Flandre-Orientale Post Codes: Belgium

Area Name Postcode
Aaigem 9420
Aalst 9300
Aalter 9880
Adegem 9991
Afsnee 9051
Appels 9200
Appelterre-Eichem 9400
Aspelare 9404
Asper 9890
Assenede 9960
Astene 9800
Baaigem 9890
Baardegem 9310
Baasrode 9200
Bachte-Maria-Leerne 9800
Balegem 9860
Bambrugge 9420
Bassevelde 9968
Bavegem 9520
Bazel 9150
Beerlegem 9630
Beervelde 9080
Bellem 9881
Belsele 9111
Berchem 9690
Berlare 9290
Bevere 9700
Beveren-Waas 9120
Boekhoute 9961
Borsbeke 9552
Bottelare 9820
Brakel 9660
Buggenhout 9255
Burst 9420
Daknam 9160
De Klinge 9170
De Pinte 9840
Deftinge 9570
Deinze 9800
Denderbelle 9280
Denderhoutem 9450
Denderleeuw 9470
Dendermonde 9200
Denderwindeke 9400
Destelbergen 9070
Desteldonk 9042
Deurle 9831
Dikkele 9630
Dikkelvenne 9890
Doel 9130
Drongen 9031
Edelare 9700
Eeklo 9900
Eine 9700
Eke 9810
Eksaarde 9160
Elene 9620
Elsegem 9790
Elst 9660
Elversele 9140
Ename 9700
Erembodegem 9320
Erondegem 9420
Erpe 9420
Erpe-Mere 9420
Ertvelde 9940
Erwetegem 9620
Etikhove 9680
Everbeek 9660
Evergem 9940
Gavere 9890
Gent 9000
Gentbrugge 9050
Geraardsbergen 9500
Gijzegem 9308
Gijzenzele 9860
Godveerdegem 9620
Goeferdinge 9500
Gontrode 9090
Gottem 9800
Grammene 9800
Grembergen 9200
Grimminge 9506
Grotenberge 9620
Haaltert 9450
Haasdonk 9120
Hamme 9220
Hansbeke 9850
Heldergem 9450
Hemelveerdegem 9571
Herdersem 9310
Herzele 9550
Heurne 9700
Heusden 9070
Hillegem 9550
Hofstade 9308
Horebeke 9667
Huise 9750
Hundelgem 9630
Iddergem 9472
Idegem 9506
Impe 9340
Kalken 9270
Kallo 9120 9130
Kaprijke 9970
Kemzeke 9190
Kerksken 9451
Kieldrecht 9130
Kluisbergen 9690
Kluizen 9940
Knesselare 9910
Kruibeke 9150
Kruisem 9770
Kruishoutem 9770
Kwaremont 9690
Laarne 9270
Landegem 9850
Landskouter 9860
Lebbeke 9280
Lede 9340
Ledeberg 9050
Leeuwergem 9620
Lembeke 9971
Lemberge 9820
Letterhoutem 9521
Leupegem 9700
Lieferinge 9400
Lierde 9570
Lievegem 9930
Lochristi 9080
Lokeren 9160
Lotenhulle 9880
Lovendegem 9920
Maarke-Kerkem 9680
Maarkedal 9680
Machelen 9870
Maldegem 9990
Mariakerke 9030
Massemen 9230
Mater 9700
Meerbeke 9402
Meerdonk 9170
Meigem 9800
Meilegem 9630
Melden 9700
Meldert 9310
Melle 9090
Melsele 9120
Melsen 9820
Mendonk 9042
Mere 9420
Merelbeke 9820
Merendree 9850
Mespelare 9200
Michelbeke 9660
Middelburg 9992
Moerbeke 9500
Moerbeke-Waas 9180
Moerzeke 9220
Moorsel 9310
Moortsele 9860
Moregem 9790
Mullem 9700
Munkzwalm 9630
Munte 9820
Nazareth 9810
Nederboelare 9500
Nederbrakel 9660
Nederename 9700
Nederhasselt 9400
