Corse-Du-Sud Postcodes: France

Area Name Postcode
Afa 20167
Ajaccio 20000 20090 20162 CEDEX 1 20167 20174 CEDEX 1 20175 CEDEX 1 20176 CEDEX 1 20177 CEDEX 1 20178 CEDEX 1 20179 CEDEX 1 20180 CEDEX 1 20181 CEDEX 1 20182 CEDEX 1 20183 CEDEX 1 20184 CEDEX 1 20185 CEDEX 1 20186 CEDEX 2 20187 CEDEX 1 20188 CEDEX 1 20189 CEDEX 2 20191 CEDEX 1 20192 CEDEX 4 20193 CEDEX 1 20194 CEDEX 1 20195 CEDEX 1 20197 CEDEX 1 20198 CEDEX 1 20199 CEDEX 1 20302 CEDEX 1 20303 CEDEX 1 20304 CEDEX 1 20305 CEDEX 1 20306 CEDEX 1 20309 CEDEX 1 20311 CEDEX 1 20501 CEDEX 5 20502 CEDEX 5 20503 CEDEX 5 20504 CEDEX 5 20700 CEDEX 9 20701 CEDEX 9 20702 CEDEX 9 20703 CEDEX 9 20900 CEDEX 9
Alata 20167
Albitreccia 20128 20166
Altagene 20112
Ambiegna 20151
Appietto 20167
Arbellara 20110
Arbori 20160
Argiusta-Moriccio 20140
Arro 20151
Aullene 20116
Azilone-Ampaza 20190
Azzana 20121
Balogna 20160
Bastelica 20119
Bastelicaccia 20129
Belvedere-Campomoro 20110
Bilia 20100
Bocognano 20136
Bonifacio 20169
Calcatoggio 20111
Campo 20142
Cannelle 20151
Carbini 20170
Carbuccia 20133
Cardo-Torgia 20190
Cargese 20130
Cargiaca 20164
Casaglione 20111
Casalabriva 20140
Cauro 20117
Ciamannacce 20134
Coggia Maio 20118 20160
Cognocoli-Monticchi 20123 20166
Conca 20135
Corrano 20168
Coti-Chiavari 20138
Cozzano 20148
Cristinacce 20126
Cuttoli-Corticchiato 20167
Eccica-Suarella 20117
Evisa 20126
Figari 20114
Foce 20100
Forciolo 20190
Fozzano 20143
Frasseto 20157
Giuncheto 20100
Granace 20100
Grossa 20100
Grosseto-Prugna 20128 20166
Guagno 20160
Guarguale 20128
Guitera-Les-Bains 20153
Lecci 20137
Letia 20160
Levie 20170
Lopigna 20139
Loreto-Di-Tallano 20165
Marignana 20141
Mela 20112
Moca 20140
Monacia-D'aullene 20171
Murzo 20160
Ocana 20117
Olivese 20140
Olmeto 20113
Olmiccia 20112
Orto 20125
Osani 20147
Ota 20150
Palneca 20134
Partinello 20147
Pastricciola 20121
Peri 20167
Petreto 20140
Piana 20115
Pianottoli-Caldarello 20131
Pietrosella 20166
Pila-Canale 20123
Poggiolo 20125 20160
Porto 20150
Porto-Vecchio 20137 20537 CEDEX 20538 CEDEX
Propriano 20110
Quasquara 20142
Quenza 20122
Renno 20160
Rezza 20121
Rosazia 20121
Sainte-Lucie-De-Tallano 20112
Salice 20121
Sampolo 20134
San-Gavino-Di-Carbini 20170
Sant'andrea-D'orcino 20151
Santa-Maria 20143
Santa-Maria-Siche 20190
Sari-D'orcino 20151
Sari-Solenzara 20145
Sarrola 20167
Sartene 20100
Serra-Di-Ferro 20140
Serra-Di-Scopamene 20127
Serriera 20147
Soccia 20125
Sollacaro 20140
Sorbollano 20152
Sotta 20146
Tasso 20134
Tavaco 20167
Tavera 20163
Tolla 20117
Ucciani 20133
Urbalacone 20128
Valle-Di-Mezzana 20167
Vero 20172
Vico 20118 20160
Viggianello 20110
Villanova 20167
Zerubia 20116
Zevaco 20173
Zicavo 20132
Zigliara 20190
Zonza 20124 20144
Zoza 20112

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Corse-Du-Sud postal code - Corse-Du-Sud zip code - Corse-Du-Sud postcode that you can use for mailing in Corse-Du-Sud.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.