Lot-Et-Garonne Postcodes: France

Area Name Postcode
Agen 47000 47002 CEDEX 47003 CEDEX 47004 CEDEX 47005 CEDEX 47006 CEDEX 47007 CEDEX 47008 CEDEX 47013 CEDEX 9 47020 CEDEX 9 47023 CEDEX 9 47030 CEDEX 47031 CEDEX 47032 CEDEX 47039 CEDEX 47901 CEDEX 9 47909 CEDEX 9 47910 CEDEX 9 47911 CEDEX 9 47912 CEDEX 9 47913 CEDEX 9 47914 CEDEX 9 47915 CEDEX 9 47916 CEDEX 9 47917 CEDEX 9 47918 CEDEX 9 47920 CEDEX 9 47921 CEDEX 9 47922 CEDEX 9 47923 CEDEX 9 47924 CEDEX 9 47925 CEDEX 9 47929 CEDEX 47931 CEDEX 9
Agme 47350
Agnac 47800
Aiguillon 47190
Allemans-Du-Dropt 47800
Allez-Et-Cazeneuve 47110
Allons 47420
Ambrus 47160
Andiran 47170
Antagnac 47700
Anthe 47370
Anzex 47700
Argenton 47250
Armillac 47800
Astaffort 47220
Aubiac 47310
Auradou 47140
Auriac-Sur-Dropt 47120
Bajamont 47480
Baleyssagues 47120
Barbaste 47230
Bazens 47130
Beaugas 47290
Beaupuy 47200
Beauville 47470
Beauziac 47700
Bias 47300
Birac-Sur-Trec 47200
Blanquefort-Sur-Briolance 47500
Blaymont 47470
Boe 47550 47551 CEDEX 47552 CEDEX 47553 CEDEX 47555 CEDEX 47559 CEDEX
Bon-Encontre 47240
Boudy-De-Beauregard 47290
Bouglon 47250
Bourgougnague 47410
Bourlens 47370
Bournel 47210
Bourran 47320
Bousses 47420
Brax 47310
Bruch 47130
Brugnac 47260
Buzet-Sur-Baise 47160
Cahuzac 47330
Calignac 47600
Calonges 47430
Cambes 47350
Cancon 47290
Casseneuil 47440
Cassignas 47340
Castelculier 47240
Casteljaloux 47700
Castella 47340
Castelmoron-Sur-Lot 47260
Castelnau-Sur-Gupie 47180
Castelnaud-De-Gratecambe 47290
Castillonnes 47330
Caubeyres 47160
Caubon-Saint-Sauveur 47120
Caudecoste 47220
Caumont-Sur-Garonne 47430
Cauzac Le Vieux 47470
Cavarc 47330
Cazideroque 47370
Clairac 47320
Clermont-Dessous 47130
Clermont-Soubiran 47270
Cocumont 47250
Colayrac-Saint-Cirq 47450
Condezaygues 47500
Coulx 47260
Courbiac 47370
Cours 47360
Couthures-Sur-Garonne 47180
Cuq 47220
Cuzorn 47500
Damazan 47160
Dausse 47140
Devillac 47210
Dolmayrac 47110
Dondas 47470
Doudrac 47210
Douzains 47330
Durance 47420
Duras 47120
Engayrac 47470
Escassefort 47350
Esclottes 47120
Espiens 47600
Estillac 47310
Fals 47220
Fargues-Sur-Ourbise 47700
Fauguerolles 47400
Fauillet 47400
Ferrensac 47330
Feugarolles 47230
Fieux 47600
Fongrave 47260
Foulayronnes 47510
Fourques-Sur-Garonne 47200
Francescas 47600
Frechou 47600
Fregimont 47360
Frespech 47140
Fumel 47500 47501 CEDEX 47502 CEDEX
Galapian 47190
Gaujac 47200
Gavaudun 47150
Gontaud-De-Nogaret 47400
Granges-Sur-Lot 47260
Grateloup-Saint-Gayrand 47400
Grayssas 47270
Grezet-Cavagnan 47250
Guerin 47250
Hautefage-La-Tour 47340
Hauterive 47380
Hautesvignes 47400
Houeilles 47420
Jusix 47180
La Croix-Blanche 47340
La Reunion 47700
La Sauvetat-De-Saveres 47270
La Sauvetat-Du-Dropt 47800
La Sauvetat-Sur-Lede 47150
Labastide-Castel-Amouroux 47250
Labretonie 47350
Lacapelle-Biron 47150
Lacaussade 47150
Lacepede 47360
Lachapelle 47350
Lafitte-Sur-Lot 47320
Lafox 47240
Lagarrigue 47190
Lagruere 47400
Lagupie 47180
Lalandusse 47330
Lamontjoie 47310
Lannes 47170
Laparade 47260
Laperche 47800
Laplume 47310
Laroque-Timbaut 47340
Lasserre 47600
Laugnac 47360
Laussou 47150
Lauzun 47410
Lavardac 47230
Lavergne 47800
Layrac 47390
Le Mas-D'agenais 47430
Le Passage 47520
Le Temple-Sur-Lot 47110
Ledat 47300
Levignac-De-Guyenne 47120
Leyritz-Moncassin 47700
Longueville 47200
Loubes-Bernac 47120
Lougratte 47290
Lusignan-Petit 47360
Madaillan 47360
Marcellus 47200
