New South Wales Postcodes: Australia

Area Name Postcode
Aarons Pass 2850
Abercrombie 2795
Abercrombie River 2795
Aberdeen 2359
Aberfoyle 2350
Aberglasslyn 2320
Abington 2350
Acacia Creek 2476
Afterlee 2474
Agnes Banks 2753
Akolele 2546
Aldavilla 2440
Alexandria Mc 2004
Alfredtown 2650
Alice 2469
Alison 2259 2420
Allandale 2320
Alleena 2671
Allgomera 2441
Alma Park 2659
Alpine 2575
Alstonvale 2477
Alumy Creek 2460
Amaroo 2866
Amosfield 4380
Anabranch North 2648
Anabranch South 2648
Anambah 2320
Anembo 2621
Angledale 2550
Angledool 2834
Anglers Reach 2629
Angourie 2464
Apple Tree Flat 2850
Appleby 2340
Appletree Flat 2330
Apsley 2820
Arable 2630
Arakoon 2431
Aratula 2714
Arding 2358
Argalong 2720
Argyle 2350
Arkell 2795
Arkstone 2795
Armatree 2828
Arndell Park 2148
Arrawarra 2456
Arumpo 2715
Ashby 2463
Ashby Heights 2463
Ashby Island 2463
Atholwood 2361
Auburn Vale 2360
Austral Eden 2440
Australia Square 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214
Avisford 2850
Avon 2574
Avondale 2530
Avonside 2628
Babinda 2825
Babyl Creek 2470
Back Creek 2372 2390 2422 2484 2622 2671
Back Forest 2535
Backwater 2365
Badja 2630
Baerami 2333
Bago 2446
Bagotville 2477
Bakers Creek 2359 2422 2447
Balaclava 2575
Balala 2358
Balcolyn 2264
Bald Blair 2365
Bald Hills 2549
Bald Nob 2370
Baldersleigh 2365
Balfours Peak 2403
Balgowlah Heights 2093
Balmain East 2041
Balmoral 2571
Banda Banda 2446
Bangadang 2729
Bangheet 2404
Bango 2582
Bankstown 1888
Bankstown Aerodrome 2200
Bannaby 2580
Banoon 2347
Banyabba 2460
Bar Point 2083
Bara 2850
Barangaroo 2000
Barcoongere 2460
Bardia 2565
Barigan 2850
Barkers Vale 2474
Barneys Reef 2852
Barraganyatti 2441
Barratta 2710
Barren Grounds 2577
Barretts Creek 2460
Barringella 2540
Barrington Tops 2422
Barry 2340
Barwang 2594
Barwon 2396
Bassendean 2365
Batar Creek 2439
Bathampton 2795
Bathurst West 2795
Baw Baw 2580
Baxters Ridge 2422
Bean Creek 2469
Bearbong 2827
Bective 2340
Bectric 2665
Bedgerabong 2871
Beecroft Peninsula 2540
Beemunnel 2824
Beggan Beggan 2587
Belanglo 2577
Belfrayden 2650
Belgravia 2800
Belimbla Park 2570
Bellbird Heights 2325
Bellmount Forest 2581
Belltrees 2337
Belmont North 2280
Belmont South 2280
Belmore River 2440
Beloka 2628
Belowra 2545
Ben Bullen 2790
Bendolba 2420
Bendoura 2622
Bengalla 2333
Benolong 2818
Berambing 2758
Berlang 2622
Berowra Creek 2082
Berremangra 2582
Berrico 2422
Berrigal 2390
Berry Jerry 2701
Berry Mountain 2535
Berry Park 2321
Berthong 2594
Beryl 2852
Bevendale 2581
Bewong 2540
Biala 2581
Bickley Vale 2570
Biddon 2827
Bidgeemia 2642
Bielsdown Hills 2453
Big Hill 2579
Big Jacks Creek 2339
Big Ridge 2330
Big Springs 2650
Big Yengo 2330
Bilambil Heights 2486
Bilgola Beach 2107
Bilgola Plateau 2107
Billeroy 2829
Billilingra 2630
Billimari 2804
Billys Creek 2453
Billywillinga 2795
Bimberi 2611
Bindera 2422
Bingeebeebra Creek 2469
Bingleburra 2311
Biniguy 2399
Binjura 2630
Birdwood 2446
Birganbigil 2710
Bithramere 2340
Black Creek 2439 2729
Black Head 2430
Black Hollow 2828
Black Range 2550
Blackmans Flat 2790
Blakebrook 2480
Blakney Creek 2581
Bland 2721
Blaxland East 2774
Blaxlands Creek 2460
Blowering 2720
Blue Knob 2480
Blue Nobby 2408
Blue Vale 2380
Blueys Beach 2428
Boambee East 2452
Boambolo 2582
Boat Harbour 2480
Bobadah 2877
Bobs Creek 2443
Bobundara 2630
Boco 2631
Bocoble 2850
Bocobra 2865
Boeill Creek 2739
Bogan 2826
Bogee 2849
Bogong Peaks Wilderness 2720
Bohena Creek 2390
Bolaro 2629
Bolwarra Heights 2320
Bom Bom 2460
Bombah Point 2423
Bombay 2622
Bombira 2850
Bombowlee 2720
Bombowlee Creek 2720
Bomen 2650
Bomera 2357
Bondi Forest 2632
Bonville 2450
Booerie Creek 2480
Book Book 2650
Bookookoorara 2372
Bookram 2460
Boolcarroll 2388
Boolijah 2540
Boomanoomana 2712
Boomerang Beach 2428
Boomey 2866
Boomi Creek 2476
Boona Mount 2877
Boonal 2409
Boorabee Park 2480
Boorga 2652
Boorganna 2429
Boorolong 2350
Boorook 2372
Boorooma 2650
Booroorban 2710
Bootawa 2430
Booti Booti 2428
Booyong 2480
Bora Ridge 2471
Borah Creek 2346
Borambil 2343
Borambola 2650
Border Ranges 2474
Boree 2800
Boronia Park 2111
Botobolar 2850
Bottle Creek 2469
Bouddi 2251
Bourbah 2828
Bourkelands 2650
Bournda 2548
Bournewood 2868
Bowan Park 2864
Bowman 2422
Bowman Farm 2422
Bowmans Creek 2330
Box Head 2257
Box Ridge 2357
Boxers Creek 2580
Boydtown 2551
Braefield 2339
Braemar 2575
Braemar Bay 2628
Braunstone 2460
Brawboy 2337
Brays Creek 2484
Brayton 2579
Breakfast Creek 2849
Breakfast Point 2137
Bream Beach 2540
Breelong 2827
Briarbrook 2365
Bridgman 2330
Brierfield 2454
Bril Bril 2441
Brimbin 2430
Brinerville 2454
Brisbane Grove 2580
Broadway 1401 2581
Brobenah 2705
Brockley 2365
Brodies Plains 2360
Brogans Creek 2848
Brogers Creek 2535
Broken Hill North 2880
Broken Hill West 2880
Brombin 2446
Brookdale 2656
Brookfield 2420
Brooklana 2450
Brookong 2656
Brooman 2538
Broughams Gate 2880
Broughton 2535
Broughton Vale 2535
Broughton Village 2534
Brownlow Hill 2570
Browns Mountain 2540
Brucedale 2650
Bruie Plains 2875
Bruinbun 2795
Brumby Plains 2476
Brungle Creek 2722
Brushy Creek 2365
Buangla 2540
Bucca 2450
Bucca Wauka 2429
Buccarumbi 2460
Buchanan 2323
Buckajo 2550
Buckaroo 2850
Buckenderra 2630
Buckendoon 2472
Bucketty 2250
Buckra Bendinni 2449
Budawang 2622
Buddabadah 2825
Budden 2849
Buddong 2720
Budgee Budgee 2850
Budgewoi Peninsula 2262
Budgong 2577
Bukalong 2632
Bulee 2622
Bulga Forest 2429
Bulgary 2650
Bulla 2835
Bulla Creek 2594
Bullagreen 2824
Bullarah 2400
Bullatale 2710
Bullawa Creek 2390
Bulldog 2469
Bulliac 2422
Bullio 2575
