jague 5359
Balde Del Quebracho 5473
Balde Salado 5374
Baldes De Pacheco 5276
Banados Del Pantano 5310
Banda Florida 5351
Barranquitas 5474
Barrio 3 De Febrero 5300
Barrio Cochangasta 5300
Barrio De Galli 5361
Barrio General San Martin 5300
Barrio Joaquin V. Gonzalez 5300
Barrio Vargas 5300
Bazan 5300
Bella Vista 5381
Buena Vista 5316 5359
Cachiyuyal 5367
Campanas 5361
Campo Tres Pozos 5301
Canada Honda 5470
Canada Verde 5471
Carrizal 5300
Carrizal-Famatina 5361
Carrizal-Tama 5385
Carrizalillo 5361
Casa Pintada 5359
Casas Viejas 5471
Castro Barros 5276
Catinzaco 5374
Catuna 5275
Chamical 5380
Chanar 5276
Chanarmuyo 5361
Chaupihuasi 5327
Chelcos 5475
Chepes 5470
Chila 5385
Chilecito 5360
Chimenea 5385
Chulo 5380
Chuquis 5301
Colonia Ortiz De Ocampo 5275
Comandante Leal 5272
Corral De Isaac 5471
Cortaderas 5381 5474
Cuipan 5329
Desiderio Tello 5474
Dique De Anzulon 5275
Dique Los Sauces 5300
Distrito Pueblo 5359
El Abra 5473
El Altillo 5355
El Alto 5383
El Balde 5471
El Barranco 5385
El Barreal 5301
El Barrial 5471
El Bayito 5301
El Bordo 5276
El Calden 5717
El Carrizal 5475
El Catorce 5474
El Cerco 5475
El Chocoy 5361
El Chusco 5276
El Cincuenta 5470
El Condado 5355
El Divisadero 5470
El Duraznillo 5300
El Escondido 5301
El Fraile 5274
El Fuerte 5351
El Horno 5357
El Jumial 5365
El Medanito 5272
El Medano 5263
El Mollar 5381
El Molle 5350
El Pedregal 5361
El Portezuelo 5385
El Potrerillo 5361 5475
El Potrerillo Gral. Roca 5475
El Potrero 5385
El Puesto 5385
El Quebracho 5301
El Quemado 5475
El Retamo 5380
El Retiro 5325
El Rodeo 5471
El Rosario 5263
El Tala 5741
El Valdecito 5473
El Valle 5301
El Vallecito 5360
El Verde 5275
El Zapallar 5353
Esperanza De Los Cerrillos 5263
Esquina Del Norte 5380
Esquina Del Sud 5383
Esquina Grande 5275
Estacion Chepes 5470
Estacion Mazan 5313
Falda De Citan 5385
Famatina 5365
Francisco Ortiz De Ocampo 5275
Gobernador Gordillo 5380
Guachin 5367
Guandacol 5353
Huaco 5301
Huaja 5385
Iliar 5381
Ilisca 5471
Ismiango 5301
Jague 5359
Kilometro 619 5272
Kilometro 645 5276
Kilometro 682 5275
Kilometro 732 5717
Kilometro 891 5313
Kilometro 921 5313
La Aguada 5470
La Aguadita 5275 5385
La America 5472
La Antigua 5301
La Banda 5359 5365
La Buena Suerte 5300
La Calera 5471
La Callana 5471
La Chilca 5473
La Cienaga 5350 5381
La Consulta 5470
La Dora 5475
La Envidia 5473
La Escondida 5471
La Esperanza 5300
La Esquina 5471 5473
La Florida 5276
La Higuera 5361
La Huerta 5383
La Igualdad 5274
La Isla 5274
La Jarilla 5471
La Laguna 5471
La Libertad 5263 5473
La Lomita 5385
La Maravilla 5351
La Pampa 5359
La Perlita 5350
La Pintada 5470
La Pirgua 5325
La Plaza 5329
La Primavera 5470
La Puntilla 5360 5367
La Ramadita 5300
La Reforma 5471
La Represa 5471
La Rioja 5300
La Rosilla 5301
La Serena 5380
La Tala 5304
La Tordilla 5471
La Torre 5386
La Trampa 5383
