New South Wales Postcodes: Australia
Area Name | Postcode |
Aarons Pass | 2850 |
Abercrombie | 2795 |
Abercrombie River | 2795 |
Aberdeen | 2359 |
Aberfoyle | 2350 |
Aberglasslyn | 2320 |
Abington | 2350 |
Acacia Creek | 2476 |
Afterlee | 2474 |
Agnes Banks | 2753 |
Akolele | 2546 |
Aldavilla | 2440 |
Alexandria Mc | 2004 |
Alfredtown | 2650 |
Alice | 2469 |
Alison | 2259 2420 |
Allandale | 2320 |
Alleena | 2671 |
Allgomera | 2441 |
Alma Park | 2659 |
Alpine | 2575 |
Alstonvale | 2477 |
Alumy Creek | 2460 |
Amaroo | 2866 |
Amosfield | 4380 |
Anabranch North | 2648 |
Anabranch South | 2648 |
Anambah | 2320 |
Anembo | 2621 |
Angledale | 2550 |
Angledool | 2834 |
Anglers Reach | 2629 |
Angourie | 2464 |
Apple Tree Flat | 2850 |
Appleby | 2340 |
Appletree Flat | 2330 |
Apsley | 2820 |
Arable | 2630 |
Arakoon | 2431 |
Aratula | 2714 |
Arding | 2358 |
Argalong | 2720 |
Argyle | 2350 |
Arkell | 2795 |
Arkstone | 2795 |
Armatree | 2828 |
Arndell Park | 2148 |
Arrawarra | 2456 |
Arumpo | 2715 |
Ashby | 2463 |
Ashby Heights | 2463 |
Ashby Island | 2463 |
Atholwood | 2361 |
Auburn Vale | 2360 |
Austral Eden | 2440 |
Australia Square | 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 |
Avisford | 2850 |
Avon | 2574 |
Avondale | 2530 |
Avonside | 2628 |
Babinda | 2825 |
Babyl Creek | 2470 |
Back Creek | 2372 2390 2422 2484 2622 2671 |
Back Forest | 2535 |
Backwater | 2365 |
Badja | 2630 |
Baerami | 2333 |
Bago | 2446 |
Bagotville | 2477 |
Bakers Creek | 2359 2422 2447 |
Balaclava | 2575 |
Balala | 2358 |
Balcolyn | 2264 |
Bald Blair | 2365 |
Bald Hills | 2549 |
Bald Nob | 2370 |
Baldersleigh | 2365 |
Balfours Peak | 2403 |
Balgowlah Heights | 2093 |
Balmain East | 2041 |
Balmoral | 2571 |
Banda Banda | 2446 |
Bangadang | 2729 |
Bangheet | 2404 |
Bango | 2582 |
Bankstown | 1888 |
Bankstown Aerodrome | 2200 |
Bannaby | 2580 |
Banoon | 2347 |
Banyabba | 2460 |
Bar Point | 2083 |
Bara | 2850 |
Barangaroo | 2000 |
Barcoongere | 2460 |
Bardia | 2565 |
Barigan | 2850 |
Barkers Vale | 2474 |
Barneys Reef | 2852 |
Barraganyatti | 2441 |
Barratta | 2710 |
Barren Grounds | 2577 |
Barretts Creek | 2460 |
Barringella | 2540 |
Barrington Tops | 2422 |
Barry | 2340 |
Barwang | 2594 |
Barwon | 2396 |
Bassendean | 2365 |
Batar Creek | 2439 |
Bathampton | 2795 |
Bathurst West | 2795 |
Baw Baw | 2580 |
Baxters Ridge | 2422 |
Bean Creek | 2469 |
Bearbong | 2827 |
Bective | 2340 |
Bectric | 2665 |
Bedgerabong | 2871 |
Beecroft Peninsula | 2540 |
Beemunnel | 2824 |
Beggan Beggan | 2587 |
Belanglo | 2577 |
Belfrayden | 2650 |
Belgravia | 2800 |
Belimbla Park | 2570 |
Bellbird Heights | 2325 |
Bellmount Forest | 2581 |
Belltrees | 2337 |
Belmont North | 2280 |
Belmont South | 2280 |
Belmore River | 2440 |
Beloka | 2628 |
Belowra | 2545 |
Ben Bullen | 2790 |
Bendolba | 2420 |
Bendoura | 2622 |
Bengalla | 2333 |
Benolong | 2818 |
Berambing | 2758 |
Berlang | 2622 |
Berowra Creek | 2082 |
Berremangra | 2582 |
Berrico | 2422 |
Berrigal | 2390 |
Berry Jerry | 2701 |
Berry Mountain | 2535 |
Berry Park | 2321 |
Berthong | 2594 |
Beryl | 2852 |
Bevendale | 2581 |
Bewong | 2540 |
Biala | 2581 |
Bickley Vale | 2570 |
Biddon | 2827 |
Bidgeemia | 2642 |
Bielsdown Hills | 2453 |
Big Hill | 2579 |
Big Jacks Creek | 2339 |
Big Ridge | 2330 |
Big Springs | 2650 |
Big Yengo | 2330 |
Bilambil Heights | 2486 |
Bilgola Beach | 2107 |
Bilgola Plateau | 2107 |
Billeroy | 2829 |
Billilingra | 2630 |
Billimari | 2804 |
Billys Creek | 2453 |
Billywillinga | 2795 |
Bimberi | 2611 |
Bindera | 2422 |
Bingeebeebra Creek | 2469 |
Bingleburra | 2311 |
Biniguy | 2399 |
Binjura | 2630 |
Birdwood | 2446 |
Birganbigil | 2710 |
Bithramere | 2340 |
Black Creek | 2439 2729 |
Black Head | 2430 |
Black Hollow | 2828 |
Black Range | 2550 |
Blackmans Flat | 2790 |
Blakebrook | 2480 |
Blakney Creek | 2581 |
Bland | 2721 |
Blaxland East | 2774 |
Blaxlands Creek | 2460 |
Blowering | 2720 |
Blue Knob | 2480 |
Blue Nobby | 2408 |
Blue Vale | 2380 |
Blueys Beach | 2428 |
Boambee East | 2452 |
Boambolo | 2582 |
Boat Harbour | 2480 |
Bobadah | 2877 |
Bobs Creek | 2443 |
Bobundara | 2630 |
Boco | 2631 |
Bocoble | 2850 |
Bocobra | 2865 |
Boeill Creek | 2739 |
Bogan | 2826 |
Bogee | 2849 |
Bogong Peaks Wilderness | 2720 |
Bohena Creek | 2390 |
Bolaro | 2629 |
Bolwarra Heights | 2320 |
Bom Bom | 2460 |
Bombah Point | 2423 |
Bombay | 2622 |
Bombira | 2850 |
Bombowlee | 2720 |
Bombowlee Creek | 2720 |
Bomen | 2650 |
Bomera | 2357 |
Bondi Forest | 2632 |
Bonville | 2450 |
Booerie Creek | 2480 |
Book Book | 2650 |
Bookookoorara | 2372 |
Bookram | 2460 |
Boolcarroll | 2388 |
Boolijah | 2540 |
Boomanoomana | 2712 |
Boomerang Beach | 2428 |
Boomey | 2866 |
Boomi Creek | 2476 |
Boona Mount | 2877 |
Boonal | 2409 |
Boorabee Park | 2480 |
Boorga | 2652 |
Boorganna | 2429 |
Boorolong | 2350 |
Boorook | 2372 |
Boorooma | 2650 |
Booroorban | 2710 |
Bootawa | 2430 |
Booti Booti | 2428 |
Booyong | 2480 |
Bora Ridge | 2471 |
Borah Creek | 2346 |
Borambil | 2343 |
Borambola | 2650 |
Border Ranges | 2474 |
Boree | 2800 |
Boronia Park | 2111 |
Botobolar | 2850 |
Bottle Creek | 2469 |
Bouddi | 2251 |
Bourbah | 2828 |
Bourkelands | 2650 |
Bournda | 2548 |
Bournewood | 2868 |
Bowan Park | 2864 |
Bowman | 2422 |
Bowman Farm | 2422 |
Bowmans Creek | 2330 |
Box Head | 2257 |
Box Ridge | 2357 |
Boxers Creek | 2580 |
Boydtown | 2551 |
Braefield | 2339 |
Braemar | 2575 |
Braemar Bay | 2628 |
Braunstone | 2460 |
Brawboy | 2337 |
Brays Creek | 2484 |
Brayton | 2579 |
Breakfast Creek | 2849 |
Breakfast Point | 2137 |
Bream Beach | 2540 |
Breelong | 2827 |
Briarbrook | 2365 |
Bridgman | 2330 |
Brierfield | 2454 |
Bril Bril | 2441 |
Brimbin | 2430 |
Brinerville | 2454 |
Brisbane Grove | 2580 |
Broadway | 1401 2581 |
Brobenah | 2705 |
Brockley | 2365 |
Brodies Plains | 2360 |
Brogans Creek | 2848 |
Brogers Creek | 2535 |
Broken Hill North | 2880 |
Broken Hill West | 2880 |
Brombin | 2446 |
Brookdale | 2656 |
Brookfield | 2420 |
Brooklana | 2450 |
Brookong | 2656 |
Brooman | 2538 |
Broughams Gate | 2880 |
Broughton | 2535 |
Broughton Vale | 2535 |
Broughton Village | 2534 |
Brownlow Hill | 2570 |
Browns Mountain | 2540 |
Brucedale | 2650 |
Bruie Plains | 2875 |
Bruinbun | 2795 |
Brumby Plains | 2476 |
Brungle Creek | 2722 |
Brushy Creek | 2365 |
Buangla | 2540 |
Bucca | 2450 |
Bucca Wauka | 2429 |
Buccarumbi | 2460 |
Buchanan | 2323 |
Buckajo | 2550 |
Buckaroo | 2850 |
Buckenderra | 2630 |
Buckendoon | 2472 |