Bulyeroi 2387
Bumbalong 2626
Bumberry 2870
Bundagen 2454
Bundella 2343
Bundemar 2823
Bundewallah 2535
Bundjalung 2473
Bundure 2700
Bungaba 2852
Bungabbee 2480
Bungalora 2486
Bungarribee 2767
Bungawalbin 2469
Bungowannah 2640
Bureen 2328
Burnt Bridge 2440
Burnt Yards 2792
Burra 2653
Burra Creek 2722
Burraboi 2732
Burrandana 2650
Burraneer 2230
Burrangong 2594
Burrapine 2447
Burroway 2821
Burrundulla 2850
Burwood North 2134
Busbys Flat 2469
Bushells Ridge 2259
Buttai 2323
Butterwick 2321
Byadbo Wilderness 2628
Byangum 2484
Byng 2800
Byrrill Creek 2484
Bywong 2621
Cabbage Tree Island 2430
Cabramatta West 2166
Caddens 2747
Cadgee 2545
Cadia 2800
Caerleon 2850
Caffreys Flat 2424
Cairncross 2446
Calamia 2460
Calderwood 2527
Califat 2729
Calimo 2710
Callaghans Creek 2422
Calliope 2462
Caloola 2795
Cambalong 2632
Cambewarra Village 2540
Camboon 2849
Cambra 2420
Cambridge Gardens 2747
Cambridge Plateau 2469
Camden South 2570
Cameron Park 2285
Camerons Creek 2359
Camira 2469
Camp Creek 4385
Campbelltown North 2560
Canadian Lead 2850
Canbelego 2835
Caniaba 2480
Canobolas 2800
Canoelands 2157
Canton Beach 2263
Canyonleigh 2577
Capeen Creek 2469
Capoompeta 2371
Carcalgong 2850
Cardiff Heights 2285
Cardiff South 2285
Caringbah South 2229
Carlaminda 2630
Carlingford North 2118
Carnes Hill 2171
Carnham 2460
Carrabolla 2311
Carrick 2580
Carrington Falls 2577
Carrolls Creek 2372
Carrs Creek 2460
Carrs Island 2460
Carrs Peninsular 2460
Cartwrights Hill 2650
Carwell 2849
Carwoola 2620
Cascade 2453
Castle Doyle 2350
Castle Rock 2333
Casuarina 2487
Cataract 2560
Cathundral 2823
Cattle Creek 2339
Cavan 2582
Cedar Brush Creek 2259
Cedar Creek 2325 2484
Cedar Party 2429
Cedar Point 2474
Cells River 2424
Central Coast Mc 2252
Central Colo 2756
Central Mangrove 2250
Chaelundi 2460
Chambigne 2460
Charles Sturt University 2795
Charleys Forest 2622
Charlton 2795
Chatham Valley 2787
Chatsbury 2580
Cheero Point 2083
Cherry Tree Hill 2360
Chichester 2420
Chilcotts Creek 2339
Chilcotts Grass 2480
Chinnock 2550
Chisholm 2322
Chowan Creek 2484
Clare 2711
Claremont Meadows 2747
Clarenza 2460
Clareville 2107
Clear Creek 2795
Clear Range 2620
Clearfield 2469
Clergate 2800
Cleveland 2530
Clifden 2460
Cliftleigh 2321
Clifton Grove 2800
Clothiers Creek 2484
Clouds Creek 2453
Clovass 2480
Clyde 2142
Clydesdale 2330
Coasters Retreat 2108
Cobaki 2486
Cobaki Lakes 2486
Cobark 2422
Cobramunga 2732
Cockwhy 2539
Codrington 2471
Coffee Camp 2480
Coggan 2849
Cogra Bay 2083
Coldstream 2462
Colebee 2761
Colinroobie 2700
Colinton 2626
Collaroy Plateau 2097
Collendina 2646
Collerina 2839
Collingwood 2850
Collins Creek 2474
Collum Collum 2460
Colo 2795
Colo Heights 2756
Colongra 2262
Combaning 2666
Comberton 2540
Combo 2330
Comerong Island 2540
Commissioners Creek 2484
Comobella 2820
Coneac 2422
Congarinni 2447
Congarinni North 2447
Conimbia 2829
Constitution Hill 2145
Cooks Gap 2850
Cooks Myalls 2870
Coolagolite 2550
Coolangubra 2550
Cooleman 2611
Coolgardie 2478
Coolringdon 2630
Coolumbooka 2632
Coolumburra 2622
Cooma North 2630
Coomba Bay 2428
Coomba Park 2428
Coombadjha 2460
Coomealla 2717
Coomoo Coomoo 2343
Cooneys Creek 2726
Coongbar 2469
Cooperabung 2441
Coopers Gully 2550
Coopers Shoot 2479
Cooplacurripa 2424
Coorabell 2479
Cootralantra 2628
Cooyal 2850
Cope 2852
Copeton 2360
Coppabella 2644
Copperhannia 2795
Coralville 2443
Corang 2622
Corangula 2440
Cordeaux 2526
Coree 2710
Coreen 2646
Corinella 2871
Corney Town 2790
Corrabare 2325
Corrimal East 2518
Corrong 2711
Corrowong 2633
Corunna 2546
Cottage Point 2084
Cougal 2474
Countegany 2630
Courabyra 2653
Couradda 2390
Couragago 2720
Cow Flat 2795
Cowabbie 2652
Coxs Creek 2849
Coxs Crown 2849
Crackenback 2627
Crangan Bay 2259
Craven Plateau 2422
Crawford River 2423
Crawney 2338
Creewah 2631
Cremorne Point 2090
Crestwood 2620
Croki 2430
Croobyar 2539
Croom 2527
Cross Roads 2850
Crosslands 2446
Crowdy Bay National Park 2443
Crows Nest 1582
Crowther Island 2460
Crudine 2795
Cubba 2835
Cudgegong 2850
Cudgel 2700
Cullenbone 2850
Cullendore 2372
Cullerin 2581
Cullivel 2645
Culmaran Creek 2469
Cumbalum 2478
Cumbandry 2852
Cumberland Reach 2756
Cumbo 2850
Cundumbul 2866
Cunningar 2587
Cunninyeuk 2734
Curlew Waters 2672
Curra Creek 2820
Curragh 2795
Curramore 2533
Currawang 2580
Currawarna 2650
Curraweela 2580
Currawong Beach 2108
Curricabark 2422
Dabee 2849
Dairy Flat 2474
Dairymans Plains 2630
Dalmorton 2460
Dalswinton 2328
Dandaloo 2823
Dandry 2357
Dangarsleigh 2350
Dangelong 2630
Darawank 2428
Darbalara 2722
Darkwood 2454
Darlington 2330
Darlow 2729
Daruka 2340
Deauville 2443
Debenham 2446
Deep Creek 2440 2460 2469
Deer Vale 2453
Depot Beach 2536
Devils Hole 2550
Dewitt 2422
Dhuragoon 2733
Diamond Head 2443
Diehard 2370
Diggers Camp 2462
Dilkoon 2460
Dilpurra 2734
Dingo Forest 2429
Dirnaseer 2666
Dirty Creek 2456
Doctors Gap 2790
Dog Rocks 2795
Dolls Point 2219
Dollys Flat 2429
Dolphin Point 2539
Dombarton 2530
Donald Creek 2350
Dondingalong 2440
Donnellyville 2447
Doonbah 2473
Dorrigo Mountain 2453
Doyalson North 2262
Doyles Creek 2330
Doyles River 2446
Drake 2469
Drake Village 2469
Drildool 2386
Dry Creek 2337
Dry Plain 2630
Dubbo Dc 2830
Dubbo East 2830
Dubbo Grove 2830
Dubbo West 2830
Duck Creek 2469
Duckenfield 2321
Dulguigan 2484
Dum Dum 2484
Dumaresq 2350
Dumaresq Island 2430
Dumaresq Valley 2372
Dumbudgery 2460
Duncans Creek 2340
Dundas Valley 2117
Dungarubba 2480
Dungeree 2849
Dunolly 2330
Duns Creek 2321
Dunville Loop 2849
Duroby 2486
Durran Durra 2622
Duval 2350
Dyrring 2330
