Chubut Postal Codes: Argentina

Area Name Postal Code
Aguada De Las Tejas 9121
Aguada Del Moro 9121
Aguada Del Pito 9121
Aguada Del Toro 9009
Aguada Dulce 9123
Aldea Apeleg 9033
Aldea Beleiro 9037
Aldea Escolar 9203
Alto De Las Plumas 9101
Alto Rio Mayo 9037
Alto Rio Pico 9223
Alto Rio Senguerr 9033
Angostura 9105
Arroyo Chalia 9035
Arroyo El Mosquito 9217
Arroyo Gato 9033
Arroyo Guillaia 9207
Arroyo La Paz 9201
Arroyo Percy 9203
Arroyo Pescado 9200
Arroyo Quilla 9020
Arroyo Verde 9123
Astra 9001
Bahia Bustamante 9111
Bahia Cracher 9120
Bahia Solano 9003
Bajada Del Diablo 9101
Bajada Del Gualincho 9121
Bajada Moreno 9121
Bajo Bartolo 9121
Bajo De Los Huesos 9103
Bajo La Cancha 9031
Bajo Las Damajuanas 9121
Barrio Bella Vista 9200
Barrio Ceferino Namuncura 9200
Barrio Ciudadela 9000
Barrio Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 9000
Barrio General Julio A. Roca 9000
Barrio Jardin Fontana 9120
Barrio Jorge Newbery 9000
Barrio Jose Fuchs 9000
Barrio La Ermita 9103
Barrio Laprida 9001
Barrio Las Flores 9000
Barrio Maco 9100
Barrio Malvinas Argentinas 9200
Barrio Progreso 9100
Barrio Prospero Palazzo 9000
Barrio Pueyrredon 9000
Barrio Rios 9203
Barrio Roberto M. Ortiz 9001
Barrio Villa Italia 9100
Base Aeronaval Almirante Zar 9101
Betesta 9105
Boca De La Zanja 9107
Boca Zanja Norte 9107
Boca Zanja Sud 9107
Bombas Diadema 9009
Boquete Bolson 9210
Bryn Brown 9105
Bryn Gwyn 9105
Buen Pasto 9023
Buenos Aires Chico 9210
Bustamante 9111
Cabana Del Valle 9105
Cabeza De Buey 9101
Cabo Raso 9111
Caitaco 9121
Cajon De Ginebra Chico 9201
Cajon De Ginebra Grande 9201
Caleta Cordova 9003
Caleta Valdez 9121
Camarones 9111
Campamento Escalante 9009
Campamento Villegas 9107
Campana Mahuida 9123
Campana Niyeo 9121
Canada Bagual 9207
Canada Pacifico 9020
Canadon Bagual 9121
Canadon Blanco 9121
Canadon Caliente 9213
Canadon Carril 9020
Canadon Chacay 9223
Canadon Chileno 9121
Canadon De Las Horquetas 9207
Canadon Ferrais 9001
Canadon Grande 9213
Canadon Holdich 9009
Canadon La Madera 9220
Canadon Lagarto 9009
Canadon Lopez 9009
Canadon Pedro 9009
Canadon Tacho 9020
Canadon Verde 9201
Carhue Niyeo 9121
Carrenleufu 9201
Casa Blanca 9103 9220
Catayco 9120
Centro Civico 9217
Centro Rio Mayo 9035
Cerro Centinela 9203
Cerro Condor 9207
Cerro Hermitte 9005
Cerro Negro 9223
Cerro Pichain 9120
Cerro Radal 8430
Cerro Roto 9107
Cerro Valchetan 9023
Chacay Este 9121
Chacay Oeste 9121
Chacra De Austin 9200
Charque Chico 9103
Charque Grande 9020
Chasico 9121
Chilquenilahue 9227
Cholila 9217
Cochico 9123
Colanconohue 9201
Colelache 9121
Colhue Huapi 9021
Colonia Cushamen 9213
Colonia Dieciseis De Octubre 9200
Colonia Ensanche Sarmiento 9031
Colonia Epulief 9201
Colonia Germania 9020
Colonia Gral. San Martin 9223
Colonia Mitre 9123
Colonia San Martin 9223
Comferpet 9003
Comodoro Rivadavia 9000 9005
Compania Ferrocarrilera De Petroleo 9003