Bucketty | 2250 |
Buckra Bendinni | 2449 |
Budawang | 2622 |
Buddabadah | 2825 |
Budden | 2849 |
Buddong | 2720 |
Budgee Budgee | 2850 |
Budgewoi Peninsula | 2262 |
Budgong | 2577 |
Bukalong | 2632 |
Bulee | 2622 |
Bulga Forest | 2429 |
Bulgary | 2650 |
Bulla | 2835 |
Bulla Creek | 2594 |
Bullagreen | 2824 |
Bullarah | 2400 |
Bullatale | 2710 |
Bullawa Creek | 2390 |
Bulldog | 2469 |
Bulliac | 2422 |
Bullio | 2575 |
Bulyeroi | 2387 |
Bumbalong | 2626 |
Bumberry | 2870 |
Bundagen | 2454 |
Bundella | 2343 |
Bundemar | 2823 |
Bundewallah | 2535 |
Bundjalung | 2473 |
Bundure | 2700 |
Bungaba | 2852 |
Bungabbee | 2480 |
Bungalora | 2486 |
Bungarribee | 2767 |
Bungawalbin | 2469 |
Bungowannah | 2640 |
Bureen | 2328 |
Burnt Bridge | 2440 |
Burnt Yards | 2792 |
Burra | 2653 |
Burra Creek | 2722 |
Burraboi | 2732 |
Burrandana | 2650 |
Burraneer | 2230 |
Burrangong | 2594 |
Burrapine | 2447 |
Burroway | 2821 |
Burrundulla | 2850 |
Burwood North | 2134 |
Busbys Flat | 2469 |
Bushells Ridge | 2259 |
Buttai | 2323 |
Butterwick | 2321 |
Byadbo Wilderness | 2628 |
Byangum | 2484 |
Byng | 2800 |
Byrrill Creek | 2484 |
Bywong | 2621 |
Cabbage Tree Island | 2430 |
Cabramatta West | 2166 |
Caddens | 2747 |
Cadgee | 2545 |
Cadia | 2800 |
Caerleon | 2850 |
Caffreys Flat | 2424 |
Cairncross | 2446 |
Calamia | 2460 |
Calderwood | 2527 |
Califat | 2729 |
Calimo | 2710 |
Callaghans Creek | 2422 |
Calliope | 2462 |
Caloola | 2795 |
Cambalong | 2632 |
Cambewarra Village | 2540 |
Camboon | 2849 |
Cambra | 2420 |
Cambridge Gardens | 2747 |
Cambridge Plateau | 2469 |
Camden South | 2570 |
Cameron Park | 2285 |
Camerons Creek | 2359 |
Camira | 2469 |
Camp Creek | 4385 |
Campbelltown North | 2560 |
Canadian Lead | 2850 |
Canbelego | 2835 |
Caniaba | 2480 |
Canobolas | 2800 |
Canoelands | 2157 |
Canton Beach | 2263 |
Canyonleigh | 2577 |
Capeen Creek | 2469 |
Capoompeta | 2371 |
Carcalgong | 2850 |
Cardiff Heights | 2285 |
Cardiff South | 2285 |
Caringbah South | 2229 |
Carlaminda | 2630 |
Carlingford North | 2118 |
Carnes Hill | 2171 |
Carnham | 2460 |
Carrabolla | 2311 |
Carrick | 2580 |
Carrington Falls | 2577 |
Carrolls Creek | 2372 |
Carrs Creek | 2460 |
Carrs Island | 2460 |
Carrs Peninsular | 2460 |
Cartwrights Hill | 2650 |
Carwell | 2849 |
Carwoola | 2620 |
Cascade | 2453 |
Castle Doyle | 2350 |
Castle Rock | 2333 |
Casuarina | 2487 |
Cataract | 2560 |
Cathundral | 2823 |
Cattle Creek | 2339 |
Cavan | 2582 |
Cedar Brush Creek | 2259 |
Cedar Creek | 2325 2484 |
Cedar Party | 2429 |
Cedar Point | 2474 |
Cells River | 2424 |
Central Coast Mc | 2252 |
Central Colo | 2756 |
Central Mangrove | 2250 |
Chaelundi | 2460 |
Chambigne | 2460 |
Charles Sturt University | 2795 |
Charleys Forest | 2622 |
Charlton | 2795 |
Chatham Valley | 2787 |
Chatsbury | 2580 |
Cheero Point | 2083 |
Cherry Tree Hill | 2360 |
Chichester | 2420 |
Chilcotts Creek | 2339 |
Chilcotts Grass | 2480 |
Chinnock | 2550 |
Chisholm | 2322 |
Chowan Creek | 2484 |
Clare | 2711 |
Claremont Meadows | 2747 |
Clarenza | 2460 |
Clareville | 2107 |
Clear Creek | 2795 |
Clear Range | 2620 |
Clearfield | 2469 |
Clergate | 2800 |
Cleveland | 2530 |
Clifden | 2460 |
Cliftleigh | 2321 |
Clifton Grove | 2800 |
Clothiers Creek | 2484 |
Clouds Creek | 2453 |
Clovass | 2480 |
Clyde | 2142 |
Clydesdale | 2330 |
Coasters Retreat | 2108 |
Cobaki | 2486 |
Cobaki Lakes | 2486 |
Cobark | 2422 |
Cobramunga | 2732 |
Cockwhy | 2539 |
Codrington | 2471 |
Coffee Camp | 2480 |
Coggan | 2849 |
Cogra Bay | 2083 |
Coldstream | 2462 |
Colebee | 2761 |
Colinroobie | 2700 |
Colinton | 2626 |
Collaroy Plateau | 2097 |
Collendina | 2646 |
Collerina | 2839 |
Collingwood | 2850 |
Collins Creek | 2474 |
Collum Collum | 2460 |
Colo | 2795 |
Colo Heights | 2756 |
Colongra | 2262 |
Combaning | 2666 |
Comberton | 2540 |
Combo | 2330 |
Comerong Island | 2540 |
Commissioners Creek | 2484 |
Comobella | 2820 |
Coneac | 2422 |
Congarinni | 2447 |
Congarinni North | 2447 |
Conimbia | 2829 |
Constitution Hill | 2145 |
Cooks Gap | 2850 |
Cooks Myalls | 2870 |
Coolagolite | 2550 |
Coolangubra | 2550 |
Cooleman | 2611 |
Coolgardie | 2478 |
Coolringdon | 2630 |
Coolumbooka | 2632 |
Coolumburra | 2622 |
Cooma North | 2630 |
Coomba Bay | 2428 |
Coomba Park | 2428 |
Coombadjha | 2460 |
Coomealla | 2717 |
Coomoo Coomoo | 2343 |
Cooneys Creek | 2726 |
Coongbar | 2469 |
Cooperabung | 2441 |
Coopers Gully | 2550 |
Coopers Shoot | 2479 |
Cooplacurripa | 2424 |
Coorabell | 2479 |
Cootralantra | 2628 |
Cooyal | 2850 |
Cope | 2852 |
Copeton | 2360 |
Coppabella | 2644 |
Copperhannia | 2795 |
Coralville | 2443 |
Corang | 2622 |
Corangula | 2440 |
Cordeaux | 2526 |
Coree | 2710 |
Coreen | 2646 |
Corinella | 2871 |
Corney Town | 2790 |
Corrabare | 2325 |
Corrimal East | 2518 |
Corrong | 2711 |
Corrowong | 2633 |
Corunna | 2546 |
Cottage Point | 2084 |
Cougal | 2474 |
Countegany | 2630 |
Courabyra | 2653 |
Couradda | 2390 |
Couragago | 2720 |
Cow Flat | 2795 |
Cowabbie | 2652 |
Coxs Creek | 2849 |
Coxs Crown | 2849 |
Crackenback | 2627 |
Crangan Bay | 2259 |
Craven Plateau | 2422 |
Crawford River | 2423 |
Crawney | 2338 |
Creewah | 2631 |
Cremorne Point | 2090 |
Crestwood | 2620 |
Croki | 2430 |
Croobyar | 2539 |
Croom | 2527 |
Cross Roads | 2850 |
Crosslands | 2446 |
Crowdy Bay National Park | 2443 |
Crows Nest | 1582 |
Crowther Island | 2460 |
Crudine | 2795 |
Cubba | 2835 |
Cudgegong | 2850 |
Cudgel | 2700 |
Cullenbone | 2850 |
Cullendore | 2372 |
Cullerin | 2581 |
Cullivel | 2645 |
Culmaran Creek | 2469 |
Cumbalum | 2478 |
Cumbandry | 2852 |
Cumberland Reach | 2756 |
Cumbo | 2850 |
Cundumbul | 2866 |
Cunningar | 2587 |
Cunninyeuk | 2734 |
Curlew Waters | 2672 |
Curra Creek | 2820 |
Curragh | 2795 |
Curramore | 2533 |
Currawang | 2580 |
Currawarna | 2650 |
Curraweela | 2580 |
Currawong Beach | 2108 |
Curricabark | 2422 |
Dabee | 2849 |
Dairy Flat | 2474 |
Dairymans Plains | 2630 |
Dalmorton | 2460 |
Dalswinton | 2328 |
Dandaloo | 2823 |
Dandry | 2357 |
Dangarsleigh | 2350 |
Dangelong | 2630 |
Darawank | 2428 |
Darbalara | 2722 |
Darkwood | 2454 |
Darlington | 2330 |
Darlow | 2729 |
Daruka | 2340 |
Deauville | 2443 |
Debenham | 2446 |
Deep Creek | 2440 2460 2469 |
Deer Vale | 2453 |
Depot Beach | 2536 |
Devils Hole | 2550 |
Dewitt | 2422 |
Dhuragoon | 2733 |
Diamond Head | 2443 |
Diehard | 2370 |
Diggers Camp | 2462 |
Dilkoon | 2460 |
Dilpurra | 2734 |
Dingo Forest | 2429 |
Dirnaseer | 2666 |
Dirty Creek | 2456 |
Doctors Gap | 2790 |