Marmande 47200 47201 CEDEX 47202 CEDEX 47203 CEDEX 47204 CEDEX 47205 CEDEX 47207 CEDEX 47208 CEDEX 47209 CEDEX 47211 CEDEX 47213 CEDEX
Marmont-Pachas 47220
Masquieres 47370
Massels 47140
Massoules 47140
Mauvezin-Sur-Gupie 47200
Mazieres-Naresse 47210
Meilhan-Sur-Garonne 47180
Mezin 47170
Miramont-De-Guyenne 47800
Moirax 47310
Monbahus 47290
Monbalen 47340
Moncaut 47310
Monclar 47380
Moncrabeau 47600
Monflanquin 47150
Mongaillard 47230
Monheurt 47160
Monsegur 47150
Monsempron 47500
Montagnac-Sur-Auvignon 47600
Montagnac-Sur-Lede 47150
Montastruc 47380
Montauriol 47330
Montaut 47210
Montayral 47500
Montesquieu 47130
Monteton 47120
Montignac-De-Lauzun 47800
Montignac-Toupinerie 47350
Montpezat 47360
Montpouillan 47200
Monviel 47290
Moulinet 47290
Moustier 47800
Nerac 47600
Nicole 47190
Nomdieu 47600
Pailloles 47440
Pardaillan 47120
Parranquet 47210
Paulhiac 47150
Penne-D'agenais 47140
Peyriere 47350
Pinderes 47700
Pompiey 47230
Pompogne 47420
Pont-Du-Casse 47480
Port-Sainte-Marie 47130
Poudenas 47170
Poussignac 47700
Prayssas 47360
Puch-D'agenais 47160
Pujols 47300
Puymiclan 47350
Puymirol 47270
Puysserampion 47800
Rayet 47210
Razimet 47160
Reaup-Lisse 47170
Rives 47210
Romestaing 47250
Roquefort 47310
Roumagne 47800
Ruffiac 47700
Saint-Antoine-De-Ficalba 47340
Saint-Astier 47120
Saint-Aubin 47150
Saint-Avit 47350
Saint-Barthelemy-D'agenais 47350
Saint-Caprais-De-Lerm 47270
Saint-Colomb-De-Lauzun 47410
Saint-Etienne-De-Fougeres 47380
Saint-Etienne-De-Villereal 47210
Saint-Eutrope-De-Born 47210
Saint-Front-Sur-Lemance 47500
Saint-Georges 47370
Saint-Geraud 47120
Saint-Hilaire-De-Lusignan 47450
Saint-Jean-De-Duras 47120
Saint-Jean-De-Thurac 47270
Saint-Laurent 47130
Saint-Leger 47160
Saint-Leon 47160
Saint-Martin-Curton 47700
Saint-Martin-De-Beauville 47270
Saint-Martin-De-Villereal 47210
Saint-Martin-Petit 47180
Saint-Maurice-De-Lestapel 47290
Saint-Maurin 47270
Saint-Nicolas-De-La-Balerme 47220
Saint-Pardoux-Du-Breuil 47200
Saint-Pardoux-Isaac 47800
Saint-Pastour 47290
Saint-Pe-Saint-Simon 47170
Saint-Pierre-De-Buzet 47160
Saint-Pierre-De-Clairac 47270
Saint-Pierre-Sur-Dropt 47120
Saint-Quentin-Du-Dropt 47330
Saint-Robert 47340
Saint-Romain-Le-Noble 47270
Saint-Salvy 47360
Saint-Sardos 47360
Saint-Sauveur-De-Meilhan 47180
Saint-Sernin 47120
Saint-Sixte 47220
Saint-Sylvestre-Sur-Lot 47140
Saint-Urcisse 47270
Saint-Vincent-De-Lamontjoie 47310
Saint-Vite 47500
Sainte-Bazeille 47180
Sainte-Colombe-De-Duras 47120
Sainte-Colombe-De-Villeneuve 47300
Sainte-Colombe-En-Bruilhois 47310
Sainte-Gemme-Martaillac 47250
Sainte-Livrade-Sur-Lot 47110
Sainte-Marthe 47430
Sainte-Maure-De-Peyriac 47170
Salles 47150
Samazan 47250
Saumejan 47420
Saumont 47600
Sauvagnas 47340
Sauveterre-La-Lemance 47500
Sauveterre-Saint-Denis 47220
Savignac-De-Duras 47120
Savignac-Sur-Leyze 47150
Segalas 47410
Sembas 47360
Senestis 47430
Serignac-Peboudou 47410
Serignac-Sur-Garonne 47310
Seyches 47350
Sos 47170
Soumensac 47120
Taillebourg 47200
Tayrac 47270
Thezac 47370
Thouars-Sur-Garonne 47230
Tombeboeuf 47380
Tonneins 47400
Tourliac 47210
Tournon-D'agenais 47370
Tourtres 47380
Tremons 47140
Trentels 47140
Vares 47400
Verteuil-D'agenais 47260
Vianne 47230
Villebramar 47380
Villefranche-Du-Queyran 47160
Villeneuve-De-Duras 47120
Villeneuve-Sur-Lot 47300 47301 CEDEX 47302 CEDEX 47303 CEDEX 47304 CEDEX 47305 CEDEX 47307 CEDEX 47308 CEDEX 47309 CEDEX
Villereal 47210
Villeton 47400
Virazeil 47200
Xaintrailles 47230

