Neuquen Postal Codes: Argentina
Area Name | Postal Code |
Achico | 8315 |
Agrio Balsa | 8351 |
Aguada Chacay-Co | 8353 |
Aguada Florencio | 8340 |
Aguas De Las Mulas | 8349 |
Alianza | 8373 |
Alicura | 8403 |
Alto Picun Leufu | 8340 |
Alumine | 8345 |
Andacollo | 8353 |
Anelo | 8305 |
Anquinco | 8353 |
Arroyito | 8313 |
Arroyito Challaco | 8313 |
Arroyo Blanco | 8353 |
Arroyo Cahunco | 8347 |
Arroyo Michigas | 8315 |
Arroyo Quillen | 8341 |
Auca Mahuida | 8305 |
Auca Pan | 8373 |
Bajada Colorada | 8315 |
Bajada De Los Molles | 8340 |
Bajada Del Agrio | 8351 |
Bajada Del Marucho | 8340 |
Balneario Del Rio Agrio | 8351 |
Balsa Del Rio Agrio | 8351 |
Balsa Senillosa | 8316 |
Barda Anguil | 8340 |
Barrancas | 8353 |
Barrio Bouquet Roldan | 8300 |
Barrio Colonia Confluencia | 8300 |
Barrio El Progreso | 8300 |
Barrio Limay | 8300 |
Barrio Mikalcius | 8300 |
Barrio Nuestro Hogar | 8300 |
Barrio Peligroso | 8322 |
Barrio Provincias Unidas | 8300 |
Barrio San Lorenzo | 8300 |
Barrio Sarmiento | 8309 |
Batre Lauquen | 8353 |
Bella Vista | 8353 |
Buta Mallin | 8353 |
Buta Ranquil | 8353 |
Buta-Co | 8353 |
Cabo Alarcon | 8313 |
Caepe Malal | 8353 |
Cajon De Almaza | 8349 |
Cajon De Curi Leuvu | 8353 |
Cajon De Los Patos | 8349 |
Cajon Del Manzano | 8349 |
Cajon Del Toro | 8347 |
Cajon Grande | 8353 |
Caleofu | 8373 |
Calihue | 8347 |
Camaleones | 8353 |
Caminera San Martin De Los Andes | 8370 |
Caminera Traful | 8403 |
Campamento Dadin | 8318 |
Campamento No1 Y.p.f. | 8319 |
Campamento Sol | 8319 |
Campamento Standar Oil | 8318 |
Canada Seca | 8353 |
Canadon De Los Indios | 8375 |
Canadon Del Indio | 8375 |
Cancha Huiganco | 8353 |
Carran Cara | 8313 |
Carreri | 8347 |
Carri Lauquen | 8315 |
Casa De Piedra | 8353 |
Catan Lil | 8341 |
Caviahue | 8349 |
Cayanta | 8353 |
Centenario | 8309 |
Cerro Bandera | 8318 |
Cerro Colorado | 8347 |
Cerro De La Grasa | 8347 |
Cerro De La Parva | 8349 |
Cerro De Los Pinos | 8373 |
Cerro Del Leon | 8313 |
Cerro Gato | 8375 |
Cerro Horqueta | 8315 |
Cerro Negro | 8353 8353 |
Chacabuco | 8373 |
Chacay | 8347 |
Chacay Melehue | 8353 |
Chacay-Co | 8353 |
Chacayco | 8340 |
Chacoyal | 8373 |
Chacras Neuquen | 8316 |
Challaco | 8318 |
Chanquil-Quilla | 8345 |
Chapelco | 8370 |
Chapua | 8353 |
Chapua Abajo | 8353 |
Charahuilla | 8341 |
Chenquecura | 8349 |
Chichiguay | 8373 |
Chimehuin | 8373 |
China Muerta | 8316 |
Chinchina | 8373 |
Chinquilihuin | 8371 |
Chochoy Mallin | 8349 |
Chos Malal | 8353 |
Churriaca | 8351 |
Cochico | 8347 |
Codihue | 8347 |
Coihue | 8401 |
Colchihue | 8340 |
Colhueco | 8351 |
Coli Malal | 8351 |
Colipili | 8349 |
Collun-Co | 8371 |
Colonia Valentina | 8301 |
Confluencia Covunco | 8340 |
Confluencia Del Aguijon | 8351 |
Conuco | 8347 |