Dog Rocks | 2795 |
Dolls Point | 2219 |
Dollys Flat | 2429 |
Dolphin Point | 2539 |
Dombarton | 2530 |
Donald Creek | 2350 |
Dondingalong | 2440 |
Donnellyville | 2447 |
Doonbah | 2473 |
Dorrigo Mountain | 2453 |
Doyalson North | 2262 |
Doyles Creek | 2330 |
Doyles River | 2446 |
Drake | 2469 |
Drake Village | 2469 |
Drildool | 2386 |
Dry Creek | 2337 |
Dry Plain | 2630 |
Dubbo Dc | 2830 |
Dubbo East | 2830 |
Dubbo Grove | 2830 |
Dubbo West | 2830 |
Duck Creek | 2469 |
Duckenfield | 2321 |
Dulguigan | 2484 |
Dum Dum | 2484 |
Dumaresq | 2350 |
Dumaresq Island | 2430 |
Dumaresq Valley | 2372 |
Dumbudgery | 2460 |
Duncans Creek | 2340 |
Dundas Valley | 2117 |
Dungarubba | 2480 |
Dungeree | 2849 |
Dunolly | 2330 |
Duns Creek | 2321 |
Dunville Loop | 2849 |
Duroby | 2486 |
Durran Durra | 2622 |
Duval | 2350 |
Dyrring | 2330 |
East Ballina | 2478 |
East Bowral | 2576 |
East Branxton | 2335 |
East Coraki | 2471 |
East Corrimal | 2518 |
East Jindabyne | 2627 |
East Kangaloon | 2576 |
East Kempsey | 2440 |
East Killara | 2071 |
East Kurrajong | 2758 |
East Lismore | 2480 |
East Tamworth | 2340 |
East Wagga Wagga | 2650 |
East Wardell | 2477 |
Eastern Suburbs Mc | 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1391 |
Eatonsville | 2460 |
Eccleston | 2311 |
Eden Creek | 2474 |
Edenville | 2474 |
Edrom | 2551 |
Eenaweena | 2824 |
Eighteen Mile | 2460 |
Elcombe | 2404 |
Elizabeth Beach | 2428 |
Elizabeth Hills | 2171 |
Elland | 2460 |
Ellerslie | 2648 2729 |
Emerald Hill | 2380 |
Emu Heights | 2750 |
Emu Swamp | 2800 |
Endrick | 2622 |
Environa | 2620 |
Epping | 1712 |
Eremerang | 2877 |
Erin Vale | 2663 |
Errowanbang | 2791 |
Erudgere | 2850 |
Esk | 2472 |
Essington | 2787 |
Estella | 2650 |
Ettamogah | 2640 |
Ettrema | 2540 |
Euabalong West | 2877 |
Euberta | 2650 |
Eulah Creek | 2390 |
Eunanoreenya | 2650 |
Eurimbla | 2867 |
Eurobodalla | 2545 |
Euroka | 2440 |
Euroley | 2700 |
Eurongilly | 2663 |
Eurunderee | 2850 |
Evans Plains | 2795 |
Eveleigh | 1430 |
Eviron | 2484 |
Ewingar | 2469 |
Ewingsdale | 2481 |
Fairholme | 2871 |
Falbrook | 2330 |
Falconer | 2365 |
Far Meadow | 2535 |
Fargunyah | 2656 |
Farrants Hill | 2484 |
Farringdon | 2622 |
Faulkland | 2422 |
Fawcetts Plain | 2474 |
Fern Gully | 2330 |
Fernances | 2775 |
Fernbank Creek | 2444 |
Fernbrook | 2453 |
Fernhill | 2519 |
Fernside | 2480 |
Fernvale | 2484 |
Ferodale | 2318 |
Findon Creek | 2474 |
Fine Flower | 2460 |
Fishermans Bay | 2316 |
Fishermans Paradise | 2539 |
Fishermans Reach | 2441 |
Fishers Hill | 2421 |
Fitzgeralds Mount | 2799 |
Fitzgeralds Valley | 2795 |
Five Ways | 2873 |
Flat Tops | 2420 |
Forbes Creek | 2621 |
Forbes River | 2446 |
Forbesdale | 2422 |
Fordwich | 2330 |
Forest Glen | 2157 |
Forest Grove | 2795 |
Forest Land | 2372 |
Forest Lodge | 2037 |
Fortis Creek | 2460 |
Fosters Valley | 2795 |
Fosterton | 2420 |
Fountaindale | 2258 |
Four Corners | 2716 |
Four Mile Creek | 2323 2800 |
Fowlers Gap | 2880 |
Frazer Park | 2259 |
Frazers Creek | 2446 |
Freeburn Island | 2464 |
Freemans | 2259 |
Frenchs Forest East | 2086 |
Freshwater | 2096 |
Frog Rock | 2850 |
Frogmore | 2586 |
Frogs Hollow | 2550 |
Frying Pan | 2630 |
Gadara | 2720 |
Gala Vale | 2716 |
Galambine | 2850 |
Galore | 2650 |
Ganbenang | 2790 |
Gangat | 2422 |
Garland Valley | 2330 |
Garoo | 2340 |
Gearys Flat | 2446 |
Geehi | 2642 |
Gelston Park | 2650 |
Georges Creek | 2365 |
Ghinni Ghi | 2474 |
Ghoolendaadi | 2380 |
Giants Creek | 2328 |
Gibberagee | 2469 |
Gibraltar Range | 2370 |
Gidginbung | 2666 |
Gidley | 2340 |
Gilgooma | 2829 |
Gilgunnia | 2835 |
Gillenbah | 2700 |
Gilletts Ridge | 2462 |
Gilmandyke | 2795 |
Gin Gin | 2823 |
Gineroi | 2404 |
Ginghi | 2849 |
Girards Hill | 2480 |
Giro | 2422 |
Girralong | 2449 |
Glanmire | 2795 |
Gledswood Hills | 2557 |
Glen Alice | 2849 |
Glen Allen | 2631 |
Glen Elgin | 2370 |
Glen Fergus | 2630 |
Glen Martin | 2321 |
Glen Nevis | 2365 |
Glen Oak | 2320 |
Glen Ward | 2422 |
Glenbawn | 2337 |
Glendon | 2330 |
Glendon Brook | 2330 |
Glenelg | 2810 |
Glenellen | 2642 |
Glengarrie | 2486 |
Gleniffer | 2454 |
Glenmore | 2570 |
Glenquarie | 2564 |
Glenquarry | 2576 |
Glenridding | 2330 |
Glenrock | 2337 |
Glenroy | 2640 2653 |
Glenthorne | 2430 |
Glenugie | 2460 |
Glenworth Valley | 2250 |
Gloucester Tops | 2422 |
Goat Island | 2477 |
Gobarralong | 2727 |
Gobbagombalin | 2650 |
Gocup | 2720 |
Godfreys Creek | 2586 |
Gogeldrie | 2705 |
Gollan | 2820 |
Gongolgon | 2839 |
Gonn | 2732 |
Goobarragandra | 2720 |
Good Forest | 2790 |
Good Hope | 2582 |
Goodmans Ford | 2575 |
Goodooga | 2838 |
Goodwood Island | 2469 |
Googong | 2620 |
Goolhi | 2379 |
Goombargana | 2646 |
Goonoo Forest | 2830 |
Goonoo Goonoo | 2340 |
Goorangoola | 2330 |
Goorianawa | 2396 |
Gorge Creek | 2469 |
Gormans Hill | 2795 |
Gosforth | 2320 |
Gostwyck | 2358 |
Goulburn Dc | 2580 |
Goulburn North | 2580 |
Gouldsville | 2330 |
Gowan | 2795 |
Gowang | 2357 |
Gowrie | 2330 |
Gradys Creek | 2474 |
Gragin | 2403 |
Grants Beach | 2445 |
Granville | 1830 1831 |
Grattai | 2850 |
Great Mackerel Beach | 2108 |
Great Marlow | 2460 |
Green Cape | 2551 |
Green Creek | 2338 |
Green Forest | 2471 |
Green Gully | 2850 |
Green Hills | 2365 |
Green Pigeon | 2474 |
Greendale | 2550 |
Greengrove | 2250 |
Greenhills Beach | 2230 |
Greenlands | 2631 |
Greenleigh | 2620 |
Greenridge | 2471 |
Greenwich Park | 2580 |
Greg Greg | 2642 |
Gregadoo | 2650 |
Gregory Hills | 2557 |
Greta Main | 2325 |
Griffith Dc | 2680 |
Griffith East | 2680 |
Grosses Plain | 2627 |
Grosvenor Place | 1216 1217 1218 1219 |
Growee | 2849 |
Guildford | 1848 |
Gulf Creek | 2347 |
Gulmarrad | 2463 |
Gumbalie | 2840 |
Gumble | 2865 |
Gumma | 2447 |
Gundamulda | 2347 |
Gundary | 2580 |
Gunderbooka | 2840 |
Gunderman | 2775 |
Gungalman | 2829 |
Gunning Gap | 2871 |
Gunningrah | 2632 |
Guntawang | 2852 |
Gurnang | 2787 |
Gurranang | 2460 |
Gurrundah | 2581 |
Guyong | 2798 |
Gymea Bay | 2227 |
Hacks Ferry | 2441 |
Halls Creek | 2346 |
Hallsville | 2340 |
Hambledon Hill | 2330 |
Hamilton North | 2292 |
Hamilton Valley | 2641 |
Hampden Hall | 2440 |
Hanging Rock | 2340 |
Hanleys Creek | 2420 |
Harolds Cross | 2622 |
Harparary | 2390 |
Harpers Hill | 2321 |
Hartley Vale | 2790 |
Hartwood | 2710 |
Hartys Plains | 2446 |
Hassans Walls | 2790 |
Hawks Nest | 2324 |
Hay South | 2711 |
Hayes Gap | 2850 |
Haymarket | 1208 1236 1237 1238 1239 |
Haystack | 2469 |
Hayters Hill | 2481 |
Haywards Bay | 2530 |
