Ardeche Postcodes: France

Area Name Postcode
Accons 07160
Ailhon 07200
Aizac 07530
Ajoux 07000
Alba-La-Romaine 07400
Albon-D'ardeche 07190
Alboussiere 07440
Alissas 07210
Andance 07340
Annonay 07100 07101 CEDEX 07102 CEDEX 07103 CEDEX 07104 CEDEX 07105 CEDEX 07106 CEDEX 07107 CEDEX 07108 CEDEX 07109 CEDEX
Antraigues-Sur-Volane 07530
Arcens 07310
Ardoix 07290
Arlebosc 07410
Arras-Sur-Rhone 07370
Asperjoc 07600
Astet 07330
Aubenas 07200 07201 CEDEX 07202 CEDEX 07203 CEDEX 07204 CEDEX 07205 CEDEX 07206 CEDEX 07207 CEDEX 07208 CEDEX 07209 CEDEX
Aubignas 07400
Baix 07210
Balazuc 07120
Banne 07460
Barnas 07330
Beauchastel 07800
Beaulieu 07460
Beaumont 07110
Beauvene 07190
Berrias-Et-Casteljau 07460
Berzeme 07580
Bessas 07150
Bidon 07700
Boffres 07440
Bogy 07340
Boree 07310
Borne 07590
Boucieu-Le-Roi 07270
Boulieu-Les-Annonay 07100
Bourg-Saint-Andeol 07700
Bozas 07410
Brossainc 07340
Burzet 07450
Cellier-Du-Luc 07590
Chalencon 07240
Chambonas 07140
Champagne 07340
Champis 07440
Chandolas 07230
Chaneac 07310
Charmes-Sur-Rhone 07800
Charnas 07340
Chassiers 07110
Chateaubourg 07130
Chateauneuf-De-Vernoux 07240
Chauzon 07120
Chazeaux 07110
Cheminas 07300
Chirols 07380
Chomerac 07210
Colombier-Le-Cardinal 07430
Colombier-Le-Jeune 07270
Colombier-Le-Vieux 07410
Cornas 07130
Coucouron 07470
Coux 07000
Creysseilles 07000
Cros-De-Georand 07510 07630
Cruas 07350
Darbres 07170
Davezieux 07430
Desaignes 07570
Devesset 07320
Dompnac 07260
Dornas 07160
Duniere-Sur-Eyrieux 07360
Eclassan 07370
Empurany 07270
Etables 07300
Fabras 07380
Faugeres 07230
Felines 07340
Flaviac 07000
Fons 07200
Freyssenet 07000
Genestelle 07530
Gilhac-Et-Bruzac 07800
Gilhoc-Sur-Ormeze 07270
Gluiras 07190
Glun 07300
Gourdon 07000
Gras 07700
Gravieres 07140
Grospierres 07120
Guilherand-Granges 07500 07501 CEDEX 07502 CEDEX 07503 CEDEX 07504 CEDEX 07505 CEDEX 07506 CEDEX 07507 CEDEX 07508 CEDEX 07509 CEDEX
Intres 07310 07320
Issamoulenc 07190
Issanlas 07510 07660
Issarles 07470
Jaujac 07380
Jaunac 07160
Joannas 07110
Joyeuse 07260
Juvinas 07600
La Rochette 07310
La Souche 07380
La Voulte-Sur-Rhone 07800
Labastide-De-Virac 07150
Labastide-Sur-Besorgues 07600
Labatie-D'andaure 07570
Labeaume 07120
Labegude 07200
Lablachere 07230
Laboule 07110
Lachamp-Raphael 07530
Lachapelle-Graillouse 07470
Lachapelle-Sous-Aubenas 07200
Lachapelle-Sous-Chaneac 07310
Lafarre 07520
Lagorce 07150
Lalevade-D'ardeche 07380
Lalouvesc 07520
Lamastre 07270
Lanarce 07660
Lanas 07200
Largentiere 07110
Larnas 07220
Laurac-En-Vivarais 07110
Laval-D'aurelle 07590
Laveyrune 48250