Nederzwalm-Hermelgem 9636
Neigem 9403
Nevele 9850
Nieuwenhove 9506
Nieuwerkerken 9320
Nieuwkerken-Waas 9100
Ninove 9400
Nokere 9771
Nukerke 9681
Okegem 9400
Olsene 9870
Onkerzele 9500
Ooike 9700 9790
Oombergen 9520 9620
Oordegem 9340
Oostakker 9041
Oosteeklo 9968
Oosterzele 9860
Oostwinkel 9931
Opbrakel 9660
Opdorp 9255
Ophasselt 9500
Ottergem 9420
Oudegem 9200
Oudenaarde 9700
Outer 9406
Ouwegem 9750
Overboelare 9500
Overmere 9290
Parike 9661
Paulatem 9630
Petegem-Aan-De-Leie 9800
Petegem-Aan-De-Schelde 9790
Poeke 9880
Poesele 9850
Pollare 9401
Renaix 9600
Ressegem 9551
Roborst 9630
Ronsele 9932
Rozebeke 9630
Ruien 9690
Rupelmonde 9150
Schelderode 9820
Scheldewindeke 9860
Schellebelle 9260
Schendelbeke 9506
Schoonaarde 9200
Schorisse 9688
Semmerzake 9890
Serskamp 9260
Sinaai-Waas 9112
Sint-Amandsberg 9040
Sint-Antelinks 9550
Sint-Blasius-Boekel 9630
Sint-Denijs-Boekel 9630
Sint-Denijs-Westrem 9051
Sint-Gillis-Dendermonde 9200
Sint-Gillis-Waas 9170
Sint-Goriks-Oudenhove 9620
Sint-Jan-In-Eremo 9982
Sint-Kornelis-Horebeke 9667
Sint-Kruis-Winkel 9042
Sint-Laureins 9980
Sint-Lievens-Esse 9550
Sint-Lievens-Houtem 9520
Sint-Margriete 9981
Sint-Maria-Horebeke 9667
Sint-Maria-Latem 9630
Sint-Maria-Lierde 9570
Sint-Maria-Oudenhove 9620 9660
Sint-Martens-Latem 9830
Sint-Martens-Leerne 9800
Sint-Martens-Lierde 9572
Sint-Niklaas 9100
Sint-Pauwels 9170
Sleidinge 9940
Smeerebbe-Vloerzegem 9506
Smetlede 9340
Steendorp 9140
Steenhuize-Wijnhuize 9550
Stekene 9190
Strijpen 9620
Temse 9140
Tielrode 9140
Uitbergen 9290
Ursel 9910
Velzeke-Ruddershove 9620
Verrebroek 9130
Viane 9500
Vinderhoute 9921
Vinkt 9800
Vlekkem 9420
Vlierzele 9520
Volkegem 9700
Voorde 9400
Vosselare 9850
Vrasene 9120
Vurste 9890
Waarbeke 9506
Waarschoot 9950
Waasmunster 9250
Wachtebeke 9185
Wannegem-Lede 9772
Wanzele 9340
Waterland-Oudeman 9988
Watervliet 9988
Welden 9700
Welle 9473
Westrem 9230
Wetteren 9230
Wichelen 9260
Wieze 9280
Wondelgem 9032
Wontergem 9800
Wortegem 9790
Wortegem-Petegem 9790
Woubrechtegem 9550
Zaffelare 9080
Zandbergen 9506
Zarlardinge 9500
Zegelsem 9660
Zele 9240
Zelzate 9060
Zeveneken 9080
Zeveren 9800
Zevergem 9840
Zingem 9750
Zomergem 9930
Zonnegem 9520
Zottegem 9620
Zulte 9870
Zulzeke 9690
Zwalm 9630
Zwijnaarde 9052

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Flandre-Orientale postal code - Flandre-Orientale zip code - Flandre-Orientale postcode that you can use for mailing in Flandre-Orientale.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.