Formosa Postal Codes: Argentina

Area Name Postal Code
Agente Argentino Alegre 3608
Agente Asuncion Vidal Leguizamon 3603
Agente Felipe Santiago Ibanez 3624
Agua Verde 3636
Aguas Negras 3634
Alfonsina Storni 3634
Alolague 3626
Alto Alegre 3620
Angostura 3611
Apayerey 3615
Arbol Solo 3628
Ayudante Paredes 3611
Bahia Negra 3601
Bajo Hondo 3630
Ballon 3620
Banco Payagua 3601
Barrio Bernardino Rivadavia 3600
Barrio Lourdes 3600
Barrio San Francisco De Asis 3600
Barrio San Jose Obrero 3606
Barrio Villa Del Rosario 3600
Barrio Villa Ketty 3600
Bartolome De Las Casas 3622
Bella Vista 3615
Boca Del Riacho De Pilaga 3600
Bocarin 3611
Bolsa De Palomo 3636
Brigadier General J. M. De Pueyrredon 3610
Bruchard 3622
Buen Lugar 3636
Buena Vista 3615 3634
Caballo Muerto 3636
Cabo Adriano Ayala 3526
Cabo Primero Casimiro Benitez 3626
Cabo Primero Chavez 3630
Campo Azcurra 3624
Campo Del Cielo 3624
Campo Goreta 3601
Campo Grande 3636
Campo Villafane 3601
Canada San Pedro 3636
Capilla San Antonio 3600
Capitan Juan Sola 3634
Carlos Pellegrini 3636
Carlos Saavedra Lamas 3636
Casco Cue 3606
Chagaday 3615
Chiriguanos 3632
Chirochilas 3613
Churqui Cue 3601
Clorinda 3610
Colonia Alfonzo 3613
Colonia Alto Alegre 3624
Colonia Aquino 3601
Colonia Bouvier 3611
Colonia Buena Vista 3620
Colonia Cano 3601
Colonia Coronel Dorrego 3620
Colonia Dalmacia 3600
Colonia El Catorce 3624
Colonia El Silencio 3624
Colonia Francisco J. Muniz 3630
Colonia Guillermina 3624
Colonia Isla Alvarez 3600
Colonia Isla De Oro 3600
Colonia Isla Sola 3624
Colonia Juan Bautista Alberdi 3626
Colonia Juanita 3626
Colonia La Sociedad 3626
Colonia Pastoril 3601
Colonia Perin 3624
Colonia Puente Pucu 3600
Colonia Puente Uriburu 3600
Colonia Reconquista 3624
Colonia Reduccion De Indios 3620
Colonia San Isidro 3526
Colonia San Jose 3626
Colonia Santa Rosa 3626
Colonia Siete Quebrachos 3624
Colonia Tatane 3626
Colonia Union Escuela 3626
Comandante Fontana 3620
Comandante Principal Carlos Ismael Strong 3606
Comisaria Presidente Yrigoyen 3601
Coronel Argentino Larrabure 3620
Coronel Enrique Rostagno 3624
Coronel Jose Felix Bogado 3626
Coronel Jose Ignacio Warnes 3606
Coronel Miguel Martinez De Hoz 3636
Costa Del Pilcomayo 3630
Costa Rio Negro 3603
Costa Salado 3606
Curtiembre Cue 3611
Curupay 3601
Desvio Los Matacos 3608
Doctor Carlos Montag 3624
Doctor Ezequiel Ramos Mejia 3632
Doctor Gumersindo Sayago 3636
Doctor Luis Agote 3636
Doctor Luis De Gasperi 3636
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 3621
El Algarrobo 3606
El Angelito 3601
El Arbol Solo 3601
El Arbolito 3601
El Azotado 3636
El Ceibal 3630
El Chorro 3636
El Cogoik 3620
El Corralito 3606