East Ballina 2478
East Bowral 2576
East Branxton 2335
East Coraki 2471
East Corrimal 2518
East Jindabyne 2627
East Kangaloon 2576
East Kempsey 2440
East Killara 2071
East Kurrajong 2758
East Lismore 2480
East Tamworth 2340
East Wagga Wagga 2650
East Wardell 2477
Eastern Suburbs Mc 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1391
Eatonsville 2460
Eccleston 2311
Eden Creek 2474
Edenville 2474
Edrom 2551
Eenaweena 2824
Eighteen Mile 2460
Elcombe 2404
Elizabeth Beach 2428
Elizabeth Hills 2171
Elland 2460
Ellerslie 2648 2729
Emerald Hill 2380
Emu Heights 2750
Emu Swamp 2800
Endrick 2622
Environa 2620
Epping 1712
Eremerang 2877
Erin Vale 2663
Errowanbang 2791
Erudgere 2850
Esk 2472
Essington 2787
Estella 2650
Ettamogah 2640
Ettrema 2540
Euabalong West 2877
Euberta 2650
Eulah Creek 2390
Eunanoreenya 2650
Eurimbla 2867
Eurobodalla 2545
Euroka 2440
Euroley 2700
Eurongilly 2663
Eurunderee 2850
Evans Plains 2795
Eveleigh 1430
Eviron 2484
Ewingar 2469
Ewingsdale 2481
Fairholme 2871
Falbrook 2330
Falconer 2365
Far Meadow 2535
Fargunyah 2656
Farrants Hill 2484
Farringdon 2622
Faulkland 2422
Fawcetts Plain 2474
Fern Gully 2330
Fernances 2775
Fernbank Creek 2444
Fernbrook 2453
Fernhill 2519
Fernside 2480
Fernvale 2484
Ferodale 2318
Findon Creek 2474
Fine Flower 2460
Fishermans Bay 2316
Fishermans Paradise 2539
Fishermans Reach 2441
Fishers Hill 2421
Fitzgeralds Mount 2799
Fitzgeralds Valley 2795
Five Ways 2873
Flat Tops 2420
Forbes Creek 2621
Forbes River 2446
Forbesdale 2422
Fordwich 2330
Forest Glen 2157
Forest Grove 2795
Forest Land 2372
Forest Lodge 2037
Fortis Creek 2460
Fosters Valley 2795
Fosterton 2420
Fountaindale 2258
Four Corners 2716
Four Mile Creek 2323 2800
Fowlers Gap 2880
Frazer Park 2259
Frazers Creek 2446
Freeburn Island 2464
Freemans 2259
Frenchs Forest East 2086
Freshwater 2096
Frog Rock 2850
Frogmore 2586
Frogs Hollow 2550
Frying Pan 2630
Gadara 2720
Gala Vale 2716
Galambine 2850
Galore 2650
Ganbenang 2790
Gangat 2422
Garland Valley 2330
Garoo 2340
Gearys Flat 2446
Geehi 2642
Gelston Park 2650
Georges Creek 2365
Ghinni Ghi 2474
Ghoolendaadi 2380
Giants Creek 2328
Gibberagee 2469
Gibraltar Range 2370
Gidginbung 2666
Gidley 2340
Gilgooma 2829
Gilgunnia 2835
Gillenbah 2700
Gilletts Ridge 2462
Gilmandyke 2795
Gin Gin 2823
Gineroi 2404
Ginghi 2849
Girards Hill 2480
Giro 2422
Girralong 2449
Glanmire 2795
Gledswood Hills 2557
Glen Alice 2849
Glen Allen 2631
Glen Elgin 2370
Glen Fergus 2630
Glen Martin 2321
Glen Nevis 2365
Glen Oak 2320
Glen Ward 2422
Glenbawn 2337
Glendon 2330
Glendon Brook 2330
Glenelg 2810
Glenellen 2642
Glengarrie 2486
Gleniffer 2454
Glenmore 2570
Glenquarie 2564
Glenquarry 2576
Glenridding 2330
Glenrock 2337
Glenroy 2640 2653
Glenthorne 2430
Glenugie 2460
Glenworth Valley 2250
Gloucester Tops 2422
Goat Island 2477
Gobarralong 2727
Gobbagombalin 2650
Gocup 2720
Godfreys Creek 2586
Gogeldrie 2705
Gollan 2820
Gongolgon 2839
Gonn 2732
Goobarragandra 2720
Good Forest 2790
Good Hope 2582
Goodmans Ford 2575
Goodooga 2838
Goodwood Island 2469
Googong 2620
Goolhi 2379
Goombargana 2646
Goonoo Forest 2830
Goonoo Goonoo 2340
Goorangoola 2330
Goorianawa 2396
Gorge Creek 2469
Gormans Hill 2795
Gosforth 2320
Gostwyck 2358
Goulburn Dc 2580
Goulburn North 2580
Gouldsville 2330
Gowan 2795
Gowang 2357
Gowrie 2330
Gradys Creek 2474
Gragin 2403
Grants Beach 2445
Granville 1830 1831
Grattai 2850
Great Mackerel Beach 2108
Great Marlow 2460
Green Cape 2551
Green Creek 2338
Green Forest 2471
Green Gully 2850
Green Hills 2365
Green Pigeon 2474
Greendale 2550
Greengrove 2250
Greenhills Beach 2230
Greenlands 2631
Greenleigh 2620
Greenridge 2471
Greenwich Park 2580
Greg Greg 2642
Gregadoo 2650
Gregory Hills 2557
Greta Main 2325
Griffith Dc 2680
Griffith East 2680
Grosses Plain 2627
Grosvenor Place 1216 1217 1218 1219
Growee 2849
Guildford 1848
Gulf Creek 2347
Gulmarrad 2463
Gumbalie 2840
Gumble 2865
Gumma 2447
Gundamulda 2347
Gundary 2580
Gunderbooka 2840
Gunderman 2775
Gungalman 2829
Gunning Gap 2871
Gunningrah 2632
Guntawang 2852
Gurnang 2787
Gurranang 2460
Gurrundah 2581
Guyong 2798
Gymea Bay 2227
Hacks Ferry 2441
Halls Creek 2346
Hallsville 2340
Hambledon Hill 2330
Hamilton North 2292
Hamilton Valley 2641
Hampden Hall 2440
Hanging Rock 2340
Hanleys Creek 2420
Harolds Cross 2622
Harparary 2390
Harpers Hill 2321
Hartley Vale 2790
Hartwood 2710
Hartys Plains 2446
Hassans Walls 2790
Hawks Nest 2324
Hay South 2711
Hayes Gap 2850
Haymarket 1208 1236 1237 1238 1239
Haystack 2469
Hayters Hill 2481
Haywards Bay 2530
Heifer Station 2460
Hereford Hall 2622
Hermitage Flat 2790
High Range 2575
Higher Macdonald 2775
Hill Top 2628
Hillgrove 2650
Hillville 2430
Hillvue 2340
Hmas Penguin 2091
Hmas Platypus 2060
Hmas Rushcutters 2027
Hmas Waterhen 2060
Hmas Watson 2030
Hogarth Range 2469
Holgate 2250
Holts Flat 2631
Home Rule 2850
Homebush South 2140
Homebush West 2140
Homeleigh 2474
Honeybugle 2825
Hopefield 2646
Hopkins Creek 2484
Hornsby Heights 2077
Horse Station Creek 2474
Horseshoe Bend 2320
Horseshoe Creek 2474
Horsfield Bay 2256
Hoskinstown 2621
Hovells Creek 2794
Howards Grass 2480
Howell 2360
Howick 2330
Hungerford 2840
Hunterview 2330
Huntingwood 2148
Huntley 2530 2800
Huonbrook 2482
Hurstville 1493
Hurstville Grove 2220
Hyland Park 2448
Hyndmans Creek 2446
Ilarwill 2463
Illaroo 2540
Indi 2642
Ingebirah 2627
Innes View 2429
International Mc 2891
Invergordon 2422
Iron Gates 2473
Iron Pot Creek 2474
Ironbark 2347
Ironmungy 2630
Irymple 2835
Jacks Creek 2390
Jacksons Flat 2469
Jacky Bulbin Flat 2463
