Essential Rules for Essay Writing in English

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Essential Rules for Essay Writing in English

We all know that students have to write a great variety of essays in English. They all have different purposes, and so they may induce various kinds of obstacles. Besides, the huge diversity may confuse students, and they mess up the purposes. Many of them require the help of at least one essay writing company.

Professional writing services e.g. CustomWritings provides students with high-quality custom-written papers which meet the slightest demands of teachers and professors. They offer 24/7 essay help to be always close at hand when academic support is required. Yet, such services are not the only solution for students.

If you mess up the purposes of essays, you need to be very attentive and clarify the guidelines before you start to research and write. As for the general requirements, they are the same for every common essay type. Accordingly, you only need to memorize the tips and tricks that help you to cope with your tasks. Our informative guide provides 7 essential rules for essay writing in English.

Brush Up Your Grammar Regularly

One of the typical reasons why students lose many grades appointed for their essays is poor grammar. Even if you disclose the main question perfectly, grammar mistakes are always counted. They may steal a lot of crucial grades. That is why you need to polish your grammar knowledge regularly.

You are not obliged to try to pass all units in your practical textbook. Pass at least 1-3 units every day and do some exercises after you read the theory. Everything depends on your workload for a certain day and the complexity of grammar units.

Select Only Relevant Topics

Before you start to write an essay, you need to complete the preliminary stages. One of them is the selection of a topic. If you are not assigned a concrete topic by your teacher, you should select it on your own. This is when a problem commonly appears.

Not all students are able to select the “right” topic. It must be a relevant issue. It means you need to find a problem, which is currently interesting to the anticipated audience. Ideally, this should be a problem that has no solution or one that needs to be studied deeper. Carry out in-depth research to define a few “hot” topics. Research each to define if you have enough data and if you like that very topic. Be sure you’ll be able to provide an effective solution at the end of your essay.

Do Not Violate Your Deadlines

One of the most important rules of essay writing is to never violate deadlines. Every academic assignment must be submitted by a certain date. Otherwise, a student loses most or even all possible grades for his/her project.

That is why you ought to be fast enough to meet all deadlines. You should develop your time management skills all the time, practice them, learn new strategies, apply helpful apps, and so on. Besides, it is vital to create a flexible schedule to identify your goals and never miss any vital tasks. Your schedule should include:

Short- and long-term tasks;

Realistic deadlines and reminders;

Instructions on how every task should be done;

Tools that help to complete your tasks.

When you have a clear vision of what, how, and when must be done, you optimize all processes. You become disciplined and can assess the time you require to complete every task.

Apply Smart Learning Tools

The cleverest students always use special learning tools. They help to control many processes and fulfill many functions while you write an essay. For example, a grammar checker helps to detect grammar and spelling mistakes. A digital editor provides useful tips on how to boost the readability of your texts, etc. The most helpful and popular learning tools for students are as follows:

  • Grammar checkers
  • Plagiarism checkers
  • Editors
  • Citation generators
  • Topic generators
  • Digital organizers.

They are commonly free of charge.

Always Learn Something New

You need to turn into a constant learner. Education is on a constant move, and it creates new methods of learning quite fast. You need to be up-to-date and follow the latest news. Develop a habit of learning new materials regularly.

When it comes to writing essays in English, you surely need to learn new words from English vocabulary. Opt for various industries – business, literature, computer science, entertainment, sports, and so on. Enrich your active vocabulary in all possible fields to know the right lexicon because you will cover topics in various academic subjects. Try to learn 10-20 new words every day. To memorize them better, use them in your random essays as soon as you learn something new.

Practice a Lot

No theory is good enough if you cannot check it in practice. Accordingly, your daily routine is supposed to include various kinds of writing practices. They can be aimed at learning new facts about a certain academic field, as well as the developing various learning abilities:

  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Researching
  • Analyzing
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Citing, etc.

Get Rid of Distractions

The seventh essay writing rule is to stay away from all kinds of distractions. Many students undertake activities, which have little relation to their learning. Be honest with yourself and exclude the next activities:

  • Surfing social media
  • Playing video games
  • Watching movies
  • Handing on the phone, etc.

Use Professional Help at Least Sometimes

Although these rules are very effective, they are not always sufficient for learners. Sometimes the circumstances are stronger than students and this is when they need professional help. Skilled writers can be found on reliable writing platforms.

Professional writers easily match the highest standards of every high school, college, and university. They complete all assignment types fast and make them 100% authentic. You can count on help with:

  • Essay
  • Dissertation
  • Coursework
  • Book review
  • Speech, etc.

You can get essay writing help on your terms if you collaborate with a legit essay service. It surely sets quite cheap prices and ensures full customization of the orders. Specify your requirements and check the total cost. If it exceeds your budget, change your requirements until the cost is suitable for you.


If you have problems with writing your English essays, use the tips and tricks highlighted in our informative article. They are universal and so suit any essay type. In case they cannot help you at the moment, consider using one of the writing services available online. Their skilled essay writers will easily tackle all your learning issues to ensure the success of your academic project. Thus, you will never lose grades when you face a serious challenge.