El Descanso 3630
El Desmonte 3636 3636
El Gato 3601
El Guajho 3606
El Nandu 3608
El Oculto 3624
El Olvido 3601
El Ombu 3601
El Palmar 3606
El Paraiso 3610
El Pimpin 3632
El Pindo 3601
El Pombero 3611
El Portenito 3621
El Porteno 3620
El Recreo 3626
El Sauce 3628
El Silencio 3601
El Tastas 3632
El Totoral 3636
El Zorro 3636
Espinillo 3603 3615
Estancia El Ciervo 3606
Estancia Las Horquetas 3610
Estanislao Del Campo 3626
Esterito 3601
Estero Grande 3608
Estero Patino 3608
Florencio Sanchez 3636
Florentino Ameghino 3611
Formosa 3600
Fortin Cabo Primero Chaves 3630
Fortin Fontana 3620
Fortin Galpon 3601
Fortin Guemes 3630
Fortin La Soledad 3630
Fortin Lugones 3621
Fortin Media Luna 3634
Fortin Pilcomayo 3630
Fortin Sargento Primero Leyes 3621
Francisco Narciso De Laprida 3636
Fray Mamerto Esquiu 3601
Frontera 3613
Gabriela Mistral 3626
Garcete Cue 3611
Gendarme Viviano Garcete 3606
General Benjamin Victorica 3601
General Enrique Mosconi 3636
General Francisco Basiliano Bosch 3632
General Ignacio Hamilton Fotheringham 3526
General Julio De Vedia 3615
General Lucio Victorio Mansilla 3526
General Manuel Belgrano 3615
General Pablo Ricchieri 3603
Gobernador Luna Olmos 3611
Gobernador Yalur 3636
Gran Guardia 3604
Guadalcaza 3636
Guaycolec 3600
Hermindo Bonas 3626
Herradura 3601
Hipolito Vieytes 3603
Hospital Rural 3600
Ibarreta 3624
Ingeniero Guillermo N. Juarez 3636
Ingeniero Juarez 3636
Isla 9 De Julio 3600
Isla Apando 3611
Isla Caraya 3611
Isla De Puen 3610
Isla Oca 3600
Isleta 3630
Ituzaingo 3601
Joaquin V. Gonzalez 3634
Jose Hernandez 3606
Jose Manuel Estrada 3634
Juan G. Bazan 3632
Juan Jose Paso 3626
Julio Cue 3615
Kilometro 100 Rio Bermejo 3526
Kilometro 109 3606
Kilometro 139 3526
Kilometro 1695 3632
Kilometro 1769 3628
Kilometro 1895 3608
Kilometro 193 3603
Kilometro 213 3603
Kilometro 232 3603
Kilometro 254 3511
Kilometro 503 3626
Kilometro 642 3630
La China 3601
La Colonia 3600
La Esperanza 3601
La Florida 3600
La Frontera 3613
La Inmaculada 3624
La Loma 3606
La Lucrecia 3601
La Palma Sola 3636
La Palmita 3634
La Paloma 3628
La Pasion 3601
La Picadita 3601
La Urbana 3615
Laguna Blanca 3613
Laguna Gallo 3611
Laguna Ines 3613
Laguna Murua 3608
Laguna Naick Neck 3611
Laguna Yema 3634
Las Bolivianas 3634
Las Canitas 3603
Las Choyas 3626
Las Lolas 3621
Las Lomitas 3630
Las Mochas 3626
Las Saladas 3630
Las Tres Marias 3636
Lazo Quemado 3624
Legua A 3624
Loma Clavel 3626
Loma Senes 3606
Loma Zapatu 3615
Loro Cue 3615
Los Chaguancos 3636
Los Chiriguanos 3632
Los Claveles 3634
Los Esteros 3628
Los Galpones 3634
Los Inmigrantes 3626
Lote 4 3600
Lote 8 3636
Lucero Cue 3611
Maestra Blanca Gomez 3624
Maestro Fermin Baez 3621
