PHD Full Form

PhD is an educational degree. If a person completes Ph.D. degree then can be called a doctor. You can see all full forms of Ph.D., other detail of Ph.D., and abbreviations of PhD in the table given below.

Full Form Category Term
Doctor of Philosophy Educational Degree PHD
Philosophiae Doctor Educational Degree PHD
Polyhedra Database File Type PHD
PHAPHUND Indian Railway Station PHD
Press Here, Dummy Electronics PHD
Purveyor of Hyped Drivel Messaging PHD
Posts A Hundred Times Daily Messaging PHD
Pretty Heavy Dude Messaging PHD
Pretty Hokey Dialogue Messaging PHD
Pretty Handsome Darling Messaging PHD
Preparation H Distributor Messaging PHD
Propitous Homely Dude Messaging PHD
Perfect Hot Date Messaging PHD
Professional Hair Dresser Job Title PHD
New Philadelphia (oh) Airport Code PHD
Professional Help Desk Database Management PHD
Process Historian Database Database Management PHD
Portable Hard Drive Computer Hardware PHD
Permanent Head Damage Computer Hardware PHD
P-helicity Decoupling Scheme (p=momentum) Physics Related PHD
Paint Has Dried Real Estate PHD
Particularly Hard Dancing Sports PHD
Physical, Healthy, and Driven Sports PHD
Pure Hard Dance Sports PHD
Port Hueneme Division Military and Defence PHD