Conanguineo 9123
Corcovado 9201
Corralitos 9220
Costa Chubut 9210
Costa Del Lepa 9201
Costa Rio Chico 9020
Cuesta Del Ternero 9210
Cushamen 8211
Diadema Argentina 9009
Dique Florentino Ameghino 9101
Doctor Ricardo Rojas 9036
Dolavon 9107
Don Bosco 9003
Ebenecer 9107
El Alamo 9121
El Argentino 9105
El Boquete 9210
El Cajon 9217
El Calafate 9201
El Canquel 9207
El Chacay 9121 9210
El Cherque 9223
El Coite 9033
El Colhue 9211
El Condor 9121
El Corcovado 9201
El Corkel 9207
El Cuche 9201
El Desempeno 9120
El Escorial 9121
El Hoyo 8431
El Invencible 9009
El Jaguel 9007
El Kaquel 9201
El Maiten 9210
El Mirador 9201
El Mirasol 9101
El Molle 9220
El Pajarito 9201
El Pampero 9009
El Pastizal 9121
El Piquillin 9121
El Porvenir 9227
El Poyo 9201
El Pueblo 9210
El Quillimuay 9121
El Rapido 9201
El Rincon 8217
El Ruano 9121
El Salitral 9121
El Shaman 9223
El Sindicato 9009
El Sombrero 9207
El Trebol 9005
El Tropezon 9223
Empalme A Astra 9003
Empalme Puerto Lobos 8532
Enrique Hermitte 9020
Epuleff 9201
Epuyen 9211
Ernani 9111
Escalante 9009
Esquel 9200
Estancia La Mimosa 9201
Estancia Nueva Lubecka 9227
Estancia Pampa Chica 9201
Facundo 9031
Fefocahuel 9213
Fithen Verin 9210
Fitirhuin 9210
Florentino Ameghino 9113
Fotocahuel 9213
Frontera De Rio Pico 9225
Gaiman 9105
Gan Gan 9121
Garayalde 9007
Gastres 9121
Glasfryn 9105
Gobernador Costa 9223
Golfo Nuevo 9120
Golfo San Martin 9120
Gualjaina 9201
Hito 45 9039
Holdich 9009
Hoyo De Epuyen 8431
Huemules 9039
Ingeniero Bruno J. Thomae 9210
Isla Nueva 9020
Jose De San Martin 9220
Juarez Celman 9120
Kaukel 9207
Kilometro 11 9000
Kilometro 17 9001
Kilometro 191 9020
Kilometro 27 9009
Kilometro 4 9005
Kilometro 5 Comodoro Rivadavia 9001
Kilometro 8 Comodoro Rivadavia 9003
Kilometro 96 9009
La Bombilla 9207
La Cancha 9039 9200
La Castellana 9007
La Corona 9121
La Delicia 9009
La Florida 9009
La Herreria 9207
La Hispanita 9020
La Laurita 9227
La Nicolasa 9039
La Oriental 9009
La Pepita 9033
La Primavera 9201
La Rosilla 9121
La Salamanca 9007
La Siberia 9039
Lago Blanco 9039
Lago Carlos Pellegrini 9217
Lago Del Mate 9020
Lago Fontana 9033
Lago Futalauquen 9200
Lago Lezama 9217
Lago Musters 9023
Lago Paz 9225
Lago Puelo 9431
Lago Rivadavia 9217
Lago Rosario 9203
Lago Situacion 9203
Lago Verde 9225
Lago Vintter 9225
Laguna Blanca 9220
Laguna Brava 9223
Laguna De Vacas 9121
Laguna Del Mate 9020
Laguna Del Monte 9207
Laguna Fria 9121
Laguna Grande 9107
Laguna Palacio 9020
Laguna Rosario 9203
Laguna Terraplen 9200
Laguna Verde 9220
Lagunita Salada 9121
Languineo 9201
Larralde 9121
Las Chapas 9107
Las Cortaderas 9207
Las Golondrinas 8430
Las Mulas 9223
Las Plumas 9101
Las Pulgas 9020
Las Salinas 9201
Las Violetas 9007
Laurita 9227
Legua Veinticuatro 9203
Leleque 9213
Lenzanilleo 9223
Lepa 9213
Lezama 9217
Loma Redonda 9105
Lonco Trapial 9201
Lopo Cahuel 9213
Loreto 9121
