HTTP Full Form
HTTP is that the main net protocol behind the world wide internet. it's some predefined set of rules and strategies to determine and execute communication between 2 network terminals or devices. internet is viewed as a massive set of machine-readable text documents that area unit connected to every alternative with hyperlinks. thus communications protocol could be a mechanism to exchange machine-readable text documents. Tim Berners-Lee (inventor of HTML) and his team projected an initial model of communications protocol. Later net Engineering Task Force (IETF) and also the World Wide internet association (W3C) worked for the additional advancement of communications protocol. at first, solely GET methodology was wont to request a machine-readable text file. within the later development well-liked communications protocol requests like POST, PUT, DELETE, etc were outlined. You can see the full detail of the HTTP, full forms of the HTTP, and, full abbreviations of the HTTP in the table given below.
Full Form | Category | Term |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol | Web Technology | HTTP |
HyperText Transport Protocol | Computer and Networking | HTTP |