Lavillatte 07660
Lavilledieu 07170
Laviolle 07530
Le Beage 07630
Le Chambon 07160
Le Cheylard 07160
Le Crestet 07270
Le Lac-D'issarles 07470
Le Plagnal 07590
Le Pouzin 07250
Le Roux 07560
Le Teil 07400 07401 CEDEX 07402 CEDEX 07403 CEDEX 07404 CEDEX 07405 CEDEX 07406 CEDEX 07407 CEDEX 07408 CEDEX 07409 CEDEX
Lemps 07300 07610
Lentilleres 07200
Les Assions 07140
Les Ollieres-Sur-Eyrieux 07360
Les Salelles 07140
Les Vans 07140
Lesperon 07660
Limony 07340
Loubaresse 07110
Lussas 07170
Lyas 07000
Malarce 07140
Malbosc 07140
Marcols-Les-Eaux 07190
Mariac 07160
Mars 07320
Mauves 07300
Mayres 07330
Mazan-L'abbaye 07510
Mercuer 07200
Meyras 07380
Meysse 07400
Mezilhac 07530
Mirabel 07170
Monestier 07690
Montpezat-Sous-Bauzon 07560
Montreal 07110
Montselgues 07140
Nonieres 07160
Nozieres 07270
Orgnac-L'aven 07150
Ozon 07370
Pailhares 07410
Payzac 07230
Peaugres 07340
Pereyres 07450
Peyraud 07340
Planzolles 07230
Plats 07300
Pont-De-Labeaume 07380
Pourcheres 07000
Prades 07380
Pradons 07120
Pranles 07000
Preaux 07290
Privas 07000 07001 CEDEX 07002 CEDEX 07003 CEDEX 07004 CEDEX 07005 CEDEX 07006 CEDEX 07007 CEDEX
Prunet 07110
Quintenas 07290
Ribes 07260
Rochecolombe 07200
Rochemaure 07400
Rochepaule 07320
Rocher 07110
Rochessauve 07210
Rocles 07110
Roiffieux 07100
Rompon 07250 07800
Rosieres 07260
Ruoms 07120
Sablieres 07260
Sagnes-Et-Goudoulet 07450
Saint-Agreve 07320
Saint-Alban-Auriolles 07120
Saint-Alban-D'ay 07790
Saint-Alban-En-Montagne 07590
Saint-Andeol-De-Berg 07170
Saint-Andeol-De-Fourchades 07160
Saint-Andeol-De-Vals 07600
Saint-Andre-De-Cruzieres 07460
Saint-Andre-En-Vivarais 07690
Saint-Andre-Lachamp 07230
Saint-Apollinaire-De-Rias 07240
Saint-Barthelemy-Grozon 07270
Saint-Barthelemy-Le-Meil 07160
Saint-Barthelemy-Le-Plain 07300
Saint-Basile 07270
Saint-Bauzile 07210
Saint-Christol 07160
Saint-Cierge-La-Serre 07800
Saint-Cierge-Sous-Le-Cheylard 07160
Saint-Cirgues-De-Prades 07380
Saint-Cirgues-En-Montagne 07510
Saint-Clair 07430
Saint-Clement 07310
Saint-Cyr 07430
Saint-Desirat 07340
Saint-Didier-Sous-Aubenas 07200
Saint-Etienne-De-Boulogne 07200
Saint-Etienne-De-Fontbellon 07200
Saint-Etienne-De-Lugdares 07590
Saint-Etienne-De-Serre 07190
Saint-Etienne-De-Valoux 07340
Saint-Felicien 07410
Saint-Fortunat-Sur-Eyrieux 07360
Saint-Genest-De-Beauzon 07230
Saint-Genest-Lachamp 07160 07190
Saint-Georges-Les-Bains 07800
Saint-Germain 07170
Saint-Gineis-En-Coiron 07580
Saint-Jacques-D'atticieux 07340
Saint-Jean-Chambre 07240
Saint-Jean-De-Muzols 07300
Saint-Jean-Le-Centenier 07580
Saint-Jean-Roure 07160