There is a small line of difference between the zip code and the postal code. However, both are used to direct and filter mails and to determine the time and cost of mail delivery. In addition, these codes are also useful for collecting demographic information. Here we have given you all Lot-Et-Garonne postal code - Lot-Et-Garonne zip code - Lot-Et-Garonne postcode that you can use for mailing in Lot-Et-Garonne.

Postal Code:

Postal code can be defined as a coding system used by many countries around the world to facilitate automatic mail filtering. It is a series of numbers, or combinations of numbers and letters, that help mail departments and courier companies identify the exact location and location, where the email should be delivered or dropped.

The postal code indicates the width of the shipping area, which means that there is a single postal code, for different delivery areas, coming under the same area. For this purpose, there is a local distribution of postal code and therefore connected to a specific local area, however, the composition and functionality vary from one nation to another.

Therefore, postal codes can include country, region, municipality, roads, military, etc.

ZIP Code:

The name Zip Code is an acronym for the Zone Improvement Plan, launched by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963.

The Zip Code is widely used to identify the exact place where parcels, packages and letters should be delivered, by dividing the regions into simple groups of locations, which speeds up the mail delivery process as mail sorting becomes easier. These geographical groups may contain various addresses, businesses, geographic features, etc.

Previously, it was a five-digit number, changed to a 9-digit number, to better identify the location, where the mail should be delivered.

Differences Between Zip Code and Postal Code:

The differences between zip code and postal code are discussed in the following points:

  1. Zip Code means a postal code, which is used in several countries with a postal address to specify a mailing address. On the other hand, the postal code indicates the code used in the postal address, which helps to filter emails for the purpose of delivering them to their destination.
  2. The Zip Code was introduced by the United States Postal Services (USPS) in 1963, and in 1959 the postal code was introduced.
  3. The Zip Code is widely used in the United States and the Philippines. In contrast, the Postal Code is used in some countries.
  4. The Zip code aims to separate regions to facilitate mail filtering, identifying the area where the email is directed. In contrast, the Postal Code is used for the purpose of identifying and identifying a location, planning a route, and collecting personal information.
  5. The zip code contains only numbers, and the postal code contains numbers or combinations of numbers and letters, and sometimes punctuation marks are also encoded with numbers and letters.


Many countries around the world use codes either postal code or zip code or any other similar code, by whatever name it is called, at the postal address. This often makes moving and delivery of mail easier, faster and more efficient, which not only saves the delivery time and efforts and prevents confusion, when two locations are known by the same name, city or town.