Rio Negro Postal Codes: Argentina

Area Name Postal Code
Agua Del Cerro 8415
Aguada Cecilio 8534
Aguada De Cordoba 8332
Aguada De Guanaco 8418
Aguada De Guerra 8424
Aguada De Los Pajaritos 8301
Aguada De Piedra 8422
Aguada Del Loro 8520
Aguada Escondida 8418
Aguada Guzman 8333
Aguada Troncoso 8415
Aguara 8307
Alanitos 8333
Alejandro Stefenelli 8332
Allen 8328
Anecon Chico 8418
Anecon Grande 8416
Antiguo General Roca 8332
Arroyo Blanco 8403
Arroyo Chacay 8401
Arroyo De La Ventana 8521
Arroyo Las Minas 8415
Arroyo Los Berros 8521
Arroyo Martin 8415 8422
Arroyo Salado 8532
Arroyo Tembrado 8521
Arroyo Verde 8521
Atraico 8418
Bahia Lopez 8400
Bajo Picaso 8536
Bajo Rico 8360
Balneario El Condor 8501
Balneario La Boca 8501
Balneario Las Grutas 8521
Balneario Massini 8500
Barda Chica 8324
Barda Colorada 8333
Barda Del Medio 8305
Bariloche 8400
Barril Niyeo 8422
Barrio Don Bosco 8336
Barrio Laguna 8520
Barrio Las Quintas 8400
Barrio Mataderos 8336
Barrio Nireco 8400
Barrio Norte 8328
Barrio Trescientas Viviendas 8324
Benjamin Zorrilla 8360
Blanca Chica 8422
Blanca Loma 8332
Boca De La Travesia 8505
Buena Parada 8138
Buenzaniyeu 8424
Cain 8332
Caltrauna 8424
Campamento 8332
Canada Grande 8424
Canadon Chileno 8417
Canadon Comallo 8416
Canadon De Los Sauces 8363
Canadon Del Corral 8412
Canadon Trincao 8332
Carhue 8412
Carri Yegua 8417
Carrilauquen 8418
Casa Quemada 8412
Catriel 8307
Cerro Abanico 8424
Cerro Alto 8403
Cerro Baraja 8505
Cerro Catedral 8401
Cerro David 8412
Cerro De La Policia 8333
Cerro De Los Viejos 8138
Cerro De Policia 8333
Cerro Francisco 8505
Cerro Galense 8363
Cerro Mesa 8415
Cervantes 8326
Chacalhua Ruca 8415
Chacay Huarruca 8415
Chacoy 8415
Chacras De Allen 8328
Chaiful 8418
Chasico 8417
Chauquen 8536
Chelforo 8366
Chenqueniyeu 8412
Chichihuao 8422
Chichinales 8326
Chimpay 8364
China Muerta 8504
Chinqueniyeu 8412
Chipauquil 8536
Chocori 8503
Choele Choel 8360
Churquineo 8412
Cinco Chanares 8520
Cinco Lagunas 8138
Cinco Saltos 8303
Cipolletti 8324
Clemente Onelli 8416
Coli Toro 8418
Coliniyen 8332
Colonia Almirante Guerrico 8307
Colonia Catriel 8307
Colonia Chilavert 8532
Colonia El Manzano 8305
Colonia Gral. Frias 8501
Colonia Josefa 8363
Colonia Julia Y Echarren 8138
Colonia La Luisa 8503
Colonia Los Canales 8316
Colonia Regina 8336
Colonia Rusa 8332
Colonia San Juan 8503
Colonia Suiza 8400
Comallo 8416
Comallo Abajo 8416
Comi-C 8424
Cona Niyeu 8521
Contralmirante Cordero 8301
Contralmirante Martin Guerrico 8328
Coquelen 8416
Coronel Belisle 8364
Coronel Eugenio Del Busto 8138
Coronel Francisco Sosa 8503
Coronel Juan Jose Gomez 8333
Coronel Vidal 8305
Corral Chico 8534
Corral De Los Pinos 8412
Corralito 8403
Cos Zaures 8307
Costa Del Rio Azul 8430
Costas Del Pichi Leufu 8412
Coyue Co 8333
Cuatro Esquinas 8324
Cubanea 8501
Cuenca Vidal 8301
Cura Lauquen 8417
Cuyen-Leufu 8534
Darwin 8364
Doctor Rogelio Cortizo 8520