Corral De Piedra | 8347 |
Correntoso | 8407 |
Costa Del Arroyo Salado | 8351 |
Costa Limay | 8315 |
Covunco | 8340 |
Covunco Abajo | 8351 |
Covunco Arriba | 8340 |
Covunco Centro | 8351 |
Coyuco | 8353 |
Cuchillo Cura | 8347 |
Cullin Manzano | 8401 |
Curu Leuvu | 8353 |
Cutral-Co | 8322 |
Cutricutileo | 8318 |
El Agrio | 8351 |
El Alamito | 8353 |
El Arbolito | 8407 |
El Atravesado | 8347 |
El Belcha | 8318 |
El Bochinchero | 8318 |
El Bosque | 8349 |
El Canadon | 8340 |
El Cerrito | 8370 |
El Chingue | 8353 |
El Cholar | 8353 |
El Coihue | 8401 |
El Cruce | 8401 |
El Curileo | 8353 |
El Dormido | 8341 |
El Durazno | 8353 |
El Escorial | 8347 |
El Gato | 8341 |
El Gaucho Parejo | 8318 |
El Guadal | 8318 |
El Huecu | 8349 |
El Machete | 8407 |
El Mangrullo | 8313 8318 |
El Manzano | 8403 |
El Oasis | 8370 |
El Overo | 8340 |
El Palao | 8347 |
El Peligroso | 8318 |
El Peralito | 8351 |
El Pino Andino | 8349 |
El Porvenir | 8370 |
El Salado | 8351 |
El Salitral | 8375 |
El Sauce | 8313 |
El Traful | 8403 |
El Tromen | 8353 |
El Tropezon | 8340 |
El Zorro | 8316 |
Espinazo Del Zorro | 8341 |
Estancia Huemul | 8401 |
Estancia La Primavera | 8403 |
Estancia Newbery | 8401 |
Estancia Toquel Malal | 8401 |
Filmatue | 8353 |
Filo-Huahun | 8370 |
Flores | 8353 |
Fortin Primero De Mayo | 8341 |
Franhuncura | 8351 |
Gente Grande | 8373 |
Goni-Co | 8340 |
Gorro Frigio | 8318 |
Gragnos | 8318 |
Guanacos | 8353 |
Hache-Co | 8315 |
Haichol | 8347 |
Haras Patria | 8345 |
Haychol | 8347 |
Haycu | 8349 |
Hipolito Yrigoyen | 8318 |
Hotel Correntoso | 8407 |
Hua-Hum | 8370 |
Hualcupen | 8349 |
Huarinchenque | 8349 |
Huechahue | 8375 |
Huechulafquen | 8371 |
Huillilon | 8347 |
Huinca-Lu | 8403 |
Huitrin | 8353 |
Humigamio | 8353 |
Huncal | 8351 |
Hunganco | 8353 |
Isla Victoria | 8400 |
Jecanasco | 8353 |
Juaranco | 8353 |
Junin De Los Andes | 8371 |
Kilca Casa | 8345 |
La Angostura | 8407 |
La Angostura De Icalma | 8345 |
La Araucaria | 8401 |
La Arboleda | 8341 |
La Argentina | 8349 |
La Atalaya | 8371 |
La Buitrera | 8347 |
La Cienaga | 8353 |
La Cieneguita | 8353 |
La Constancia | 8401 |
La Estaca | 8401 |
La Felicidad | 8318 |
La Fortuna | 8370 |
La Fria | 8340 |
La Isabel | 8340 |
La Lipela | 8401 |
La Negra | 8375 |
La Ofelia | 8341 |
La Pampa | 8313 |
La Patagonia | 8340 |
La Patria | 8340 |
La Pereza | 8315 |
La Picasa | 8315 |
La Pintada | 8315 |
La Pochola | 8340 |
La Portena | 8347 |
La Primavera | 8353 |
La Rinconada | 8375 |
La Salada | 8353 |
La Susana | 8340 |
La Teresa | 8315 8340 |
Lago Lolog | 8370 |
Lagotera | 8345 |
Laguna Blanca | 8340 |
Laguna Colorada | 8318 |
Laguna Miranda | 8340 |
Laja | 8341 |
Lapa | 8341 |
Lapachal | 8341 |
Lara Rancul | 8347 |
Las Abejas | 8353 |
Las Bandurrias | 8370 |