Jagumba 2642
Jagungal Wilderness 2642
James Creek 2463
Jamisontown 2750
Jaunter 2787
Jeir 2582
Jellat Jellat 2550
Jemalong 2871
Jennings 4383
Jenolan 2790
Jeremy 2795
Jerrabattgulla 2622
Jerrara 2533
Jerrawa 2582
Jerrawangala 2540
Jerrong 2580
Jews Lagoon 2397
Jiggi 2480
Jimenbuen 2630
Jincumbilly 2631
Jinden 2622
Jingera 2622
Joadja 2575
Joes Box 2469
Jolly Nose 2445
Jones Bridge 2720
Jones Creek 2722
Jones Island 2430
Jordan Springs 2747
Junee Reefs 2666
Kains Flat 2850
Kalaru 2550
Kalkite 2627
Kameruka 2550
Kanangra 2787
Kangaroobie 2800
Kangiara 2582
Kanimbla 2790
Kanoona 2550
Kaputar 2390
Karaak Flat 2429
Katoomba Dc 2780
Kayuga 2333
Keepit 2340
Keera 2404
Keerrong 2480
Keinbah 2320
Kelgoola 2849
Kellys Plains 2350
Kembla Heights 2526
Kennaicle Creek 2449
Kentucky South 2354
Kerewong 2439
Keri Keri 2711
Kerrigundi 2835
Kerrs Creek 2800
Keybarbin 2469
Khatambuhl 2429
Kia Ora 2422
Kiacatoo 2877
Kiama Downs 2533
Kiama Heights 2533
Kianga 2546
Kiar 2259
Kickabil 2830
Kielvale 2484
Kikiamah 2594
Kikoira 2669
Kilgin 2472
Kilgra 2474
Killawarra 2429
Killcare Heights 2257
Killiekrankie 2449
Killimicat 2720
Killongbutta 2795
Kinchela 2440
Kincumber South 2251
Kindee 2446
Kindervale 2622
King Creek 2446
Kingfisher Shores 2259
Kinghorne 2540
Kings Forest 2487
Kings Plains 2360 2799
Kings Point 2539
Kingsgate 2370
Kingsgrove Dc 1484
Kingsland 2370
Kippara 2441
Kippaxs 2429
Kippenduff 2469
Kirkconnell 2795
Kirkham 2570
Kiwarrak 2430
Klori 2346
Knights Hill 2577
Knockrow 2479
Knorrit Forest 2424
Kogarah 1487
Kooba 2680
Kookabookra 2370
Koolkhan 2460
Koonorigan 2480
Koonyum Range 2482
Koreelah 2476
Kosciuszko 2627
Kosciuszko National Park 2627
Kotara South 2289
Krawarree 2622
Kremnos 2460
Kulwin 2835
Kunama 2730
Kundibakh 2429
Kundle Kundle 2430
Kungala 2460
Kunghur Creek 2484
Kurraba Point 2089
Kurrajong Heights 2758
Kurrajong Hills 2758
Kyalite 2715
Kyarran 2460
Kybeyan 2631
Kyeamba 2650
Kynnumboon 2484
Lacmalac 2720
Lade Vale 2581
Laffing Waters 2795
Lagoon Grass 2480
Lake Brewster 2675
Lake Burrendong 2820
Lake Cowal 2671
Lake George 2581
Lake Hiawatha 2462
Lake Hume Village 3691
Lake Innes 2446
Lakewood 2443
Lalalty 3644
Lambs Valley 2335 2370
Landervale 2652
Lane Cove 1597
Lane Cove Dc 1602
Lanitza 2460
Lankeys Creek 2644
Lansdowne 2163 2430
Lansdowne Forest 2430
Larbert 2622
Larnook 2480
Lavadia 2462
Laverstock 2582
Leconfield 2335
Lee Creek 2849
Leets Vale 2775
Leightonfield Mc 1900 1902
Lemington 2330
Len Waters Estate 2171
Lerida 2581
Levenstrath 2460
Lewinsbrook 2311
Lewis Ponds 2800
Leycester 2480
Liberty Grove 2138
Lidcombe 1826
Lidcombe North 2141
Lidster 2800
Lighthouse Beach 2444
Lillian Rock 2480
Lilydale 2460
Lilyvale 2508
Limeburners Creek 2444
Limekilns 2795
Limestone 2361
Limpinwood 2484
Linburn 2850
Lindendale 2480
Lindesay 2347
Lindesay Creek 2476
Lindifferon 2710
Lionsville 2460
Lismore Heights 2480
Little Back Creek 2474
Little Billabong 2644
Little Forest 2538
Little Jacks Creek 2339
Little Jilliby 2259
Little Pelican 2281
Little River 2720
Little Topar 2880
Little Wobby 2256
Littleton 2790
Liverpool Westfield 2170
Llanarth 2795
Lloyd 2650
Loadstone 2474
Lochiel 2549
Loftville 2480
Logans Crossing 2439
Logie Brae 2713
Long Plain 2360 2629
Long Point 2330
Longarm 2347
Longreach 2540
Loombah 2867
Loomberah 2340
Lords Hill 2632
Lost River 2583
Louisa Creek 2469
Louth Park 2320
Lovedale 2325
Lower Acacia Creek 2476
Lower Bago 2730
Lower Belford 2335
Lower Boro 2580
Lower Bottle Creek 2469
Lower Duck Creek 2469
Lower Dyraaba 2470
Lower Lewis Ponds 2800
Lower Macdonald 2775
Lower Pappinbarra 2446
Lower Peacock 2469
Lower Southgate 2460
Luskintyre 2321
Lyndhurst 2350
Lynwood 2477
Macarthur Square 2560
Macdonalds Creek 2339
Macquarie Hills 2285
Macquarie Marshes 2831
Macquarie Pass 2577
Maddens Plains 2508
Maffra 2630
Magenta 2261
Magometon 2829
Maimuru 2594
Main Arm 2482
Main Creek 2420
Mairjimmy 2716
Maison Dieu 2330
Maitland Bar 2850
Maitland Vale 2320
Malabugilmah 2460
Maldon 2571
Mallan 2734
Mallee 2738
Mallowa 2400
Manar 2622
Manchester Square 2577
Mandemar 2575
Mangoola 2328
Mangrove Creek 2250
Manly East 2095
Manobalai 2333
Manton 2582
Maragle 2653
Marchmont 2582
Marengo 2453
Mares Run 2422
Marinna 2663
Marlo Merrican 2441
Marlow 2775
Marlowe 2622
Maroubra South 2035
Marshall Mount 2530
Marthaguy 2824
Martindale 2328
Martins Creek 2420
Maryland 4377
Marys Mount 2380
Maules Creek 2382
Maxwell 2650
Maybole 2365
Mayers Flat 2423
Mayfield 2540 2580 2787
Mayvale 2347
Mccarrs Creek 2105
Mcdougalls Hill 2330
Mckellars Park 2790
Mcleans Ridges 2480
Mcleods Shoot 2479
Mcmahons Reef 2587
Mebbin 2484
Mebul 2852
Medway 2577 2820
Megalong Valley 2785
Melbergen 2669
Melinga 2430
Mellong 2756
Mellool 2734
Melville 2320
Memagong 2594
Menah 2850
Merah North 2388
Mernot 2422
Meroo 2850
Merotherie 2852
Merriangaah 2632
Merricumbene 2622
Merrigal 2827
Merrill 2581
Merungle Hill 2705
Meryla 2577
Methul 2701
Miamley 2873
Micalo Island 2464
Mid North Coast Mc 2442
Middle Arm 2580
Middle Brook 2337
Middle Brother 2443
Middle Dural 2158
Middle Falbrook 2330
Middle Flat 2630
Middle Pocket 2483
Middleton Grange 2171
Middlingbank 2630
Midginbil 2484
Mihi 2358
Milbrodale 2330
Milkers Flat 2795
Millah Murrah 2795
Millie 2397
Millingandi 2549
Milparinka 2880
Milroy 2380 2850
Mimosa 2666
Mindaribba 2320
Mingoola 4380
Minimbah 2312
Minjary 2720
Minnie Water 2462
Minore 2830
Minto Dc 2566
Minto Heights 2566
Mirador 2548
Mitchell 2795
Mitchells Island 2430
Modanville 2480
Moggs Swamp 2370