Heifer Station | 2460 |
Hereford Hall | 2622 |
Hermitage Flat | 2790 |
High Range | 2575 |
Higher Macdonald | 2775 |
Hill Top | 2628 |
Hillgrove | 2650 |
Hillville | 2430 |
Hillvue | 2340 |
Hmas Penguin | 2091 |
Hmas Platypus | 2060 |
Hmas Rushcutters | 2027 |
Hmas Waterhen | 2060 |
Hmas Watson | 2030 |
Hogarth Range | 2469 |
Holgate | 2250 |
Holts Flat | 2631 |
Home Rule | 2850 |
Homebush South | 2140 |
Homebush West | 2140 |
Homeleigh | 2474 |
Honeybugle | 2825 |
Hopefield | 2646 |
Hopkins Creek | 2484 |
Hornsby Heights | 2077 |
Horse Station Creek | 2474 |
Horseshoe Bend | 2320 |
Horseshoe Creek | 2474 |
Horsfield Bay | 2256 |
Hoskinstown | 2621 |
Hovells Creek | 2794 |
Howards Grass | 2480 |
Howell | 2360 |
Howick | 2330 |
Hungerford | 2840 |
Hunterview | 2330 |
Huntingwood | 2148 |
Huntley | 2530 2800 |
Huonbrook | 2482 |
Hurstville | 1493 |
Hurstville Grove | 2220 |
Hyland Park | 2448 |
Hyndmans Creek | 2446 |
Ilarwill | 2463 |
Illaroo | 2540 |
Indi | 2642 |
Ingebirah | 2627 |
Innes View | 2429 |
International Mc | 2891 |
Invergordon | 2422 |
Iron Gates | 2473 |
Iron Pot Creek | 2474 |
Ironbark | 2347 |
Ironmungy | 2630 |
Irymple | 2835 |
Jacks Creek | 2390 |
Jacksons Flat | 2469 |
Jacky Bulbin Flat | 2463 |
Jagumba | 2642 |
Jagungal Wilderness | 2642 |
James Creek | 2463 |
Jamisontown | 2750 |
Jaunter | 2787 |
Jeir | 2582 |
Jellat Jellat | 2550 |
Jemalong | 2871 |
Jennings | 4383 |
Jenolan | 2790 |
Jeremy | 2795 |
Jerrabattgulla | 2622 |
Jerrara | 2533 |
Jerrawa | 2582 |
Jerrawangala | 2540 |
Jerrong | 2580 |
Jews Lagoon | 2397 |
Jiggi | 2480 |
Jimenbuen | 2630 |
Jincumbilly | 2631 |
Jinden | 2622 |
Jingera | 2622 |
Joadja | 2575 |
Joes Box | 2469 |
Jolly Nose | 2445 |
Jones Bridge | 2720 |
Jones Creek | 2722 |
Jones Island | 2430 |
Jordan Springs | 2747 |
Junee Reefs | 2666 |
Kains Flat | 2850 |
Kalaru | 2550 |
Kalkite | 2627 |
Kameruka | 2550 |
Kanangra | 2787 |
Kangaroobie | 2800 |
Kangiara | 2582 |
Kanimbla | 2790 |
Kanoona | 2550 |
Kaputar | 2390 |
Karaak Flat | 2429 |
Katoomba Dc | 2780 |
Kayuga | 2333 |
Keepit | 2340 |
Keera | 2404 |
Keerrong | 2480 |
Keinbah | 2320 |
Kelgoola | 2849 |
Kellys Plains | 2350 |
Kembla Heights | 2526 |
Kennaicle Creek | 2449 |
Kentucky South | 2354 |
Kerewong | 2439 |
Keri Keri | 2711 |
Kerrigundi | 2835 |
Kerrs Creek | 2800 |
Keybarbin | 2469 |
Khatambuhl | 2429 |
Kia Ora | 2422 |
Kiacatoo | 2877 |
Kiama Downs | 2533 |
Kiama Heights | 2533 |
Kianga | 2546 |
Kiar | 2259 |
Kickabil | 2830 |
Kielvale | 2484 |
Kikiamah | 2594 |
Kikoira | 2669 |
Kilgin | 2472 |
Kilgra | 2474 |
Killawarra | 2429 |
Killcare Heights | 2257 |
Killiekrankie | 2449 |
Killimicat | 2720 |
Killongbutta | 2795 |
Kinchela | 2440 |
Kincumber South | 2251 |
Kindee | 2446 |
Kindervale | 2622 |
King Creek | 2446 |
Kingfisher Shores | 2259 |
Kinghorne | 2540 |
Kings Forest | 2487 |
Kings Plains | 2360 2799 |
Kings Point | 2539 |
Kingsgate | 2370 |
Kingsgrove Dc | 1484 |
Kingsland | 2370 |
Kippara | 2441 |
Kippaxs | 2429 |
Kippenduff | 2469 |
Kirkconnell | 2795 |
Kirkham | 2570 |
Kiwarrak | 2430 |
Klori | 2346 |
Knights Hill | 2577 |
Knockrow | 2479 |
Knorrit Forest | 2424 |
Kogarah | 1487 |
Kooba | 2680 |
Kookabookra | 2370 |
Koolkhan | 2460 |
Koonorigan | 2480 |
Koonyum Range | 2482 |
Koreelah | 2476 |
Kosciuszko | 2627 |
Kosciuszko National Park | 2627 |
Kotara South | 2289 |
Krawarree | 2622 |
Kremnos | 2460 |
Kulwin | 2835 |
Kunama | 2730 |
Kundibakh | 2429 |
Kundle Kundle | 2430 |
Kungala | 2460 |
Kunghur Creek | 2484 |
Kurraba Point | 2089 |
Kurrajong Heights | 2758 |
Kurrajong Hills | 2758 |
Kyalite | 2715 |
Kyarran | 2460 |
Kybeyan | 2631 |
Kyeamba | 2650 |
Kynnumboon | 2484 |
Lacmalac | 2720 |
Lade Vale | 2581 |
Laffing Waters | 2795 |
Lagoon Grass | 2480 |
Lake Brewster | 2675 |
Lake Burrendong | 2820 |
Lake Cowal | 2671 |
Lake George | 2581 |
Lake Hiawatha | 2462 |
Lake Hume Village | 3691 |
Lake Innes | 2446 |
Lakewood | 2443 |
Lalalty | 3644 |
Lambs Valley | 2335 2370 |
Landervale | 2652 |
Lane Cove | 1597 |
Lane Cove Dc | 1602 |
Lanitza | 2460 |
Lankeys Creek | 2644 |
Lansdowne | 2163 2430 |
Lansdowne Forest | 2430 |
Larbert | 2622 |
Larnook | 2480 |
Lavadia | 2462 |
Laverstock | 2582 |
Leconfield | 2335 |
Lee Creek | 2849 |
Leets Vale | 2775 |
Leightonfield Mc | 1900 1902 |
Lemington | 2330 |
Len Waters Estate | 2171 |
Lerida | 2581 |
Levenstrath | 2460 |
Lewinsbrook | 2311 |
Lewis Ponds | 2800 |
Leycester | 2480 |
Liberty Grove | 2138 |
Lidcombe | 1826 |
Lidcombe North | 2141 |
Lidster | 2800 |
Lighthouse Beach | 2444 |
Lillian Rock | 2480 |
Lilydale | 2460 |
Lilyvale | 2508 |
Limeburners Creek | 2444 |
Limekilns | 2795 |
Limestone | 2361 |
Limpinwood | 2484 |
Linburn | 2850 |
Lindendale | 2480 |
Lindesay | 2347 |
Lindesay Creek | 2476 |
Lindifferon | 2710 |
Lionsville | 2460 |
Lismore Heights | 2480 |
Little Back Creek | 2474 |
Little Billabong | 2644 |
Little Forest | 2538 |
Little Jacks Creek | 2339 |
Little Jilliby | 2259 |
Little Pelican | 2281 |
Little River | 2720 |
Little Topar | 2880 |
Little Wobby | 2256 |
Littleton | 2790 |
Liverpool Westfield | 2170 |
Llanarth | 2795 |
Lloyd | 2650 |
Loadstone | 2474 |
Lochiel | 2549 |
Loftville | 2480 |
Logans Crossing | 2439 |
Logie Brae | 2713 |
Long Plain | 2360 2629 |
Long Point | 2330 |
Longarm | 2347 |
Longreach | 2540 |
Loombah | 2867 |
Loomberah | 2340 |
Lords Hill | 2632 |
Lost River | 2583 |
Louisa Creek | 2469 |
Louth Park | 2320 |
Lovedale | 2325 |
Lower Acacia Creek | 2476 |
Lower Bago | 2730 |
Lower Belford | 2335 |
Lower Boro | 2580 |
Lower Bottle Creek | 2469 |
Lower Duck Creek | 2469 |
Lower Dyraaba | 2470 |
Lower Lewis Ponds | 2800 |
Lower Macdonald | 2775 |
Lower Pappinbarra | 2446 |
Lower Peacock | 2469 |
Lower Southgate | 2460 |
Luskintyre | 2321 |
Lyndhurst | 2350 |
Lynwood | 2477 |
Macarthur Square | 2560 |
Macdonalds Creek | 2339 |
Macquarie Hills | 2285 |
Macquarie Marshes | 2831 |
Macquarie Pass | 2577 |
Maddens Plains | 2508 |
Maffra | 2630 |
Magenta | 2261 |
Magometon | 2829 |
Maimuru | 2594 |
Main Arm | 2482 |
Main Creek | 2420 |
Mairjimmy | 2716 |
Maison Dieu | 2330 |
Maitland Bar | 2850 |
Maitland Vale | 2320 |
Malabugilmah | 2460 |
Maldon | 2571 |
Mallan | 2734 |
Mallee | 2738 |
Mallowa | 2400 |
Manar | 2622 |
Manchester Square | 2577 |
Mandemar | 2575 |
Mangoola | 2328 |
Mangrove Creek | 2250 |
Manly East | 2095 |
Manobalai | 2333 |
Manton | 2582 |
Maragle | 2653 |
Marchmont | 2582 |
Marengo | 2453 |