Don Guillermo 8418
El Aguila 8138
El Bolson 8430
El Cacique 8417
El Cain 8422
El Calden 8138
El Camaruro 8417
El Cheiful 8418
El Cuy 8333
El Dique 8500
El Foyel 8401
El Gaucho Pobre 8417
El Hinojo 8364
El Jardinero 8417
El Manso 8430
El Manzano 8328
El Mirador 8418
El Moligue 8418
El Molino 8364
El Montoso 8418
El Pantanoso 8412
El Salado 8536
El Trebol 8138
Empalme Doctor Rogelio Cortiso 8520
Empalme Kilometro 648 8418
Estancia El Condor 8400
Estancia Las Julias 8363
Falckner 8534
Ferri 8301
Fitalancao 8415
Fitamiche 8415
Fitatimen 8415
Fortin Uno 8360
Fuerte General Roca 8332
Fuerte Ruin 8418
Garras 8324
Garzu Lauquen 8424
General Conesa 8503
General Enrique Godoy 8336
General Fernandez Oro 8324
General Liborio Bernal 8500
General Lorenzo Vintter 8514
General Nicolas H. Palacios 8514
General Roca 8332
Guardia Mitre 8505
Hotel Bahia Lopez 8400
Hotel El Trebol 8409
Hotel Entre Lagos 8409
Hotel Los Coihues 8400
Hua-Miche 8417
Huan Luan 8418
Hurraca 8415
Ingeniero Huergo 8334
Ingeniero Jacobacci 8418
Ingeniero Julian Romero 8336
Ingeniero Otto Krause 8336
Ingeniero Zimmermann Resta 8416
Ingenio San Lorenzo 8503
Isla Chica 8363
Isla Grande 8361
Jaguel Campo Monte 8520
Janinue 8534
Jita Rusia 8417
Jones 8506
Juan De Garay 8138
Kili Malal 8417
Kilometro 1071 8336
Kilometro 1099 8336
Kilometro 1218 8305
Kilometro 823 8134
La Adela 8138
La Alianza 8324
La Amistad 9138
La Angostura 8417
La Balsa 8332
La Bombilla 8520
La Carolina 8503
La Chilena 8417
La Costa 8332
La Criollita 8417
La Elvira 8360
La Emilia 8324
La Esmeralda 8324 8364
La Esperanza 8534
La Estancia Vieja 8324
La Estrella 8417
La Excurra 8417
La Flecha 8503
La Geromita 8332
La Granja 8501
La Juanita 8138 8364
La Julia 8363
La Lucinda 8324
La Luna 8138
La Maria Ines 8138
La Meseta 8500
La Mimosa 8417
La Montanesa 8138
La Pampa 8138
La Picasa 8303
La Portena 8417
La Primavera 8520
La Quebrada 8412
La Rinconada 8424
La Rubia 8417
La Sara 8360
La Sin Bombo 8336
La Teodolina 8366
La Vencedora 8417
Lago Gutierrez 8400
Lago Mascardi 8401
Lago Moreno 8400
Lago Pellegrini 8305
Laguna Blanca 8417
Laguna Cortes 8520
Laguna De La Prueba 8520
Laguna Del Barro 8514
Laguna Del Chasico 8138
Laguna Del Monte 8514
Laguna Frias 8411
Laguna Guanaco 8422
Lagunita 8424
Lamarque 8363
Lanquineo 8417
Lanzaniyen 8424
Las Bayas 8412
Las Grutas 8520
Las Maquinas 8520
Las Mellizas 8417
Las Mochas 8534
Las Natitas 8324
Lipetren 8534
Llao Llao 8409
Loma Blanca 8424
Loma Partida 8418
Los Cantaros 8411
Los Costeros 8417
Los Juncos 8400 8422
Los Manantiales 8422
Los Menucos 8424
Los Molinos 8360
Los Pirineos 8417
Los Quebrachos 8417
Los Repollos 8430
Los Sauces 8307
Luis Beltran 8361
Luis M. Zagaglia 8503
Lupay Niyeo 8332
Macachin 8536
Mainque 8326
Mallin Ahogado 8430
Mamuel Choique 8415
Mancha Blanca 8520
Mancullique 8422
Maquinchao 8422
Mari Lauquen 8422
Mata Negra 8500
Media Luna 8332
Mencue 8417
Menuco Negro 8534