Mogilla 2550
Mogo 2850
Mogo Creek 2775
Mogood 2538
Mograni 2422
Mole River 2372
Moleville Creek 2460
Mollyan 2842
Mollymook Beach 2539
Mona Vale 1658
Monaltrie 2480
Mondayong 2540
Mondrook 2430
Monia Gap 2675
Monivae 2850
Montecollum 2482
Montefiores 2820
Moobi 2337
Moogem 2370
Mookerawa 2820
Mookima Wybra 2469
Moolarben 2850
Moollattoo 2540
Moolpa 2734
Moonbah 2627
Moonbria 2710
Mooneba 2440
Moonee 2259
Moonem 2472
Mooney Mooney Creek 2250
Moonpar 2453
Moorara 2648
Moorbel 2804
Moore Creek 2340
Moore Park 2021
Moorilda 2795
Moorong 2650
Moorwatha 2640
Moparrabah 2440
Moppy 2422
Morago 2710
Morangarell 2666
Moree East 2400
Morisset Park 2264
Morning Bay 2105
Mororo 2469
Morton 2538
Mortons Creek 2446
Morts Estate 2790
Moruben 2325
Morven 2370
Moto 2426
Mount Adrah 2729
Mount Aquila 2820
Mount Arthur 2820
Mount Burrell 2484
Mount Collins 2794
Mount Cooper 2631
Mount Darragh 2632
Mount Dee 2320
Mount Druitt Village 2770
Mount Elliot 2250
Mount Fairy 2580
Mount Foster 2824
Mount Frome 2850
Mount Harris 2824
Mount Kingiman 2539
Mount Knowles 2850
Mount Lambie 2790
Mount Lindsey 2575
Mount Marsden 2849
Mount Marsh 2469
Mount Mitchell 2365
Mount Murray 2577
Mount Olive 2787
Mount Panorama 2795
Mount Rankin 2795
Mount Rivers 2311
Mount Royal 2330
Mount Seaview 2446
Mount Tenandra 2828
Mount Thorley 2330
Mount Tomah 2758
Mount Warning 2484
Mount Werong 2787
Mountain Creek 2644
Mountain Lagoon 2758
Mountain Top 2480
Mountain View 2460
Mourquong 2739
Mowbray Park 2571
Mozart 2787
Mulguthrie 2877
Muli Muli 2476
Mulla 2825
Mulla Creek 2352
Mullamuddy 2850
Mullaway 2456
Mullion 2582
Mulloon 2622
Mullumbimby Creek 2482
Mulyandry 2871
Mumblebone Plain 2824
Mummel 2580
Mummulgum 2469
Mundamia 2540
Mundarlo 2729
Munderoo 2653
Mundongo 2720
Mungay Creek 2440
Munghorn 2850
Mungo 2715
Mungo Brush 2423
Munni 2420
Munyabla 2658
Murrah 2546
Murrawombie 2825
Murray Downs 2734
Murray Gorge 2642
Murrays Beach 2281
Murrengenburg 2622
Murrin Bridge 2672
Murrulebale 2652
Murrumbo 2849
Murrumbucca 2630
Murulla 2337
Murwillumbah South 2484
Mutawintji 2880
Myall Creek 2403
Myall Lake 2423
Myall Park 2681
Myalla 2630
Mylneford 2460
Myocum 2481
Myrtle Creek 2469
Myrtle Mountain 2550
Myrtle Park 2713
Myrtleville 2580
Mystery Bay 2546
Myuna Bay 2264
Nadgee 2551
Namoi River 2346
Nanima 2618
Napier Lane 2379
Napoleon Reef 2795
Narrabarba 2551
Narrabri West 2390
Narraburra 2666
Narran Lake 2839
Narrangullen 2582
Narrawa 2583
Narrawallee 2539
Neath 2326
Nebea 2829
Nericon 2680
Neringla 2622
Never Never 2453
Nevertire 2826
New Buildings 2550
New Italy 2472
New Mexico 2346
New Park 2474
New Valley 2365
Newbold 2460
Newee Creek 2447
Newnes 2790
Newnes Plateau 2790
Newrybar 2479
Newstead 2360
Niemur 2733
Nightcap 2480
Nimmo 2628
Nobbys Creek 2484
Nombi 2379
Noona 2835
Noorong 2732
Nooroo 2415
North Arm 2484
North Balgowlah 2093
North Boambee Valley 2450
North Bondi 2026
North Bourke 2840
North Brother 2443
North Casino 2470
North Dorrigo 2453
North Epping 2121
North Gosford 2250
North Macksville 2447
North Macquarie 2527
North Narrabeen 2101
North Nowra 2541
North Ryde 1671
North Shore 2444
North St Marys 2760
North Sydney 2055
North Tamworth 2340
North Tumbulgum 2490
North Wagga Wagga 2650
North Wahroonga 2076
North Willoughby 2068
North Wollongong 2500
North Woodburn 2471
North Yalgogrin 2671
North Yeoval 2868
Northangera 2622
Northern Suburbs Mc 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 2058
Norway 2787
Nowley 2386
Nowra East 2541
Nowra Hill 2540
Nowra Naval Po 2540
Nowra North 2541
Nubba 2587
Nullica 2551
Nullo Mountain 2849
Numbugga 2550
Nunderi 2484
Nungatta 2551
Nungatta South 2551
Nurenmerenmong 2649
Nyora 2646
Nyrang Creek 2804
O'connell 2795
Oakhampton 2320
Oakhampton Heights 2320
Oakwood 2360
Oaky Park 2790
Oallen 2622
Oban 2365
Obanvale 2330
Oberne Creek 2650
Obley 2868
Ogunbil 2340
Old Adaminaby 2629
Old Grevillia 2474
Old Mill 2369
Old Station 2440
Olinda 2849
Olney 2325
Omadale 2337
One Mile 2316
One Tree 2711
Oolong 2581
Ooma 2871
Ophir 2800
Oran Park 2570
Orange Dc 2800
Orange East 2800
Orton Park 2795
Osborne 2656
Oswald 2321
Oura 2650
Ournie 2640
Oxley 2824
Oxley Island 2430
Packsaddle 2880
Paddys Flat 2469 2632
Paddys River 2577 2653
Padstow Heights 2211
Pagans Flat 2469
Pages Creek 2337
Pages River 2338
Palarang 2632
Palerang 2622
Paling Yards 2580 2795
Pallal 2404
Palm Grove 2258
Palmdale 2258
Palmers Channel 2463
Palmers Island 2463
Palmers Oaky 2795
Palmwoods 2482
Pambula Beach 2549
Pampoolah 2430
Pan Ban 2648
Pangee 2825
Panuara 2800
Para 2648
Paradise 2360
Paringi 2738
Parkesbourne 2580
Parliament House 2000
Parma 2540
Parramatta 1740 1741
Parramatta Westfield 2150
Parraweena 2339
Patchs Beach 2478
Paupong 2628
Paytens Bridge 2871
Peacock Creek 2469
Pearces Creek 2477
Pebbly Beach 2536
Pejar 2583
Pelican 2281
Pennant Hills 1771
Penrith Plaza 2750
Penrith South 2750
Penrith South Dc 1797
Penrose 2530
Pericoe 2550
Perrys Crossing 2775
Petersham North 2049
Phoenix Park 2321
Piallamore 2340
Piallaway 2342
Piambong 2850
Picketts Valley 2251
Pigeonbah 2824
Piggabeen 2486
Pikapene 2469
Pilot Wilderness 2627
Pimlico Island 2478
Pinbeyan 2720
Pindaroi 2361
Pine Camp 2648
Pine Clump 2824
Pine Grove 2829
Pine Lodge 2714
Pine Valley 2630
Piney Range 2810
Pinkett 2370
Pinnacle 2810
Pinnacle Swamp 2849
Pinny Beach 2281
Pipeclay 2446
Pitnacree 2323
Pitt Town Bottoms 2756
Point Frederick 2250
Point Wolstoncroft 2259
Pointer Mountain 2539
Pola Creek 2440
Polo Flat 2630
Pomeroy 2580
Ponto 2818
Porters Creek 2538