Mares Run | 2422 |
Marinna | 2663 |
Marlo Merrican | 2441 |
Marlow | 2775 |
Marlowe | 2622 |
Maroubra South | 2035 |
Marshall Mount | 2530 |
Marthaguy | 2824 |
Martindale | 2328 |
Martins Creek | 2420 |
Maryland | 4377 |
Marys Mount | 2380 |
Maules Creek | 2382 |
Maxwell | 2650 |
Maybole | 2365 |
Mayers Flat | 2423 |
Mayfield | 2540 2580 2787 |
Mayvale | 2347 |
Mccarrs Creek | 2105 |
Mcdougalls Hill | 2330 |
Mckellars Park | 2790 |
Mcleans Ridges | 2480 |
Mcleods Shoot | 2479 |
Mcmahons Reef | 2587 |
Mebbin | 2484 |
Mebul | 2852 |
Medway | 2577 2820 |
Megalong Valley | 2785 |
Melbergen | 2669 |
Melinga | 2430 |
Mellong | 2756 |
Mellool | 2734 |
Melville | 2320 |
Memagong | 2594 |
Menah | 2850 |
Merah North | 2388 |
Mernot | 2422 |
Meroo | 2850 |
Merotherie | 2852 |
Merriangaah | 2632 |
Merricumbene | 2622 |
Merrigal | 2827 |
Merrill | 2581 |
Merungle Hill | 2705 |
Meryla | 2577 |
Methul | 2701 |
Miamley | 2873 |
Micalo Island | 2464 |
Mid North Coast Mc | 2442 |
Middle Arm | 2580 |
Middle Brook | 2337 |
Middle Brother | 2443 |
Middle Dural | 2158 |
Middle Falbrook | 2330 |
Middle Flat | 2630 |
Middle Pocket | 2483 |
Middleton Grange | 2171 |
Middlingbank | 2630 |
Midginbil | 2484 |
Mihi | 2358 |
Milbrodale | 2330 |
Milkers Flat | 2795 |
Millah Murrah | 2795 |
Millie | 2397 |
Millingandi | 2549 |
Milparinka | 2880 |
Milroy | 2380 2850 |
Mimosa | 2666 |
Mindaribba | 2320 |
Mingoola | 4380 |
Minimbah | 2312 |
Minjary | 2720 |
Minnie Water | 2462 |
Minore | 2830 |
Minto Dc | 2566 |
Minto Heights | 2566 |
Mirador | 2548 |
Mitchell | 2795 |
Mitchells Island | 2430 |
Modanville | 2480 |
Moggs Swamp | 2370 |
Mogilla | 2550 |
Mogo | 2850 |
Mogo Creek | 2775 |
Mogood | 2538 |
Mograni | 2422 |
Mole River | 2372 |
Moleville Creek | 2460 |
Mollyan | 2842 |
Mollymook Beach | 2539 |
Mona Vale | 1658 |
Monaltrie | 2480 |
Mondayong | 2540 |
Mondrook | 2430 |
Monia Gap | 2675 |
Monivae | 2850 |
Montecollum | 2482 |
Montefiores | 2820 |
Moobi | 2337 |
Moogem | 2370 |
Mookerawa | 2820 |
Mookima Wybra | 2469 |
Moolarben | 2850 |
Moollattoo | 2540 |
Moolpa | 2734 |
Moonbah | 2627 |
Moonbria | 2710 |
Mooneba | 2440 |
Moonee | 2259 |
Moonem | 2472 |
Mooney Mooney Creek | 2250 |
Moonpar | 2453 |
Moorara | 2648 |
Moorbel | 2804 |
Moore Creek | 2340 |
Moore Park | 2021 |
Moorilda | 2795 |
Moorong | 2650 |
Moorwatha | 2640 |
Moparrabah | 2440 |
Moppy | 2422 |
Morago | 2710 |
Morangarell | 2666 |
Moree East | 2400 |
Morisset Park | 2264 |
Morning Bay | 2105 |
Mororo | 2469 |
Morton | 2538 |
Mortons Creek | 2446 |
Morts Estate | 2790 |
Moruben | 2325 |
Morven | 2370 |
Moto | 2426 |
Mount Adrah | 2729 |
Mount Aquila | 2820 |
Mount Arthur | 2820 |
Mount Burrell | 2484 |
Mount Collins | 2794 |
Mount Cooper | 2631 |
Mount Darragh | 2632 |
Mount Dee | 2320 |
Mount Druitt Village | 2770 |
Mount Elliot | 2250 |
Mount Fairy | 2580 |
Mount Foster | 2824 |
Mount Frome | 2850 |
Mount Harris | 2824 |
Mount Kingiman | 2539 |
Mount Knowles | 2850 |
Mount Lambie | 2790 |
Mount Lindsey | 2575 |
Mount Marsden | 2849 |
Mount Marsh | 2469 |
Mount Mitchell | 2365 |
Mount Murray | 2577 |
Mount Olive | 2787 |
Mount Panorama | 2795 |
Mount Rankin | 2795 |
Mount Rivers | 2311 |
Mount Royal | 2330 |
Mount Seaview | 2446 |
Mount Tenandra | 2828 |
Mount Thorley | 2330 |
Mount Tomah | 2758 |
Mount Warning | 2484 |
Mount Werong | 2787 |
Mountain Creek | 2644 |
Mountain Lagoon | 2758 |
Mountain Top | 2480 |
Mountain View | 2460 |
Mourquong | 2739 |
Mowbray Park | 2571 |
Mozart | 2787 |
Mulguthrie | 2877 |
Muli Muli | 2476 |
Mulla | 2825 |
Mulla Creek | 2352 |
Mullamuddy | 2850 |
Mullaway | 2456 |
Mullion | 2582 |
Mulloon | 2622 |
Mullumbimby Creek | 2482 |
Mulyandry | 2871 |
Mumblebone Plain | 2824 |
Mummel | 2580 |
Mummulgum | 2469 |
Mundamia | 2540 |
Mundarlo | 2729 |
Munderoo | 2653 |
Mundongo | 2720 |
Mungay Creek | 2440 |
Munghorn | 2850 |
Mungo | 2715 |
Mungo Brush | 2423 |
Munni | 2420 |
Munyabla | 2658 |
Murrah | 2546 |
Murrawombie | 2825 |
Murray Downs | 2734 |
Murray Gorge | 2642 |
Murrays Beach | 2281 |
Murrengenburg | 2622 |
Murrin Bridge | 2672 |
Murrulebale | 2652 |
Murrumbo | 2849 |
Murrumbucca | 2630 |
Murulla | 2337 |
Murwillumbah South | 2484 |
Mutawintji | 2880 |
Myall Creek | 2403 |
Myall Lake | 2423 |
Myall Park | 2681 |
Myalla | 2630 |
Mylneford | 2460 |
Myocum | 2481 |
Myrtle Creek | 2469 |
Myrtle Mountain | 2550 |
Myrtle Park | 2713 |
Myrtleville | 2580 |
Mystery Bay | 2546 |
Myuna Bay | 2264 |
Nadgee | 2551 |
Namoi River | 2346 |
Nanima | 2618 |
Napier Lane | 2379 |
Napoleon Reef | 2795 |
Narrabarba | 2551 |
Narrabri West | 2390 |
Narraburra | 2666 |
Narran Lake | 2839 |
Narrangullen | 2582 |
Narrawa | 2583 |
Narrawallee | 2539 |
Neath | 2326 |
Nebea | 2829 |
Nericon | 2680 |
Neringla | 2622 |
Never Never | 2453 |
Nevertire | 2826 |
New Buildings | 2550 |
New Italy | 2472 |
New Mexico | 2346 |
New Park | 2474 |
New Valley | 2365 |
Newbold | 2460 |
Newee Creek | 2447 |
Newnes | 2790 |
Newnes Plateau | 2790 |
Newrybar | 2479 |
Newstead | 2360 |
Niemur | 2733 |
Nightcap | 2480 |
Nimmo | 2628 |
Nobbys Creek | 2484 |
Nombi | 2379 |
Noona | 2835 |
Noorong | 2732 |
Nooroo | 2415 |
North Arm | 2484 |
North Balgowlah | 2093 |
North Boambee Valley | 2450 |
North Bondi | 2026 |
North Bourke | 2840 |
North Brother | 2443 |
North Casino | 2470 |
North Dorrigo | 2453 |
North Epping | 2121 |
North Gosford | 2250 |
North Macksville | 2447 |
North Macquarie | 2527 |
North Narrabeen | 2101 |
North Nowra | 2541 |
North Ryde | 1671 |
North Shore | 2444 |
North St Marys | 2760 |
North Sydney | 2055 |
North Tamworth | 2340 |
North Tumbulgum | 2490 |
North Wagga Wagga | 2650 |
North Wahroonga | 2076 |
North Willoughby | 2068 |
North Wollongong | 2500 |
North Woodburn | 2471 |
North Yalgogrin | 2671 |
North Yeoval | 2868 |
Northangera | 2622 |
Northern Suburbs Mc | 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 2058 |
Norway | 2787 |
Nowley | 2386 |
Nowra East | 2541 |
Nowra Hill | 2540 |
Nowra Naval Po | 2540 |
Nowra North | 2541 |
Nubba | 2587 |
Nullica | 2551 |
Nullo Mountain | 2849 |
Numbugga | 2550 |
Nunderi | 2484 |
Nungatta | 2551 |
Nungatta South | 2551 |
Nurenmerenmong | 2649 |
Nyora | 2646 |
Nyrang Creek | 2804 |
O'connell | 2795 |
Oakhampton | 2320 |
Oakhampton Heights | 2320 |
Oakwood | 2360 |
Oaky Park | 2790 |
Oallen | 2622 |
Oban | 2365 |
Obanvale | 2330 |
Oberne Creek | 2650 |
Obley | 2868 |
Ogunbil | 2340 |
Old Adaminaby | 2629 |