Marca M 3613
Maria Cristina 3636
Mariano Boedo 3604
Matias Gulacsi 3632
Mayor Marcelo Tomas Rojas 3620
Media Luna 3634 3636
Mercedes Cue 3601
Miguel Cane 3634
Mistol Mercado 3636
Mojon De Fierro 3600
Monsenor Miguel De Andrea 3606
Monte Agudo 3600
Monte Claro 3611
Monte Lindo 3600 3601
Nicora 3620
Nueva Italia 3620
Nueve De Julio 3606
Nuevo Pilcomayo 3630
Palam Sola 3611
Palma Sola 3636
Palmar Chico 3606
Palo Santo 3608
Paso De Naite 3628
Pato Marcado 3626
Pigo 3611
Pilaga Iii 3606
Pirane 3606
Porton Negro 3615
Posta Cambio A Zalazar 3632
Posta San Martin No1 3628
Posta San Martin No2 3621
Posta Sargento Cabral 3630
Potrero Norte 3608
Pozo De La Yegua 3636
Pozo De Las Botijas 3634
Pozo De Las Garzas 3630
Pozo De Maza 3636
Pozo Del Maza 3636
Pozo Del Mortero 3632
Pozo Del Tigre 3628
Pozo La Negra 3630
Pozo Verde 3628 3636
Presidente Yrigoyen 3601
Primera Junta 3613
Puerto Irigoyen 3636
Puerto Pilcomayo 3611
Punta Pora 3611
Quebracho Marcado 3630
Racedo Escobar 3603
Ranero Cue 3626
Riacho He-He 3611
Riacho Lindo 3601
Riacho Negro 3610
Riacho Ramirez 3601
Ricardo Guiraldes 3636
Rodeo Tapiti 3611
Rozadito 3611
Saladillo 3620
Salado 3620
Salvacion 3611
San Antonio 3601 3611
San Cayetano 3601
San Hilario 3604
San Juan 3611
San Lorenzo 3626
Santa Catalina 3600
Santa Isabel 3611
Santa Maria 3601
Santa Teresa 3636
Sargento Agramonte 3630
Sargento Ayudante Victor Sanabria 3626
Sargento Cabral 3601
Sargento Mayor Bernardo Aguilar 3611
Saturnino Segurola 3626
Segunda Punta 3613
Selva Maria 3636
Siete Palmas 3613
Soldado Alberto Villalba 3636
Soldado Dante Salvatierra 3624
Soldado Edmundo Sosa 3603
Soldado Ermindo Luna 3630
Soldado Heriberto Avalos 3615
Soldado Ismael Sanchez 3624
Soldado Jose Coronel 3611
Soldado Marcelino Torales 3630
Soldado Ramon Antonio Arrieta 3620
Soldado Tomas Sanchez 3601
Sombrero Negro 3636
Subteniente Perin 3624
Subteniente Ricardo Eduardo Massaferro 3615
Suipacha 3630
Tacaagle 3615
Tatane 3601
Teniente Brown 3622
Teniente Coronel Gaspar Campos...consulte. 7401
Teniente Gral. Juan Carlos Sanchez 3611
Teniente Gral. Rosendo N. Fraga 3636
Timbo Pora 3600
Tomas Godoy Cruz 3630
Toro Paso 3611
Transito Cue 3626
Tres Lagunas 3601 3611
Tres Mojones 3601
Tres Pocitos 3601
Tres Pozos 3626
Urbana Vieja 3621
Vaca Perdida 3636
Villa Adelaida 3624
Villa Dos Trece 3603
Villa Emilia 3600
Villa Escolar 3525
Villa Gral. Guemes 3621
Villa Gral. Urquiza 3628
Villa Lucero 3611
Villa Real 3615
Yunca 3620

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Formosa postal code - Formosa zip code - Formosa postcode that you can use for mailing in Formosa.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.