Possum Brush 2430
Possum Creek 2479
Potato Point 2545
Pottery Estate 2790
Pottsville Beach 2489
Pretty Beach 2539
Pretty Pine 2710
Primrose Valley 2621
Providence Portal 2629
Pucawan 2666
Puddledock 2350
Pulganbar 2460
Pulletop 2650
Pumpenbil 2484
Punchbowl 2460
Putta Bucca 2850
Pyangle 2849
Pyramul 2850
Quanda 2828
Quandary 2665
Queanbeyan Dc 2620
Queanbeyan West 2620
Queen Victoria Building 1226 1227 1228 1229
Queens Pinch 2850
Quialigo 2580
Quidong 2632
Quiera 2622
Quipolly 2343
Rainbow Flat 2430
Rainbow Reach 2440
Ramornie 2460
Rangari 2380
Rangers Valley 2370
Rannock 2701
Ravenswood 2824
Rawdon Island 2446
Rawsonville 2830
Red Head 2430
Red Hill 2347 2720 2824
Red Rocks 2577
Redbank 2446
Redbournberry 2330
Reddestone 2370
Redlands 2646
Reedy Creek 2849
Reedy Swamp 2550
Renwick 2575
Repentance Creek 2480
Reserve Creek 2484
Retreat 2355
Revesby Heights 2212
Rhine Falls 2630
Richlands 2580
Richmond 2755
Richmond Lowlands 2753
Richmond Vale 2323
Ringwood 2646
Riverina Mc 2678
Riverlea 2850
Riverside 2444
Rivertree 2372
Rixs Creek 2330
Rob Roy 2360
Robin Hill 2795
Rock Forest 2795
Rockley Mount 2795
Rockton 2632
Rocky Creek 2371 2390
Rocky Plain 2628
Rocky Point 2259
Rocky River 2358 2372
Rookhurst 2422
Rookwood 2141
Ropers Road 2395
Ropes Crossing 2760
Rose Valley 2534
Roseberg 2793
Roseberry 2474
Roseberry Creek 2474
Rosebrook 2320
Rosemeath 2632
Roseville Chase 2069
Rosewood 2446
Rossglen 2439
Rossgole 2336
Rossi 2621
Rouchel Brook 2336
Roughit 2330
Round Mountain 2484
Round Swamp 2846
Rowan 2650
Rowlands Creek 2484
Royal Exchange 1221 1222 1223 1224
Ruby Creek 4380
Rufus 2648
Run-O-Waters 2580
Rushes Creek 2346
Rushforth 2460
Ryhope 2283
Sackville 2756
Sackville North 2756
Saddleback Mountain 2533
Salisbury Plains 2358
Sallys Flat 2850
Saltwater 2430
San Isidore 2650
Sancrox 2446
Sandbar 2428
Sandigo 2700
Sandilands 2469
Sandon 2463
Sandy Creek 2338 2835
Sandy Crossing 2460
Sandy Gully 2729
Sandy Hill 2372
Sanger 2646
Sapphire 2360
Sapphire Beach 2450
Sassafras 2622
Saumarez 2350
Saumarez Ponds 2350
Sawpit Creek 2474
Sawyers Gully 2326
Scotia 2648
Scotts Creek 2338
Scotts Flat 2330
Seahampton 2286
Sedgefield 2330
Segenhoe 2337
Settlement City 2444
Seven Hills Mc 1781
Seven Oaks 2440
Shadforth 2800
Shallow Bay 2428
Shannon Vale 2370
Shannondale 2460
Shannons Flat 2630
Shark Creek 2463
Sharps Creek 2729
Sheedys Gully 2790
Shellharbour City Centre 2529
Sherwood 2440 2450 2474
Silent Grove 2372
Simpkins Creek 2469
Singleton Heights 2330
Singleton Military Area 2331
Singletons Mill 2775
Six Mile Swamp 2469
Skennars Head 2478
Skillion Flat 2440
Skinners Shoot 2481
Sleepy Hollow 2483
Smeaton Grange 2567
Smiths Creek 2460 2474 2484
Snakes Plain 2824
Snowball 2622
Snowy Plain 2628
South Arm 2449
South Ballina 2478
South Bathurst 2795
South Bowenfels 2790
South Broken Hill 2880
South Coogee 2034
South Evans Head 2473
South Granville 2142
South Gundagai 2722
South Gundurimba 2480
South Guyra 2365
South Lismore 2480
South Littleton 2790
South Maitland 2320
South Maroota 2756
South Murwillumbah 2484
South Nowra 2541
South Penrith 2750
South Tamworth 2340
South Wentworthville 2145
South Windsor 2756
South Wolumla 2550
Southampton 2460
Southern Suburbs Mc 1416 1419
Southgate 2460
Speewa 2735
Spicketts Creek 2454
Splitters Creek 2640
Spring Creek 2800
Spring Farm 2570
Spring Flat 2850
Spring Hill 2500
Spring Mountain 2360
Spring Plains 2388
Spring Terrace 2798
Springdale Heights 2641
Springfield 2630
Springrange 2618
Springside 2800
Springvale 2650 2790
St Fillans 2850
St George 2622
St Ives Chase 2075
St Marys East 2760
St Marys South 2760
Stanborough 2360
Stanbridge 2705
State Mine Gully 2790
Steam Plains 2710
Steeple Flat 2631
Stewarts Mount 2795
Stewarts River 2443
Stockrington 2322
Stockyard Creek 2460
Stonehenge 2370
Stonequarry 2580
Stony Chute 2480
Stony Creek 2550 2850
Stony Crossing 2734
Strathcedar 2429
Strawberry Hills 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429
Stroud Hill 2420
Stubbo 2852
Stud Park 2710
Sugarloaf 2420
Summer Hill 2421
Summer Hill Creek 2800
Summer Island 2440
Sun Valley 2777
Sunset Strip 2879
Suntop 2820
Swan Creek 2462
Swanbrook 2360
Swans Crossing 2439
Swansea Heads 2281
Sweetmans Creek 2325
Sydney 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1020 1021 1022 1023 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1100 1101 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299
Sydney Olympic Park 2127
Sydney South 1231 1232 1233 1234
Tabbil Creek 2420
Tabbimoble 2472
Tacoma South 2259
Talarm 2447
Talawanta 2839
Tallawang 2852
Tallowal 2540
Tallowwood Ridge 2453
Tallwoods Village 2430
Talofa 2481
Taloumbi 2463
Tamban 2441
Tambaroora 2850
Taminda 2340
Tanglewood 2488
Tanja 2550
Tannabar 2357
Tannas Mount 2795
Tantangara 2629
Tantawangalo 2550
Tantonan 2731
Tara 2665
Taradale 2653
Tarban 2372
Taree South 2430
Tarlo 2580
Tarraganda 2550
Tarriaro 2390
Tatton 2650
Taylors Beach 2316
Taylors Flat 2586
Temagog 2440
Ten Mile Hollow 2250
Tenandra 2824
Tenterden 2365
Terania Creek 2480
Teridgerie 2829
Terrabella 2818
Terrace Creek 2474
Terragon 2484
Terramungamine 2830
Terreel 2422
Tewinga 2449
Thalgarrah 2350
The Angle 2620
The Basin 2365
The Bight 2429
The Branch 2425
The Brothers 2630
The Devils Wilderness 2758
The Entrance North 2261
The Freshwater 2466
The Gap 2472 2650
The Glen 2476
The Gulf 2365
The Hatch 2444
The Lagoon 2795
The Marra 2831
The Meadows 2787
The Pilliga 2388
The Pinnacles 2460
The Pocket 2483
The Ponds 2769