Old Grevillia | 2474 |
Old Mill | 2369 |
Old Station | 2440 |
Olinda | 2849 |
Olney | 2325 |
Omadale | 2337 |
One Mile | 2316 |
One Tree | 2711 |
Oolong | 2581 |
Ooma | 2871 |
Ophir | 2800 |
Oran Park | 2570 |
Orange Dc | 2800 |
Orange East | 2800 |
Orton Park | 2795 |
Osborne | 2656 |
Oswald | 2321 |
Oura | 2650 |
Ournie | 2640 |
Oxley | 2824 |
Oxley Island | 2430 |
Packsaddle | 2880 |
Paddys Flat | 2469 2632 |
Paddys River | 2577 2653 |
Padstow Heights | 2211 |
Pagans Flat | 2469 |
Pages Creek | 2337 |
Pages River | 2338 |
Palarang | 2632 |
Palerang | 2622 |
Paling Yards | 2580 2795 |
Pallal | 2404 |
Palm Grove | 2258 |
Palmdale | 2258 |
Palmers Channel | 2463 |
Palmers Island | 2463 |
Palmers Oaky | 2795 |
Palmwoods | 2482 |
Pambula Beach | 2549 |
Pampoolah | 2430 |
Pan Ban | 2648 |
Pangee | 2825 |
Panuara | 2800 |
Para | 2648 |
Paradise | 2360 |
Paringi | 2738 |
Parkesbourne | 2580 |
Parliament House | 2000 |
Parma | 2540 |
Parramatta | 1740 1741 |
Parramatta Westfield | 2150 |
Parraweena | 2339 |
Patchs Beach | 2478 |
Paupong | 2628 |
Paytens Bridge | 2871 |
Peacock Creek | 2469 |
Pearces Creek | 2477 |
Pebbly Beach | 2536 |
Pejar | 2583 |
Pelican | 2281 |
Pennant Hills | 1771 |
Penrith Plaza | 2750 |
Penrith South | 2750 |
Penrith South Dc | 1797 |
Penrose | 2530 |
Pericoe | 2550 |
Perrys Crossing | 2775 |
Petersham North | 2049 |
Phoenix Park | 2321 |
Piallamore | 2340 |
Piallaway | 2342 |
Piambong | 2850 |
Picketts Valley | 2251 |
Pigeonbah | 2824 |
Piggabeen | 2486 |
Pikapene | 2469 |
Pilot Wilderness | 2627 |
Pimlico Island | 2478 |
Pinbeyan | 2720 |
Pindaroi | 2361 |
Pine Camp | 2648 |
Pine Clump | 2824 |
Pine Grove | 2829 |
Pine Lodge | 2714 |
Pine Valley | 2630 |
Piney Range | 2810 |
Pinkett | 2370 |
Pinnacle | 2810 |
Pinnacle Swamp | 2849 |
Pinny Beach | 2281 |
Pipeclay | 2446 |
Pitnacree | 2323 |
Pitt Town Bottoms | 2756 |
Point Frederick | 2250 |
Point Wolstoncroft | 2259 |
Pointer Mountain | 2539 |
Pola Creek | 2440 |
Polo Flat | 2630 |
Pomeroy | 2580 |
Ponto | 2818 |
Porters Creek | 2538 |
Possum Brush | 2430 |
Possum Creek | 2479 |
Potato Point | 2545 |
Pottery Estate | 2790 |
Pottsville Beach | 2489 |
Pretty Beach | 2539 |
Pretty Pine | 2710 |
Primrose Valley | 2621 |
Providence Portal | 2629 |
Pucawan | 2666 |
Puddledock | 2350 |
Pulganbar | 2460 |
Pulletop | 2650 |
Pumpenbil | 2484 |
Punchbowl | 2460 |
Putta Bucca | 2850 |
Pyangle | 2849 |
Pyramul | 2850 |
Quanda | 2828 |
Quandary | 2665 |
Queanbeyan Dc | 2620 |
Queanbeyan West | 2620 |
Queen Victoria Building | 1226 1227 1228 1229 |
Queens Pinch | 2850 |
Quialigo | 2580 |
Quidong | 2632 |
Quiera | 2622 |
Quipolly | 2343 |
Rainbow Flat | 2430 |
Rainbow Reach | 2440 |
Ramornie | 2460 |
Rangari | 2380 |
Rangers Valley | 2370 |
Rannock | 2701 |
Ravenswood | 2824 |
Rawdon Island | 2446 |
Rawsonville | 2830 |
Red Head | 2430 |
Red Hill | 2347 2720 2824 |
Red Rocks | 2577 |
Redbank | 2446 |
Redbournberry | 2330 |
Reddestone | 2370 |
Redlands | 2646 |
Reedy Creek | 2849 |
Reedy Swamp | 2550 |
Renwick | 2575 |
Repentance Creek | 2480 |
Reserve Creek | 2484 |
Retreat | 2355 |
Revesby Heights | 2212 |
Rhine Falls | 2630 |
Richlands | 2580 |
Richmond | 2755 |
Richmond Lowlands | 2753 |
Richmond Vale | 2323 |
Ringwood | 2646 |
Riverina Mc | 2678 |
Riverlea | 2850 |
Riverside | 2444 |
Rivertree | 2372 |
Rixs Creek | 2330 |
Rob Roy | 2360 |
Robin Hill | 2795 |
Rock Forest | 2795 |
Rockley Mount | 2795 |
Rockton | 2632 |
Rocky Creek | 2371 2390 |
Rocky Plain | 2628 |
Rocky Point | 2259 |
Rocky River | 2358 2372 |
Rookhurst | 2422 |
Rookwood | 2141 |
Ropers Road | 2395 |
Ropes Crossing | 2760 |
Rose Valley | 2534 |
Roseberg | 2793 |
Roseberry | 2474 |
Roseberry Creek | 2474 |
Rosebrook | 2320 |
Rosemeath | 2632 |
Roseville Chase | 2069 |
Rosewood | 2446 |
Rossglen | 2439 |
Rossgole | 2336 |
Rossi | 2621 |
Rouchel Brook | 2336 |
Roughit | 2330 |
Round Mountain | 2484 |
Round Swamp | 2846 |
Rowan | 2650 |
Rowlands Creek | 2484 |
Royal Exchange | 1221 1222 1223 1224 |
Ruby Creek | 4380 |
Rufus | 2648 |
Run-O-Waters | 2580 |
Rushes Creek | 2346 |
Rushforth | 2460 |
Ryhope | 2283 |
Sackville | 2756 |
Sackville North | 2756 |
Saddleback Mountain | 2533 |
Salisbury Plains | 2358 |
Sallys Flat | 2850 |
Saltwater | 2430 |
San Isidore | 2650 |
Sancrox | 2446 |
Sandbar | 2428 |
Sandigo | 2700 |
Sandilands | 2469 |
Sandon | 2463 |
Sandy Creek | 2338 2835 |
Sandy Crossing | 2460 |
Sandy Gully | 2729 |
Sandy Hill | 2372 |
Sanger | 2646 |
Sapphire | 2360 |
Sapphire Beach | 2450 |
Sassafras | 2622 |
Saumarez | 2350 |
Saumarez Ponds | 2350 |
Sawpit Creek | 2474 |
Sawyers Gully | 2326 |
Scotia | 2648 |
Scotts Creek | 2338 |
Scotts Flat | 2330 |
Seahampton | 2286 |
Sedgefield | 2330 |
Segenhoe | 2337 |
Settlement City | 2444 |
Seven Hills Mc | 1781 |
Seven Oaks | 2440 |
Shadforth | 2800 |
Shallow Bay | 2428 |
Shannon Vale | 2370 |
Shannondale | 2460 |
Shannons Flat | 2630 |
Shark Creek | 2463 |
Sharps Creek | 2729 |
Sheedys Gully | 2790 |
Shellharbour City Centre | 2529 |
Sherwood | 2440 2450 2474 |
Silent Grove | 2372 |
Simpkins Creek | 2469 |
Singleton Heights | 2330 |
Singleton Military Area | 2331 |
Singletons Mill | 2775 |
Six Mile Swamp | 2469 |
Skennars Head | 2478 |
Skillion Flat | 2440 |
Skinners Shoot | 2481 |
Sleepy Hollow | 2483 |
Smeaton Grange | 2567 |
Smiths Creek | 2460 2474 2484 |
Snakes Plain | 2824 |
Snowball | 2622 |
Snowy Plain | 2628 |
South Arm | 2449 |
South Ballina | 2478 |
South Bathurst | 2795 |
South Bowenfels | 2790 |
South Broken Hill | 2880 |
South Coogee | 2034 |
South Evans Head | 2473 |
South Granville | 2142 |
South Gundagai | 2722 |
South Gundurimba | 2480 |
South Guyra | 2365 |
South Lismore | 2480 |
South Littleton | 2790 |
South Maitland | 2320 |
South Maroota | 2756 |
South Murwillumbah | 2484 |
South Nowra | 2541 |
South Penrith | 2750 |
South Tamworth | 2340 |
South Wentworthville | 2145 |
South Windsor | 2756 |
South Wolumla | 2550 |
Southampton | 2460 |
Southern Suburbs Mc | 1416 1419 |
Southgate | 2460 |
Speewa | 2735 |
Spicketts Creek | 2454 |
Splitters Creek | 2640 |
Spring Creek | 2800 |
Spring Farm | 2570 |
Spring Flat | 2850 |
Spring Hill | 2500 |
Spring Mountain | 2360 |
Spring Plains | 2388 |
Spring Terrace | 2798 |
Springdale Heights | 2641 |
Springfield | 2630 |
Springrange | 2618 |
Springside | 2800 |
Springvale | 2650 2790 |
St Fillans | 2850 |
St George | 2622 |
St Ives Chase | 2075 |