Menuco Vaca Muerta 8412
Michi Honoca 8333
Michihuao 8417
Ministro Ramos Mexia 8534
Mira Pampa 8366
Monte Bagual 8501
Monte Redondo 8138
Mulanillo 8417
Musters 8536
Nahuel Niyeu 8536
Naupa Huen 8313
Negro Muerto 8360
Neneo Ruca 8416
Niluan 8422
Nirihuao 8400 8400
Nitrala Macohue 8418
Norquinco 8415
Nueva Carolina 8503
Nuevo Leon 8514
Ojos De Agua 8409 8418
Padre Alejandro Stefenelli 8332
Pajalta 8536
Palenque Niyeu 8417
Panquehuao 8412
Paso Chacabuco 8401
Paso Cordova 8333
Paso De Los Molles 8412
Paso Del Limay 8403
Paso Flores 8403
Paso Lezcano 8361
Paso Miranda 8403
Paso Penalva 8363
Paso Piedra 8360
Patu Co 8333
Penas Blancas 8307
Peninsula Huemul 8400
Peninsula San Pedro 8401
Percy H. Scott 8520
Perito Moreno 8416
Pichi Leufu 8412
Pichi Leufu Abajo 8412
Pichi Leufu Arriba 8412
Pichi Mahuida 8138
Piedra Blanca 8332 8400
Piedra Clavada 8536
Pilahue 8417
Pilcaniyeu 8412
Pilcaniyeu Viejo 8412
Planicie De Jaguelito 8333
Playa Bonita 8400
Pomona 8363
Portezuelo 8415
Pozo Moro 8520
Pozo Salado 8514
Prahuaniyeu 8424
Primera Angostura 8505
Pronunciamiento 8505
Pueblo Viejo 8332
Puerto Blest 8411
Puerto Hermoso 8422
Puerto Moreno 8400
Puerto Ojo De Agua 8401
Puerto Panuelo 8409
Puerto Pichi Mahuida 8400
Puerto Santa Maria 8401
Puerto Tigre 8400
Puesto Faria 8360
Puesto Gavina 8503
Punta De Agua 8356
Quempu Niyeu 8332
Quetrequile 8418
Quininau 8415
Quinta Panal 8416
Quo Vadis 8422
Rayhuao 8412
Repollos 8415
Rincon De Gastre 8503
Rinconada 8360
Rio Chico 8415
Rio Colorado 8138
Rio Nirihuano 8400
Rio Villegas 8401
Rivadavia 8418
Rucu Luan 8422
Ruta 3 Kilometro 974 8500
Saco Viejo 8514
Salitral Negro 8363
San Antonio Del Cuy 8333
San Antonio Oeste 8520
San Carlos De Bariloche 8400
San Cayetano 8138
San Eduardo 8332
San Javier 8501
San Jorge 8324
San Jose De Paja Alta 8536
San Juan 8138 8503
San Leon 8138
San Lorenzo 8503
San Pablo 8364
San Pedro 8138 8412
San Ramon 8416
San Simon 8503
Santa Ana 8138
Santa Elena 8417
Santa Genoveva 8363
Santa Gregoria 8364
Santa Julia 8366
Santa Nicolasa 8364
Sauce Blanco 8360 8505
Segunda Angostura 8501
Sierra Blanca 8534
Sierra Colorada 8534
Sierra De La Ventana 8521
Sierra Grande 8532
Sierra Paileman 8521
Talcahuala 8534
Tapiluque 8534
Teniente Gral. Eustaquio Frias 8501
Teniente Maza 8534
Tercera Zona 8336
Tragua Tragua 8360
Travesia Castro 8503
Treca-Co 8333
Treneta 8534
Tres Ojos De Agua 8416
Tricaco 8332
Tromeniyeu 8422
Tunkelen 8409
Vaca Lauquen 8422
Valcheta 8536
Valle Azul 8336
Valle De Los Alamos 8307
Vicealmirante Eduardo O'connor 8514
Viedma 8500
Villa Alberdi 8336
Villa Llanquin 8401
Villa Mascardi 8401
Villa Regina 8336
Villa Turismo 8430
Yuquinche 8418
Zanjon De Oyuela 8501

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Rio Negro postal code - Rio Negro zip code - Rio Negro postcode that you can use for mailing in Rio Negro.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.