The Ridgeway 2620
The Sandon 2463
The Slopes 2754
The Whiteman 2460
Theresa Creek 2469
Theresa Park 2570
Thirldene 2347
Thredbo 2625
Thrumster 2444
Thuddungra 2594
Thule 2732
Thyra 2731
Tianjara 2622
Tibbuc 2422
Tichular 2850
Tilbuster 2350
Tilligerry Creek 2319
Timbarra 2372
Timbillica 2551
Timbumburi 2340
Timor 2338
Tindarey 2835
Tinderry 2620
Tintinhull 2352
Tiona 2428
Tipperary 2429
Tiri 2424
Tirrannaville 2580
Titaatee Creek 2422
Tocal 2421
Tolwong 2622
Tomalla 2337
Tombong 2633
Tomboye 2622
Tomewin 2484
Tomki 2470
Tonderburine 2828
Tongarra 2527
Tooloom 2475
Tooloon 2829
Toongi 2830
Tooranie 2734
Toothdale 2550
Tootool 2655
Topi Topi 2423
Torryburn 2358 2421
Totnes Valley 2850
Touga 2622
Towallum 2460
Townsend 2463
Tralee 2620
Trenayr 2460
Trentham Cliffs 2738
Triamble 2850
Triangle Flat 2795
Trustums Hill 2472
Tubbamurra 2365
Tubbul 2594
Tucki Tucki 2480
Tuckombil 2477
Tugrabakh 2422
Tullakool 2732
Tullarwalla 2540
Tullera 2480
Tullimbar 2527
Tulloona 2400
Tumorrama 2720
Tumut Plains 2720
Tunglebung 2469
Tuntable Creek 2480
Tuppal 2714
Turners Flat 2440
Tuross 2630
Twelve Mile Peg 2540
Twenty Forests 2795
Twin Rivers 2410
Tyalgum Creek 2484
Tygalgah 2484
Tyndale 2460
Ullamalla 2850
Underbank 2420
Undercliffe 4380
Unumgar 2474
Upper Allyn 2311
Upper Bingara 2404
Upper Burringbar 2483
Upper Bylong 2849
Upper Colo 2756
Upper Coopers Creek 2482
Upper Copmanhurst 2460
Upper Corindi 2456
Upper Crystal Creek 2484
Upper Dartbrook 2336
Upper Duck Creek 2469
Upper Duroby 2486
Upper Eden Creek 2474
Upper Fine Flower 2460
Upper Growee 2849
Upper Horseshoe Creek 2474
Upper Horton 2347
Upper Kangaroo River 2577
Upper Kangaroo Valley 2577
Upper Karuah River 2415
Upper Macdonald 2775
Upper Main Arm 2482
Upper Mangrove 2250
Upper Manilla 2346
Upper Mongogarie 2470
Upper Nile 2849
Upper Pappinbarra 2446
Upper Rollands Plains 2441
Upper Taylors Arm 2447
Upper Tooloom 2475
Upper Turon 2795
Upper Wilsons Creek 2482
Upsalls Creek 2439
Urangeline 2656
Urawilkie 2829
Urila 2620
Urliup 2484
Utungun 2447
Vale Of Clwydd 2790
Valery 2454
Valla 2448
Verona 2550
Violet Hill 2423
Wadalba 2259
Wadeville 2474
Wagga Wagga Bc 2650
Wagstaffe 2257
Waitui 2443
Walang 2795
Walcha Road 2354
Waldegrave 2800
Wallabi Point 2430
Wallacetown 2650
Wallagoot 2550
Wallalong 2320
Wallamore 2340
Wallanbah 2422
Wallanthery 2675
Wallaringa 2420
Wallaroo 2618
Walleroobie 2665
Wallingat 2428
Wallis Lake 2428
Wamban 2537
Wambangalang 2830
Wambrook 2630
Wandera 2360
Wandook 2710
Wanganui 2482
Wantabadgery 2650
Wantagong 2644
Wantiool 2663
Warburn 2680
Wardrop Valley 2484
Wards Mistake 2350
Warialda Rail 2402
Warrabah 2346
Warraderry 2810
Warragai Creek 2460
Warragoon 2710
Warrah 2339
Warrah Ridge 2343
Warral 2340
Warranulla 2423
Warrawidgee 2680
Warrazambil Creek 2474
Warregah Island 2469
Warri 2622
Warroo 2871
Washpool 2460
Waterloo 1440
Watersleigh 2540
Waterview 2460
Wattle Ponds 2330
Wattle Ridge 2575
Wattle Springs 2357
Watton 2795
Waugorah 2711
Waukivory 2422
Waverly 2337
Way Way 2447
Wayo 2580
Weabonga 2340
Wean 2382
Webbers Creek 2421
Webbs Creek 2775
Weedallion 2594
Weemelah 2406
Weismantels 2415
Welaregang 2642
Wellingrove 2370
Wellington Vale 2371
Wells Crossing 2460
Wentworth Point 2127
Werai 2577
Wereboldera 2720
Wermatong 2720
Werrikimbe 2446
West Albury 2640
West Ballina 2478
West Bungawalbin 2471
West Coraki 2471
West Kempsey 2440
West Nowra 2541
West Wiangaree 2474
West Wollongong 2500
Westbrook 2330
Westdale 2653
Westwood 2729
Wetuppa 2734
Wheeny Creek 2758
Wheeo 2583
Whiporie 2469
White Rock 2795
Whiteman Creek 2460
Whitlow 2404
Whittingham 2330
Whoota 2428
Wiagdon 2795
Wiarborough 2580
Widden 2328
Wild Cattle Creek 2453
Willala 2382
Willi Willi 2440
Willigobung 2653
Willoughby East 2068
Willoughby North 2068
Willow Vale 2534 2575
Willsons Downfall 2372
Willurah 2710
Wilpinjong 2850
Wilsons Creek 2482
Wimborne 2346
Winburndale 2795
Windella 2320
Windellama 2580
Windera 2800
Windermere 2321
Windermere Park 2264
Windowie 2720
Windradyne 2795
Windsor Downs 2756
Windy 2343
Wingadee 2829
Winifred 2631
Winton 2344
Wirlinga 2640
Wirraba 2849
Wirragulla 2420
Wirrimbi 2447
Wittitrin 2440
Wog Wog 2550 2622
Woko 2422
Wolgan Valley 2790
Wollangambe 2790
Wollemi 2330
Wollogorang 2581
Wollongong Dc 2500
Wollongong West 2500
Wollumboola 2540
Wombat Creek 2460
Womerah 2756
Wonboyn North 2551
Wondabyne 2256
Wongo Creek 2346
Wongwibinda 2350
Woodburn 2538
Woodford Island 2463
Woodlands 2575
Woodlawn 2480
Woodpark 2164
Woodside 2372
Woodsreef 2347
Woodstock 2360 2538
Woody Head 2466
Woolgarlo 2582
Woolners Arm 2470
Wooloweyah 2464
Woombah 2469
Woonona East 2517
Wooyung 2483
World Square 2002
Worlds End 2850
Woronora Dam 2508
Worrowing Heights 2540
Woy Woy Bay 2256
Wrathall 2642
Wrights Creek 2775
Wuuluman 2820
Wyan 2469
Wyanbene 2622
Wyangala 2808
Wyangle 2720
Wybung 2259
Wyee Point 2259
Wylies Flat 2330
Wymah 2640
Wyneden 2474
Wyong Creek 2259
Yabbra 2469
Yadboro 2539
Yagon 2423
Yallaroi 2408
Yambulla 2550
Yanga 2711
Yankees Creek 2550
Yannergee 2343
Yarara 2644
Yarrabandai 2875
Yarrabin 2850
Yarragal 2820
Yarragrin 2842
Yarragundry 2650
Yarrahapinni 2441
Yarraman 2343
Yarranbella 2447
Yarrangobilly 2720
Yarras 2446 2795
Yarratt Forest 2429
Yarravel 2440
Yarrawa 2328
Yarrie Lake 2388
Yarrow 2620
Yarrowford 2370
Yarrowitch 2354
Yarrowyck 2358
Yass River 2582
Yathella 2650
Yaven Creek 2729
Yellow Dam 2371
Yellow Pinch 2548
Yellow Rock 2527
Yerriyong 2540
Yessabah 2440
Yippin Creek 2446
Yorklea 2470
Yullundry 2867
Yuraygir 2464
Zara 2484