St Marys East | 2760 |
St Marys South | 2760 |
Stanborough | 2360 |
Stanbridge | 2705 |
State Mine Gully | 2790 |
Steam Plains | 2710 |
Steeple Flat | 2631 |
Stewarts Mount | 2795 |
Stewarts River | 2443 |
Stockrington | 2322 |
Stockyard Creek | 2460 |
Stonehenge | 2370 |
Stonequarry | 2580 |
Stony Chute | 2480 |
Stony Creek | 2550 2850 |
Stony Crossing | 2734 |
Strathcedar | 2429 |
Strawberry Hills | 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 |
Stroud Hill | 2420 |
Stubbo | 2852 |
Stud Park | 2710 |
Sugarloaf | 2420 |
Summer Hill | 2421 |
Summer Hill Creek | 2800 |
Summer Island | 2440 |
Sun Valley | 2777 |
Sunset Strip | 2879 |
Suntop | 2820 |
Swan Creek | 2462 |
Swanbrook | 2360 |
Swans Crossing | 2439 |
Swansea Heads | 2281 |
Sweetmans Creek | 2325 |
Sydney | 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1020 1021 1022 1023 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1100 1101 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 |
Sydney Olympic Park | 2127 |
Sydney South | 1231 1232 1233 1234 |
Tabbil Creek | 2420 |
Tabbimoble | 2472 |
Tacoma South | 2259 |
Talarm | 2447 |
Talawanta | 2839 |
Tallawang | 2852 |
Tallowal | 2540 |
Tallowwood Ridge | 2453 |
Tallwoods Village | 2430 |
Talofa | 2481 |
Taloumbi | 2463 |
Tamban | 2441 |
Tambaroora | 2850 |
Taminda | 2340 |
Tanglewood | 2488 |
Tanja | 2550 |
Tannabar | 2357 |
Tannas Mount | 2795 |
Tantangara | 2629 |
Tantawangalo | 2550 |
Tantonan | 2731 |
Tara | 2665 |
Taradale | 2653 |
Tarban | 2372 |
Taree South | 2430 |
Tarlo | 2580 |
Tarraganda | 2550 |
Tarriaro | 2390 |
Tatton | 2650 |
Taylors Beach | 2316 |
Taylors Flat | 2586 |
Temagog | 2440 |
Ten Mile Hollow | 2250 |
Tenandra | 2824 |
Tenterden | 2365 |
Terania Creek | 2480 |
Teridgerie | 2829 |
Terrabella | 2818 |
Terrace Creek | 2474 |
Terragon | 2484 |
Terramungamine | 2830 |
Terreel | 2422 |
Tewinga | 2449 |
Thalgarrah | 2350 |
The Angle | 2620 |
The Basin | 2365 |
The Bight | 2429 |
The Branch | 2425 |
The Brothers | 2630 |
The Devils Wilderness | 2758 |
The Entrance North | 2261 |
The Freshwater | 2466 |
The Gap | 2472 2650 |
The Glen | 2476 |
The Gulf | 2365 |
The Hatch | 2444 |
The Lagoon | 2795 |
The Marra | 2831 |
The Meadows | 2787 |
The Pilliga | 2388 |
The Pinnacles | 2460 |
The Pocket | 2483 |
The Ponds | 2769 |
The Ridgeway | 2620 |
The Sandon | 2463 |
The Slopes | 2754 |
The Whiteman | 2460 |
Theresa Creek | 2469 |
Theresa Park | 2570 |
Thirldene | 2347 |
Thredbo | 2625 |
Thrumster | 2444 |
Thuddungra | 2594 |
Thule | 2732 |
Thyra | 2731 |
Tianjara | 2622 |
Tibbuc | 2422 |
Tichular | 2850 |
Tilbuster | 2350 |
Tilligerry Creek | 2319 |
Timbarra | 2372 |
Timbillica | 2551 |
Timbumburi | 2340 |
Timor | 2338 |
Tindarey | 2835 |
Tinderry | 2620 |
Tintinhull | 2352 |
Tiona | 2428 |
Tipperary | 2429 |
Tiri | 2424 |
Tirrannaville | 2580 |
Titaatee Creek | 2422 |
Tocal | 2421 |
Tolwong | 2622 |
Tomalla | 2337 |
Tombong | 2633 |
Tomboye | 2622 |
Tomewin | 2484 |
Tomki | 2470 |
Tonderburine | 2828 |
Tongarra | 2527 |
Tooloom | 2475 |
Tooloon | 2829 |
Toongi | 2830 |
Tooranie | 2734 |
Toothdale | 2550 |
Tootool | 2655 |
Topi Topi | 2423 |
Torryburn | 2358 2421 |
Totnes Valley | 2850 |
Touga | 2622 |
Towallum | 2460 |
Townsend | 2463 |
Tralee | 2620 |
Trenayr | 2460 |
Trentham Cliffs | 2738 |
Triamble | 2850 |
Triangle Flat | 2795 |
Trustums Hill | 2472 |
Tubbamurra | 2365 |
Tubbul | 2594 |
Tucki Tucki | 2480 |
Tuckombil | 2477 |
Tugrabakh | 2422 |
Tullakool | 2732 |
Tullarwalla | 2540 |
Tullera | 2480 |
Tullimbar | 2527 |
Tulloona | 2400 |
Tumorrama | 2720 |
Tumut Plains | 2720 |
Tunglebung | 2469 |
Tuntable Creek | 2480 |
Tuppal | 2714 |
Turners Flat | 2440 |
Tuross | 2630 |
Twelve Mile Peg | 2540 |
Twenty Forests | 2795 |
Twin Rivers | 2410 |
Tyalgum Creek | 2484 |
Tygalgah | 2484 |
Tyndale | 2460 |
Ullamalla | 2850 |
Underbank | 2420 |
Undercliffe | 4380 |
Unumgar | 2474 |
Upper Allyn | 2311 |
Upper Bingara | 2404 |
Upper Burringbar | 2483 |
Upper Bylong | 2849 |
Upper Colo | 2756 |
Upper Coopers Creek | 2482 |
Upper Copmanhurst | 2460 |
Upper Corindi | 2456 |
Upper Crystal Creek | 2484 |
Upper Dartbrook | 2336 |
Upper Duck Creek | 2469 |
Upper Duroby | 2486 |
Upper Eden Creek | 2474 |
Upper Fine Flower | 2460 |
Upper Growee | 2849 |
Upper Horseshoe Creek | 2474 |
Upper Horton | 2347 |
Upper Kangaroo River | 2577 |
Upper Kangaroo Valley | 2577 |
Upper Karuah River | 2415 |
Upper Macdonald | 2775 |
Upper Main Arm | 2482 |
Upper Mangrove | 2250 |
Upper Manilla | 2346 |
Upper Mongogarie | 2470 |
Upper Nile | 2849 |
Upper Pappinbarra | 2446 |
Upper Rollands Plains | 2441 |
Upper Taylors Arm | 2447 |
Upper Tooloom | 2475 |
Upper Turon | 2795 |
Upper Wilsons Creek | 2482 |
Upsalls Creek | 2439 |
Urangeline | 2656 |
Urawilkie | 2829 |
Urila | 2620 |
Urliup | 2484 |
Utungun | 2447 |
Vale Of Clwydd | 2790 |
Valery | 2454 |
Valla | 2448 |
Verona | 2550 |
Violet Hill | 2423 |
Wadalba | 2259 |
Wadeville | 2474 |
Wagga Wagga Bc | 2650 |
Wagstaffe | 2257 |
Waitui | 2443 |
Walang | 2795 |
Walcha Road | 2354 |
Waldegrave | 2800 |
Wallabi Point | 2430 |
Wallacetown | 2650 |
Wallagoot | 2550 |
Wallalong | 2320 |
Wallamore | 2340 |
Wallanbah | 2422 |
Wallanthery | 2675 |
Wallaringa | 2420 |
Wallaroo | 2618 |
Walleroobie | 2665 |
Wallingat | 2428 |
Wallis Lake | 2428 |
Wamban | 2537 |
Wambangalang | 2830 |
Wambrook | 2630 |
Wandera | 2360 |
Wandook | 2710 |
Wanganui | 2482 |
Wantabadgery | 2650 |
Wantagong | 2644 |
Wantiool | 2663 |
Warburn | 2680 |
Wardrop Valley | 2484 |
Wards Mistake | 2350 |
Warialda Rail | 2402 |
Warrabah | 2346 |
Warraderry | 2810 |
Warragai Creek | 2460 |
Warragoon | 2710 |
Warrah | 2339 |
Warrah Ridge | 2343 |
Warral | 2340 |
Warranulla | 2423 |
Warrawidgee | 2680 |
Warrazambil Creek | 2474 |
Warregah Island | 2469 |
Warri | 2622 |
Warroo | 2871 |
Washpool | 2460 |
Waterloo | 1440 |
Watersleigh | 2540 |
Waterview | 2460 |
Wattle Ponds | 2330 |
Wattle Ridge | 2575 |
Wattle Springs | 2357 |
Watton | 2795 |
Waugorah | 2711 |
Waukivory | 2422 |
Waverly | 2337 |
Way Way | 2447 |
Wayo | 2580 |
Weabonga | 2340 |
Wean | 2382 |
Webbers Creek | 2421 |
Webbs Creek | 2775 |
Weedallion | 2594 |
Weemelah | 2406 |
Weismantels | 2415 |
Welaregang | 2642 |
Wellingrove | 2370 |
Wellington Vale | 2371 |
Wells Crossing | 2460 |
Wentworth Point | 2127 |
Werai | 2577 |
Wereboldera | 2720 |
Wermatong | 2720 |
Werrikimbe | 2446 |
West Albury | 2640 |
West Ballina | 2478 |
