What is Democracy? Four Pillars of Democracy
Posted: 26-09-2020

The word democracy comes from the Greek words "demos", meaning people, and "Kratos" meaning power; so we can say democracy could be thought of as "power of the people".
Democracy can be related to how people govern the rule. You might also have already learned about the most common definition of democracy “The government of the people, by the people and for the people” (Abraham Lincoln). Today it is practiced in different countries in many different ways.
Democracy is called the guideline of flip through of the people. In order for it to constitute the people, a democracy should establish and uphold the guidelines with the aid of using which we live. In a democracy, residents make the legal guidelines both directly, and thru the representatives that they have got elected.
In a democracy, people are informed about the laws that have been passed. They are also treated equally, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or age. In a democracy, people participate in the application of the law. People accused of a crime are brought forth to a group of their fellow citizens who are known as a jury. The jury judges whether they are innocent or guilty.
But Also the Fact is that not all societies are governed by a democracy. In fact, democracy was not one of the first types of government to be created. It was a very long process by which we came to have rule by the people.
Although it depends upon the Society how their rulers and public wants to be treated or chosen to be treated by powerful peoples.
Four Pillars of Democracy
So the principal definition of democracy is “the rule of the people”, this order has to symbolize human beings and their primary needs. It has to set up positive guidelines and comply with them. The democratic society could make legal guidelines without delay or with the assist of elected representatives. If the consultant fails to preserve up with human beings’ wishes, they have got proper to pick a specific one subsequent time.
There are four main pillars of democracy. That ensures the freedoms and rights of people who live in a democratic society. These Four Pillars of Democracy are defined in different terms in different Societies.
1. Legislative Assembly
The first and foremost Pillar of Democracy is Legislative. The legislative pillar basically is responsible for making laws that will govern a state. These laws are either formed directly by people or through representatives elected by people. Which focuses on the needs of those who undergo various offenses and exhausting those who knowingly caused harm to society. It states Law should be implemented in society, and it is the responsibility of the democratic government to make sure that every person has equal access to these rights, regardless of their social background, race, or gender is preserved equally and fairly, as the law assumes to be implemented.
2. Executive or Government
The second however maximum effective organ of the authorities is the Executive. It is that organ that implements the legal guidelines surpassed via way of means of the legislature and the regulations of the authorities. The upward push of welfare nation has surprisingly improved the features of the territory and in fact of the govt. In not unusual place utilization human beings have a tendency to perceive the government with the authorities. In current times, there has taken area a massive boom with inside the power and position of the government in each kingdom.
This pillar of democracy is liable for imposing the legal guidelines shaped via way of means of Legislative segment, and problem orders for his or her right implementation. The executive segment is chosen on the premise of election gadgets, extinguish appliance or benefit appliance, or a combination of the above.
3. Judiciary
This Pillar of Democracy is Judiciary. It is also a very important pillar of democracy and it keeps a check on laws (given by legislative) and orders (issued by the executive) and ensures that these laws and orders do not curtail the fundamental rights of citizens of a country. Judiciary is responsible for interpreting those laws and regulations to the public which are mentioned by the Legislative and executive. The Judicial branch is responsible for resolving the disputes of citizens before courts, in accordance with the laws established by the state, and is exercised by the courts.
4. Press and Media
The fourth Pillar of Democracy is the Press/Newspaper, This pillar of democracy ensures that all people living in far-off areas of the country are aware of what's happening in the rest part of it. It ensures transparency in the working of all the above three systems.
The media is Responsible for delivering true news to the general public/ It is the responsibility of the press/Newspaper to spread the news in every area of the country which is coming from the above three pillars of democracy.