Los Altares 9207
Los Cipreses 9203
Los Corralitos 9223
Los Huemules 9039
Los Manantiales 9207
Los Pocitos De Quichaura 9201
Los Repollos 9210
Los Tamariscos 9031
Maesteg 9105
Malaspina 9007
Mallaco 9200
Mallin Blanco 9201
Mallin Grande 9121
Manantial Grande 9020
Manantial Rosales 9005
Manantiales Bher 9005
Mata Grande 9223
Matucana 9200
Mayoco 9200
Medanos 9121
Monte De La Colonia 9009
Mulanguineo 9227
Nahuel Pan 9200
Niriguao 9223
Niriguce Pampa 9223
Norquinco Sud 8415
Nueva Italia 9020
Nueva Lubecka 9227
Painaluf 9121
Palena Argentina 9201
Pampa Chica 9120
Pampa De Agnia 9201
Pampa Del Castillo 9000
Pampa Garayalde 9007
Pampa Pelada 9007
Pampa Salamanca 9007
Pampa Tepel 9201
Pantanoso 9210
Parada Uzcudun 9007
Parque Nacional De Los Alerces 9201
Paso Bajo Rio Mayo 9020
Paso De Indios 9207
Paso De Torres 9020
Paso Del Sapo 9201
Paso Moreno 9227
Paso Rio Mayo 9030
Paso Schultz 9227
Pasto Blanco 9227
Pastos Blancos 9033
Peninsula Valdes 9121
Petroquimica 9003
Pico Salamanca 9000
Piedra Parada 9201
Piedra Shotel 9227
Pire Mahuida 9121
Plancuntre 9121
Playa Union 9103
Pocitos De Quichaura 9201
Puente Hendre 9101
Puente Rio Chico 9007
Puerto Lobos 9123
Puerto Madryn 9120
Puerto Piramides 9121
Puerto Rawson 9103
Puerto San Roman 9121
Punta Bajos 9121
Punta Del Cerro Negro 9223
Punta Delgada 9121
Punta Ninfas 9120
Punta Norte 9121
Punta Quiroga 9120
Putrachoique 9223
Quechuniller 9120
Quichaura 9201
Rada Tilly 9001
Ranquil Huao 9213
Rawson 9103
Restinga Ali 9003
Rio Carrileufu 9217
Rio Chico 9007
Rio Chubut 9121
Rio Cisnes 9227
Rio Corinto 9203
Rio Frias 9227
Rio Grande 9203
Rio Guenguel 9039
Rio Mayo 9030
Rio Percy 9203
Rio Pico 9225
Rio Puelo 8430
Rio Shaman 9223
Ruta 3 Kilometro 1646 9111
Ruta 3 Kilometro 1711 9007
Sacanana 9121
Salinas Chicas 9121
Salinas Grandes 9121
San Jose 9121
Santa Ana 9007
Sargento Rugestein 9030
Sarmiento 9020
Sauce Solo 9007
Seprucal 9121
Shaman 9223
Siempre Viva 9213
Sierra Chata 9121
Sierra Colorada 9007
Sierra Corrientes 9020
Sierra Cuadrada 9007
Sierra De Los Paisanos 9201
Sierra De Tecka 9200
Sierra Del Centro 9020
Sierra Nevada 9023 9207
Sierra Overa 9007
Sierra Rosada 9121
Sierra Victoria 9020
Sol De Mayo 9103
Staudt 9227
Sunica 9200
Talagapa 9121
Talleres 9001
Taquetren 9201
Tatuen 9121
Tecka 9201
Telsen 9121
Tierra Salada 9107
Toma De Los Canales 9107
Toro Hosco 9207
Treorki 9105
Tres Picos 9223
Trevelin 9203
Uzcudun 9007
Valle C 9005
Valle De Las Plumas 9101
Valle De Los Martires 9105
Valle Del Tecka 9201
Valle Frio 9203
Valle Garin 9201
Valle Hermoso 9020
Valle Hondo 9221
Valle Ines 9105
Valle Superior 9107
Veintiocho De Julio 9107
Villa Balnearea Rada Tilly 9001
Visser 9007

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Chubut postal code - Chubut zip code - Chubut postcode that you can use for mailing in Chubut.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.