La Yesera 5471
La Zanja 5276
Las Aguaditas 5355
Las Barrancas 5471
Las Bombas 5301
Las Catas 5301
Las Gredas 5365
Las Higueras 5385
Las Palomas 5275
Las Penas 5301
Las Salinas 5471
Las Sierras Bravas 5301
Las Talas 5329
Las Toscas 5471
Las Tuscas 5310
Las Vertientes 5276
Loma Blanca 5381
Loma Larga 5385
Lorohuasi 5325
Los Aguirres 5275
Los Alanices 5275
Los Algarrobos 5385
Los Baldes 5310
Los Barrialitos 5274
Los Bordos 5380
Los Cerrillos 5301
Los Colorados 5386
Los Corias 5471
Los Frances 5350
Los Mistoles 5275
Los Molinos 5301
Los Nacimientos 5353
Los Palacios 5351
Los Robles 5329
Los Sarmientos 5361
Los Tambillos 5361
Machigasta 5311
Malansan 5385
Malligasta 5361
Mascasin 5471
Mesillas Blancas 5301
Milagro 5274
Miranda 5367
Mollaco 5385
Nacate 5385
Nepes 5276
Nonogasta 5372
Noqueves 5471
Nueva Esperanza 5473
Olpas 5275
Olta 5383
Pacatada 5385
Padercitas 5355
Paganzillo 5369
Paganzo 5386
Palo Labrado 5380
Paso San Isidro 5351
Patquia 5386
Penas Blancas 5359
Piedra Larga 5475
Pinchas 5301
Pituil 5361
Plaza Nueva 5365
Plaza Vieja 5361
Polco 5380
Portezuelo De Los Arce 5471
Potrero Grande 5359
Pozo Blanco 5301
Pozo De Avila 5300
Pozo De La Piedra 5473
Pozo De La Yegua 5301
Pozo De Piedra 5473
Pozo Del Medio 5274
Puerta De La Quebrada 5300
Puerto Alegre 5300 5361
Puerto Del Valle 5301
Puesto De Carrizo 5471
Puesto Dichoso 5471
Puluchan 5385
Punta De Los Llanos 5384
Punta Del Cerro 5470
Punta Del Negro 5300
Quebrachal 5381
Quebrada Del Vallecito 5471
Real Del Cadillo 5471
Retamal 5385
Rio De Las Canas 5385
Rivadavia 5355
Salana 5385
Salicas 5327
Salinas De Bustos 5386
Samay Huasi 5360
San Antonio 5301 5310 5471
San Bernardo 5301 5350
San Blas De Los Sauces 5329
San Cristobal 5274
San Ignacio 5301
San Isidro 5471
San Jose 5301 5350 5471 5475
San Lorenzo 5301
San Miguel 5301 5361
San Nicolas 5301 5360
San Pedro 5301
San Rafael 5301 5471
San Solano 5473
Sanogasta 5367
Santa Ana 5301
Santa Barbara 5381
Santa Clara 5351
Santa Cruz 5361 5370 5471
Santa Florentina 5360
Santa Lucia 5380
Santa Teresa 5301
Santa Vera Cruz 5301
Santo Domingo 5361 5473
Schaqui 5329
Siempre Verde 5473
Sierra Brava 5301
Simbolar 5276
Solca 5385
Suriyaco 5329
Tala Verde 5383
Talamuyuna 5304
Talva 5381
Tama 5385
Tasquin 5385
Tilimuqui 5361
Torrecitas 5275
Totoral 5471
Trampa Del Tigre 5300
Tuani 5385
Tuizon 5385
Tuyubil 5329
Udpinango 5311
Ulapes 5473
Valle Hermoso 5359 5471
Verde Olivo 5276
Vichigasta 5374
Villa Bustos 5301
Villa Casana 5471
Villa Castelli 5355
Villa Chepes 5471
Villa De Santa Rita 5275
Villa Mazan 5313
Villa Nidia 5473
Villa Sanagasta 5301
Villa Union 5350
Vinchina 5357

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all La Rioja postal code - La Rioja zip code - La Rioja postcode that you can use for mailing in La Rioja.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.