Saint-Jeure-D'andaure 07320
Saint-Jeure-D'ay 07290
Saint-Joseph-Des-Bancs 07530
Saint-Julien-Boutieres 07310
Saint-Julien-Du-Gua 07190
Saint-Julien-Du-Serre 07200
Saint-Julien-En-Saint-Alban 07000
Saint-Julien-Labrousse 07160
Saint-Julien-Le-Roux 07240
Saint-Julien-Vocance 07690
Saint-Just-D'ardeche 07700
Saint-Lager-Bressac 07210
Saint-Laurent-Du-Pape 07800
Saint-Laurent-Les-Bains 07590
Saint-Laurent-Sous-Coiron 07170
Saint-Marcel-D'ardeche 07700
Saint-Marcel-Les-Annonay 07100
Saint-Martial 07310
Saint-Martin-D'ardeche 07700
Saint-Martin-De-Valamas 07310
Saint-Martin-Sur-Lavezon 07400
Saint-Maurice-D'ardeche 07200
Saint-Maurice-D'ibie 07170
Saint-Maurice-En-Chalencon 07190
Saint-Melany 07260
Saint-Michel-D'aurance 07160
Saint-Michel-De-Boulogne 07200
Saint-Michel-De-Chabrillanoux 07360
Saint-Montan 07220
Saint-Paul-Le-Jeune 07460
Saint-Peray 07130 07131 CEDEX 07132 CEDEX 07133 CEDEX 07134 CEDEX 07135 CEDEX 07136 CEDEX 07137 CEDEX 07138 CEDEX 07139 CEDEX
Saint-Pierre-De-Colombier 07450
Saint-Pierre-La-Roche 07400
Saint-Pierre-Saint-Jean 07140
Saint-Pierre-Sur-Doux 07520
Saint-Pierreville 07190
Saint-Pons 07580
Saint-Priest 07000
Saint-Privat 07200
Saint-Prix 07270
Saint-Remeze 07700
Saint-Romain-D'ay 07290
Saint-Romain-De-Lerps 07130
Saint-Sauveur-De-Cruzieres 07460
Saint-Sauveur-De-Montagut 07190
Saint-Sernin 07200
Saint-Sylvestre 07440
Saint-Symphorien-De-Mahun 07290
Saint-Symphorien-Sous-Chomerac 07210
Saint-Thome 07220
Saint-Victor 07410
Saint-Vincent-De-Barres 07210
Saint-Vincent-De-Durfort 07360
Sainte-Eulalie 07510
Sainte-Marguerite-Lafigere 07140
Salavas 07150
Sampzon 07120
Sanilhac 07110
Sarras 07370
Satillieu 07290
Savas 07430
Sceautres 07400
Secheras 07610
Serrieres 07340
Silhac 07240
Soyons 07130
Talencieux 07340
Tauriers 07110
Thorrenc 07340
Thueyts 07330
Toulaud 07130
Tournon-Sur-Rhone 07300 07301 CEDEX 07302 CEDEX 07303 CEDEX 07304 CEDEX 07305 CEDEX 07306 CEDEX 07307 CEDEX 07308 CEDEX 07309 CEDEX
Ucel 07200
Usclades-Et-Rieutord 07510
Uzer 07110
Vagnas 07150
Valgorge 07110
Vallon-Pont-D'arc 07150
Vals-Les-Bains 07600
Valvigneres 07400
Vanosc 07690
Vaudevant 07410
Vernon 07260
Vernosc-Les-Annonay 07430
Vernoux-En-Vivarais 07240
Vesseaux 07200
Veyras 07000
Villeneuve-De-Berg 07170
Villevocance 07690
Vinezac 07110
Vinzieux 07340
Vion 07610
Viviers 07220
Vocance 07690
Vogue 07200

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Ardeche postal code - Ardeche zip code - Ardeche postcode that you can use for mailing in Ardeche.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.