Understanding the difference between zip codes and postal codes is essential, especially when mailing within New South Wales. These codes, including New South Wales zip codes and postal codes, play a crucial role in organizing mail delivery, reducing confusion, and speeding up the process. Whether you’re looking for a New South Wales postcode or a zip code, here’s everything you need to know.

What Are Postal Codes in New South Wales?

Postal codes in New South Wales are used to direct and filter mail efficiently. They are typically a combination of numbers or letters assigned to specific areas. If you're sending mail in New South Wales, using the correct postal code ensures it reaches the right location.

In New South Wales, postal codes might represent neighborhoods, streets, or even specific buildings. For example, some postcodes in New South Wales cover multiple delivery zones within the same district. The composition of these codes can vary, but their primary purpose remains the same—accurate and quick mail delivery.

Using postal codes in New South Wales is not just about mailing; they also help collect demographic data and plan delivery routes.

What Are Zip Codes in New South Wales?

Zip codes, short for "Zone Improvement Plan," are commonly used in the United States and some other countries, but the concept applies universally, even in New South Wales. Zip codes in New South Wales help postal services and courier companies streamline the sorting process, making it easier to deliver letters, parcels, and packages.

While zip codes are often numerical, they can include additional digits for more precise location targeting. In New South Wales, knowing the correct zip code is vital for timely and accurate deliveries.

Key Differences Between Zip Codes and Postal Codes in New South Wales

  • Definition: A zip code in New South Wales focuses on simplifying mail sorting for specific zones, while postal codes cover broader functions, including identifying streets or landmarks in New South Wales.
  • Usage: Zip codes are primarily numerical, whereas postal codes in New South Wales may include letters, numbers, or both, making them versatile.
  • Purpose: Both systems aim to enhance mail delivery, but postal codes in New South Wales are also used for data collection and planning routes.

How Postcodes and Zip Codes Work in New South Wales

In New South Wales, postcodes and zip codes serve as a reliable navigation system for the postal network. For instance:

  • Postal codes in New South Wales may represent areas like [City's District/Neighborhood Example].
  • Zip codes in New South Wales ensure faster sorting and delivery to locations such as [City's Popular Area].

Using the correct postcode in New South Wales saves time and prevents errors, especially when two places in New South Wales share similar names.

Why Are New South Wales Zip Codes and Postcodes Important?

Whether it’s called a zip code or a postal code, the purpose is the same—to ensure mail reaches the right destination in New South Wales. Here’s why these codes matter:

  1. They speed up delivery processes within New South Wales.
  2. They reduce confusion when multiple areas in New South Wales share the same name.
  3. They help in demographic research and planning efficient routes for deliveries in New South Wales.


When sending mail in New South Wales, always ensure you use the correct zip code, postal code, or postcode for accurate and timely delivery. The postal system in New South Wales depends on these codes to make the process faster and more efficient. Whether you’re mailing within New South Wales or from outside, these codes are your key to hassle-free communication.