Las Barditas | 8340 |
Las Coloradas | 8341 |
Las Cortaderas | 8340 8353 |
Las Lagunas | 8353 |
Las Lajas | 8347 |
Las Lajitas | 8347 |
Las Mercedes | 8373 |
Las Ovejas | 8353 |
Las Perlas | 8300 |
Las Saladas | 8353 |
Las Toscas | 8347 |
Las Tres Lagunas | 8347 |
Lascar | 8370 |
Leuto Caballo | 8353 |
Lileo | 8353 |
Limay Centro | 8313 |
Lincoco | 8353 |
Litran | 8345 |
Liu Cullin | 8347 |
Llamuco | 8347 |
Lolog | 8370 |
Loma De La Lata | 8300 |
Lonco Luan | 8345 |
Lonco Mula | 8345 |
Loncopue | 8349 |
Los Carrizos | 8353 |
Los Chihuidos | 8305 |
Los Chinitos | 8305 |
Los Cisnes | 8353 |
Los Entierros | 8353 |
Los Galpones | 8347 |
Los Jagueles | 8316 |
Los Menucos | 8363 |
Los Miches | 8353 |
Los Molles | 8353 |
Los Muchachos | 8340 |
Los Rodillos | 8341 |
Los Sauces | 8313 |
Los Tres Chorros | 8353 |
Lubeca | 8371 |
Luicoco | 8353 |
Machico | 8353 |
Malalco | 8341 |
Mallin Blanco | 8347 |
Mallin Chileno | 8347 |
Mallin De La Cueva | 8347 |
Mallin De Las Yeguas | 8375 |
Mallin De Mena | 8347 |
Mallin Del Rubio | 8347 |
Mallin Del Toro | 8349 |
Mallin Quemado | 8347 |
Mamul Malal | 8371 |
Mariano Moreno | 8357 |
Mayan Mahuida | 8353 |
Meliquina | 8370 |
Michi Molles | 8353 |
Milla | 8353 |
Millacheo | 8340 |
Mina Carrascosa | 8353 |
Mina Lileo | 8353 |
Mina Ostia | 8318 |
Minas Titan | 8318 |
Mulichinco | 8349 |
Nahuel Huapi | 8401 |
Nahuel Mape | 8371 |
Nahuel Pil | 8316 |
Nahueve | 8353 |
Nalay Cullin | 8349 |
Nau Nauco | 8351 |
Nereco Norte | 8353 |
Neuquen | 8300 |
Nireco | 8353 |
Nireco Sud | 8340 |
Nogueira | 8315 |
Norquin | 8349 |
Ojo De Agua | 8340 8341 |
Palau | 8353 |
Palitue | 8371 |
Pampa Collon Cura | 8375 |
Pampa De Lonco Luan | 8345 |
Pampa De Tril | 8353 |
Pampa Del Malleo | 8373 |
Pampa Del Salado | 8351 |
Pampa Ferreira | 8353 |
Pantanitos | 8313 |
Paso Aguerre | 8313 |
Paso Ancho | 8347 |
Paso Barda | 8353 |
Paso Cata Tun | 8341 |
Paso De Los Indios | 8318 |
Paso De San Ignacio | 8375 |
Patria | 8345 |
Pena Colorada | 8373 |
Pichalhue | 8351 |
Piche Ponon | 8347 |
Pichi Neuquen | 8351 |
Picun Leufu | 8313 |
Picun Leufu Centro | 8313 |
Piedra Caida | 8318 |
Piedra Del Aguila | 8315 |
Piedra Mala | 8371 |
Piedra Pintada | 8315 |
Piedras Bayas | 8347 |
Pilo Lil | 8373 |
Pimatue | 8351 |
Pino Hachado | 8347 |
Pino Solo | 8347 |
Planicie Banderita | 8301 |
Plaza Huincul | 8318 |
Plottier | 8316 |
Portada Covunco | 8340 |
Portezuelo Grande | 8300 |
Pozo Hualiches | 8347 |
Primeros Pinos | 8347 |
Pueblo Nuevo | 8322 |
Puente Picun Leufu | 8340 |
Puerto Anchorena | 8400 |
Puerto Manzano | 8407 |
Puesto Hernandez | 8319 |
Pulmari | 8345 |
Punta De Sierra | 8305 |
Quebrada Honda | 8347 |
Quempu Leufu | 3353 |
Quentrenquen | 8373 |
Quila Quina | 8370 |
Quila-Chanquil | 8345 |