West Bungawalbin | 2471 |
West Coraki | 2471 |
West Kempsey | 2440 |
West Nowra | 2541 |
West Wiangaree | 2474 |
West Wollongong | 2500 |
Westbrook | 2330 |
Westdale | 2653 |
Westwood | 2729 |
Wetuppa | 2734 |
Wheeny Creek | 2758 |
Wheeo | 2583 |
Whiporie | 2469 |
White Rock | 2795 |
Whiteman Creek | 2460 |
Whitlow | 2404 |
Whittingham | 2330 |
Whoota | 2428 |
Wiagdon | 2795 |
Wiarborough | 2580 |
Widden | 2328 |
Wild Cattle Creek | 2453 |
Willala | 2382 |
Willi Willi | 2440 |
Willigobung | 2653 |
Willoughby East | 2068 |
Willoughby North | 2068 |
Willow Vale | 2534 2575 |
Willsons Downfall | 2372 |
Willurah | 2710 |
Wilpinjong | 2850 |
Wilsons Creek | 2482 |
Wimborne | 2346 |
Winburndale | 2795 |
Windella | 2320 |
Windellama | 2580 |
Windera | 2800 |
Windermere | 2321 |
Windermere Park | 2264 |
Windowie | 2720 |
Windradyne | 2795 |
Windsor Downs | 2756 |
Windy | 2343 |
Wingadee | 2829 |
Winifred | 2631 |
Winton | 2344 |
Wirlinga | 2640 |
Wirraba | 2849 |
Wirragulla | 2420 |
Wirrimbi | 2447 |
Wittitrin | 2440 |
Wog Wog | 2550 2622 |
Woko | 2422 |
Wolgan Valley | 2790 |
Wollangambe | 2790 |
Wollemi | 2330 |
Wollogorang | 2581 |
Wollongong Dc | 2500 |
Wollongong West | 2500 |
Wollumboola | 2540 |
Wombat Creek | 2460 |
Womerah | 2756 |
Wonboyn North | 2551 |
Wondabyne | 2256 |
Wongo Creek | 2346 |
Wongwibinda | 2350 |
Woodburn | 2538 |
Woodford Island | 2463 |
Woodlands | 2575 |
Woodlawn | 2480 |
Woodpark | 2164 |
Woodside | 2372 |
Woodsreef | 2347 |
Woodstock | 2360 2538 |
Woody Head | 2466 |
Woolgarlo | 2582 |
Woolners Arm | 2470 |
Wooloweyah | 2464 |
Woombah | 2469 |
Woonona East | 2517 |
Wooyung | 2483 |
World Square | 2002 |
Worlds End | 2850 |
Woronora Dam | 2508 |
Worrowing Heights | 2540 |
Woy Woy Bay | 2256 |
Wrathall | 2642 |
Wrights Creek | 2775 |
Wuuluman | 2820 |
Wyan | 2469 |
Wyanbene | 2622 |
Wyangala | 2808 |
Wyangle | 2720 |
Wybung | 2259 |
Wyee Point | 2259 |
Wylies Flat | 2330 |
Wymah | 2640 |
Wyneden | 2474 |
Wyong Creek | 2259 |
Yabbra | 2469 |
Yadboro | 2539 |
Yagon | 2423 |
Yallaroi | 2408 |
Yambulla | 2550 |
Yanga | 2711 |
Yankees Creek | 2550 |
Yannergee | 2343 |
Yarara | 2644 |
Yarrabandai | 2875 |
Yarrabin | 2850 |
Yarragal | 2820 |
Yarragrin | 2842 |
Yarragundry | 2650 |
Yarrahapinni | 2441 |
Yarraman | 2343 |
Yarranbella | 2447 |
Yarrangobilly | 2720 |
Yarras | 2446 2795 |
Yarratt Forest | 2429 |
Yarravel | 2440 |
Yarrawa | 2328 |
Yarrie Lake | 2388 |
Yarrow | 2620 |
Yarrowford | 2370 |
Yarrowitch | 2354 |
Yarrowyck | 2358 |
Yass River | 2582 |
Yathella | 2650 |
Yaven Creek | 2729 |
Yellow Dam | 2371 |
Yellow Pinch | 2548 |
Yellow Rock | 2527 |
Yerriyong | 2540 |
Yessabah | 2440 |
Yippin Creek | 2446 |
Yorklea | 2470 |
Yullundry | 2867 |
Yuraygir | 2464 |
Zara | 2484 |
Understanding the difference between zip codes and postal codes is essential, especially when mailing within New South Wales. These codes, including New South Wales zip codes and postal codes, play a crucial role in organizing mail delivery, reducing confusion, and speeding up the process. Whether you’re looking for a New South Wales postcode or a zip code, here’s everything you need to know.
What Are Postal Codes in New South Wales?
Postal codes in New South Wales are used to direct and filter mail efficiently. They are typically a combination of numbers or letters assigned to specific areas. If you're sending mail in New South Wales, using the correct postal code ensures it reaches the right location.
In New South Wales, postal codes might represent neighborhoods, streets, or even specific buildings. For example, some postcodes in New South Wales cover multiple delivery zones within the same district. The composition of these codes can vary, but their primary purpose remains the same—accurate and quick mail delivery.
Using postal codes in New South Wales is not just about mailing; they also help collect demographic data and plan delivery routes.
What Are Zip Codes in New South Wales?
Zip codes, short for "Zone Improvement Plan," are commonly used in the United States and some other countries, but the concept applies universally, even in New South Wales. Zip codes in New South Wales help postal services and courier companies streamline the sorting process, making it easier to deliver letters, parcels, and packages.
While zip codes are often numerical, they can include additional digits for more precise location targeting. In New South Wales, knowing the correct zip code is vital for timely and accurate deliveries.
Key Differences Between Zip Codes and Postal Codes in New South Wales
- Definition: A zip code in New South Wales focuses on simplifying mail sorting for specific zones, while postal codes cover broader functions, including identifying streets or landmarks in New South Wales.
- Usage: Zip codes are primarily numerical, whereas postal codes in New South Wales may include letters, numbers, or both, making them versatile.
- Purpose: Both systems aim to enhance mail delivery, but postal codes in New South Wales are also used for data collection and planning routes.
How Postcodes and Zip Codes Work in New South Wales
In New South Wales, postcodes and zip codes serve as a reliable navigation system for the postal network. For instance:
- Postal codes in New South Wales may represent areas like [City's District/Neighborhood Example].
- Zip codes in New South Wales ensure faster sorting and delivery to locations such as [City's Popular Area].
Using the correct postcode in New South Wales saves time and prevents errors, especially when two places in New South Wales share similar names.
Why Are New South Wales Zip Codes and Postcodes Important?
Whether it’s called a zip code or a postal code, the purpose is the same—to ensure mail reaches the right destination in New South Wales. Here’s why these codes matter:
- They speed up delivery processes within New South Wales.
- They reduce confusion when multiple areas in New South Wales share the same name.
- They help in demographic research and planning efficient routes for deliveries in New South Wales.
When sending mail in New South Wales, always ensure you use the correct zip code, postal code, or postcode for accurate and timely delivery. The postal system in New South Wales depends on these codes to make the process faster and more efficient. Whether you’re mailing within New South Wales or from outside, these codes are your key to hassle-free communication.