UPS Full Form

It is a voltage supply (battery) that acts as a backup for the most power provide. Once the most energy supply gets noncontinuous, UPS provides the desired energy and starts acting because the main power provides to electrical appliances in-home or workplace. You can see the full detail of UPS, full forms of UPS, and abbreviations of UPS in the table given below.

Full Form Category Term
Un-interrupted Power Supply Electrical Device UPS
Uninterruptible Power Supply Information Technology UPS
Uninterrupted Power Supply Computer and Networking UPS
Un-interruptable Power Supply Telecommunication UPS
Usually Pretty Slow Networking UPS
User Profile System Networking UPS
Ultra Perfect Service Networking UPS
Unintentional Packet Switch Networking UPS
Unit Power Supply Computer Technology UPS
Universal Power Supply Electronics UPS
Unilateral Phase System Electronics UPS
Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy Electronics UPS
Uniterruptible Power Supply Electronics UPS
Upright Perigee Stage Space Science UPS
Updates Per Second Measurement Unit UPS
Under-paid Slave Job Title UPS
Universal Port Serial Computer Hardware UPS
United Parcel Service Military and Defence UPS
Unusual Points Situation Military and Defence UPS