Quila-Quehue | 8371 |
Quilca | 8345 |
Quili Malal | 8351 |
Quillen | 8341 |
Quilquihue | 8371 |
Quinenileu | 8315 |
Quinineliu | 8341 |
Quinquinmitreo | 8373 |
Quintuco | 8351 |
Quita Quina | 8370 |
Rahue | 8341 |
Ramichal | 8347 |
Ramon M. Castro | 8340 |
Ranqueles | 8349 |
Ranquilao | 8347 |
Ranquilco | 8349 |
Ranquilhuaco | 8315 |
Ranquilon | 8349 |
Renileo | 8353 |
Richoique | 8349 |
Rincon Chico | 8401 |
Rincon De Emilio | 8300 |
Rincon De Los Sauces | 8319 |
Rincon Grande | 8401 |
Rio Agrio | 8351 |
Rio Barrancas | 8353 |
Rio Correntoso | 8407 |
Ruca Chorroy Arriba | 8345 |
Ruca Mahuida | 8347 |
Ruca Malel | 8407 |
Sainuco | 8345 |
Salquico | 8347 |
San Bernardo | 8315 |
San Demetrio | 8347 |
San Eduardo | 8353 |
San Ignacio | 8375 |
San Jose | 8313 |
San Juan | 8341 8371 |
San Martin De Los Andes | 8370 |
San Patricio Del Chanar | 8305 |
Sanico | 8315 |
Santa Isabel | 8315 8349 8375 |
Santo Domingo | 8340 |
Santo Tomas | 8315 |
Senillosa | 8316 |
Standard | 8318 |
Taqui Mileu | 8340 |
Taquimilan | 8351 |
Taquimilan Abajo | 8353 |
Tequel Malal | 8401 |
Tilhue | 8353 |
Tipiliuke | 8373 |
Traful | 8403 |
Trahuncura | 8351 |
Tralatue | 8349 |
Tratayen | 8305 |
Trenque Lauquen | 8340 |
Tres Chorros | 8353 |
Tres Picos | 8371 |
Tres Piedras | 8340 |
Tres Pinos | 8318 |
Tricao Malal | 8353 |
Trili | 8353 |
Tromen | 8371 |
Trompul | 8370 |
Vaca Muerta | 8351 |
Varvarco | 8353 |
Vega Maipu | 8370 |
Villa Del Agrio | 8351 |
Villa El Chocon | 8311 |
Villa Gral. San Martin | 8318 |
Villa La Angostura | 8407 |
Villa Mallin | 8349 |
Villa Traful | 8403 |
Villi Mallin | 8349 |
Vilu Mallin | 8349 |
Vista Alegre Norte | 8309 |
Vista Alegre Sur | 8309 |
Zaina Yegua | 8315 |
Zapala | 8340 |
Zingone Y Cia. | 8375 |
Zulemita | 8375 |
There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Neuquen postal code - Neuquen zip code - Neuquen postcode that you can use for mailing in Neuquen.
Postal Code:
Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.
The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.
Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.
ZIP Code:
The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.
The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.
Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.
Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:
The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:
- Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
- The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
- The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
- The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
- The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.
Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.